Harriet Beecher Stowe's: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe's: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe's: Uncle Tom's Cabin
American Literature I
Introduction to Harriet Beecher Stowe
Before the Civil War and After: History of the
Slaves in the U.S.
Summary of the Novel
Themes and Motifs in the Novel
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Chained together by their hands and feet, the slaves had little room to
move. It has been estimated that only about ½ of the slaves taken from
Africa became effective workers in America, while a large number of
them died on the journey from diseases such as smallpox and dysentery.
Many of the slaves become crippled for life as a consequence of the
way they were chained up on the ship.
By the 17th century slaves could be purchased in Africa for about $25.
After the slave-trade was declared illegal, prices went much higher.
Even with a death-rate of 50 per cent, merchants could still make
tremendous profit.
History of Racism in America (2)
America was a former colonial plantation society,
characterized by immigration, forced or voluntary.
Ex: Slavery and foreign labor & Indians banished to
European immigrants protected their interests,
forcing exclusion of Blacks Ex: Radicalized
discrimination on the Blacks in the most
disadvantaged sections of the society & the
segregation in 1960s.
February 1861
-The South formed a Government.
February 1861
-The South Seized Federal Forts.
April 1861
-Attack on Fort Sumter.
July 1861
-First Battle of Bull Run.
-General McDowell Is Replaced
Brief Time Line of the Civil War
In January, Lincoln took Action.
In April, The Battle of Shiloh broke out
In August, Pope's Campaign.
January 1863
-Lincoln issued the Emancipation
Proclamation, which freed all slaves in
the Confederate States of America.
Brief Time Line of the Civil War
March—The First Conscription Act
June-July—The Gettysburg Campaign.
November—The Battle of Chattanooga
May—Grant's Wilderness Campaign.
July—Confederate Troops Approach Washington,
In November, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected.
Brief Time Line of the Civil War
January 1865
-The Fall of the Confederacy
April 1865
-Surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.
April 1865
-The Assassination of President Lincoln
After the War
Eva’s Death
Early feminism
Strength of the one oppressed
group in helping to lessen the
oppression of the other
– “But stronger than all was maternal
love [ . . .] and string the sines like steel,
so that the weak become so mighty”
(793-794 B1677).
The traits of the idealized
womanhood include strong, brave
and capable
Christ Figures
Sacrificial death linked to Christ’s
– Eg. Eva’s death
– Tom’s death
The narrator depicts Tom as someone
carrying his cross behind Jesus.
Tom’s death leads to Emmeline and
Cassy’s escape and the freedom of all
slaves on the Shelby farm. Eva’s leads to St.
Clare’s deathbed conversion and Ophelia’s
recognition of her own prejudice towards
the Blacks.
The Supernatural
Slave Ships
Small, Stephen. Racialised Barriers. London: Routledge,
Newman, Gerald and Eleanor Newman Layfield. Racism:
Divided by Color. Springfield: Enslow Publishers Inc, 1995.
Summary of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.