Zener Diode
Zener Diode
Zener Diode
• A Zener diode is a special type of device designed to operate in the Zener breakdown
region. Zener diodes acts like normal p-n junction diodes under forward biased condition.
When forward biased voltage is applied to the Zener diode it allows large amount of
electric current and blocks only a small amount of electric current.
• Zener diode is heavily doped than the normal p-n junction diode. Hence, it has very thin
depletion region. Therefore, Zener diodes allow more electric current than the normal p-n
junction diodes.
• Zener diode allows electric current in forward direction like a normal diode but also allows
electric current in the reverse direction if the applied reverse voltage is greater than the
Zener voltage. Zener diode is always connected in reverse direction because it is
specifically designed to work in reverse direction.
The free electrons moving at high speed will collides with the atoms and
knock off more electrons. These electrons are again accelerated and
collide with other atoms. Because of this continuous collision with the
atoms, a large number of free electrons are generated. As a result,
electric current in the diode increases rapidly. This sudden increase in
electric current may permanently destroys the normal diode. However,
avalanche diodes may not be destroyed because they are carefully
designed to operate in avalanche breakdown region. Avalanche
breakdown occurs in Zener diodes with Zener voltage (Vz) greater than
Zener breakdown
The zener breakdown occurs in heavily doped p-n junction diodes
because of their narrow depletion region. When reverse biased voltage
applied to the diode is increased, the narrow depletion region generates
strong electric field.