Level 2 Standardize & Sustain

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Standardize and sustain 3S

Level II

• Standardize 3S
• The Concept of prevention
• Sustain 3S
4th Pillar Standardize 3S

 It is the method you use to maintain

the first three pillars of 5S.

 Standardize means to set up rules for
Sort, Set-in-order and Shine Activities
 It is all about:
“Make up the rules and follow them!”
Benefits from standardize
1. Lead to workplace standardization
• Prevent set backs in the first 3 pillars.
• Make implementing the first 3 pillars a
daily habit.
• Ensure that the first 3 pillars are
maintained in their fully implemented
2. Lead to work standardization
• Muda elimination
• Cost, delivery time & Quality
Problems that occur when we don’t
implement standardization well
• Conditions go back to their previous &
undesirable conditions.
• At the end of the day, piles of unneeded items
are left from the day's production and lie
scattered around the production equipment.
• Tool storage sites become disorganized
• Workers to start accumulating more supplies
than they need.
How to Implement Standardization
The three steps to making Sort, Set in Order and
Shine activities a habit are:
• Step 1: Decide who is responsible for which
activities with regard to maintaining 3S
• Step 2: To prevent backsliding, integrate 3S
maintenance duties in to regular work
• Step 3: Check on how well 3S conditions are
being maintained.
Step 1:Assign 3S Responsibilities
• Everyone must know exactly what they are responsible
for doing and exactly when, where and how to do it.
• If people are not given clear 3S job assignments based
on their own workplaces, the Sort, Set in Order, and
Shine activities will not have much meaning
Tools for assigning 3S responsibilities include:
• 5S Maps
• 5S schedules
• 5S job cycle charts: lists the 5S jobs to be done in each
area, and set frequency cycle for each job
2. Integrate 3S Duties into Regular Work Duties
• Three pillar maintenance duties only when
Seeing three pillar conditions slipping, then
the five pillar implementation has not yet
taken root.
• Maintenance must become a natural part of
everyone’s regular work duties.
• Two approaches are used for this:-
Visual 5S and
Five-Minute 5S
Visual 5S
• This approach makes the level of five pillar
conditions obvious at a glance particularly in
factories that handle a great variety and
number of materials.
• The main point of Visual 5S is that anyone
should be able to distinguish between
abnormal and normal conditions at a glance.
Five-Minute 5S
• The term "Five-Minute 5S" is a loose one-the
actual time can be three minutes, six minutes,
or whatever is appropriate.
• The point is to make the five pillar work brief,
efficient, and habitual.
• Example: Daily five-minute shine activity rule
3. Check on 3S Maintenance Level
• After we have assigned the three pillar jobs
and have incorporated the three pillar
maintenance into the everyday work routine,
we need to evaluate how well the three pillars
are being maintained. For this, we can use a
Standardization-level Checklist .
The Concept of Prevention
• When we find that tools have not been put
back correctly, we immediately take care of
them. When we find an oil puddle on the
floor, we immediately mop it up.
Making these actions habit is the foundation of
However, when the same problems keep on
happening over and over again, it is time to
take the concept of Standardize to the next
level: prevention.
• To take standardization to a higher level, we must ask "why?"
• Why do unneeded items accumulate (despite Sort
• Why do tools get put back incorrectly (despite Set in order
• Why do floors get dirty (despite Shine procedures)?
• When we ask "why" repeatedly, we eventually find the
source of the problem and can address that source with a
fundamental improvement. Such improvements can help us
develop Unbreakable standardization, which means:
 Unbreakable sorting
 Unbreakable setting in order
 -Unbreakable setting shining

Unbreakable Sorting

Unbreakable +

= Unbreakable Set in order
Unbreakable Shining
Prevent unneeded items from Accumulating
(Preventive Sort Procedures)
• The Red-Tag Strategy described sorting out
unneeded items. This strategy is a visual
control method that enables anyone to see at
a glance which items are no longer needed.
• This Strategy is an after-the-fact approach that
deals with unneeded items that have
accumulated. No matter how often we
implement this strategy, unneeded items will
accumulate in the interim.
• Nowadays, smart companies are shifting from this type
of "after the-fact" sorting to preventive sorting.
• Preventive sorting means that instead of waiting until
unneeded items accumulate; we find ways to prevent
their accumulation.
• We could also call this approach "unbreakable' sorting
because once sort procedures have been implemented,
having only needed items in the workplace becomes an
"unbreakable" condition.
• To achieve unbreakable sorting we must prevent
unneeded items from even entering the workplace.
Prevent Things from Having to Be Put Back
(Preventive Set in Order Procedures)
• Means keeping set in order procedure from
breaking down.
• To achieve this, we must somehow prevent
the inefficiency that results from the lack of
orderly control of any specific item.
How we achieve unbreakable setting in order:-
• The 5 Whys and 1How (5W1H) Approach
-Ask "why" at least five times to get to the root
of the problem. When we do find the
underlying cause, we ask "how"
• Once we identify this, the question is how to
achieve unbreakable setting in order by
making it impossible to return them to the
wrong place.
• Three techniques for doing this are: -
 Suspension
 Incorporation
 Use elimination

• In the Suspension technique, tools are literally

suspended from above, just within reach of
the user.
• When the operator finishes using the tool, he
merely releases it and it automatically returns
to its proper storage place.
• Incorporation means creating a flow of goods
or operations in a factory process in which:
• Jigs, tools, and measuring instruments are
smoothly integrated into the process and such
devices are stored where they are used and
therefore do not have to be returned after
Use Elimination
• A set in order approach that eliminates the
use of a particular jig, tool or measuring
instrument is in fact unbreakable setting in
There are three techniques for eliminating the
use of certain tools:
Tool unification
Tool substitution
Method substitution
Tool unification
• Tool unification means combining the
functions of two or more tools into a single
Tool substitution
• Tool substitution means using something
other than a tool to serve the tool's function,
thereby eliminating the tool.
For example: it is sometimes possible to replace
wrench-turned bolt with hand-turned
butterfly-grip bolts, thereby eliminating the
need for a wrench.
Method substitution
• If we substitute ordinary wrench-turned bolts
with hand-turned butterfly-grip bolts, we have
eliminated the wrench, but we have not
eliminated the method (bolt fastening).Bolt
fastening is just one way to fasten things.
Fastening pins, clamps and cylinders can also
be used for this purpose.
• We may find we can improve efficiency even
more by replacing one method with another.
This is "method substitution."
Prevent Things from Getting Dirty (Preventive Shine

• Preventives shine Procedures will prevent

things from getting dirty.
• To minimize the drudgery of cleaning up, the
key is to treat contamination problems at their
• The 5Why approach can be applied In figure
out why dirt is being generated, and how this
problem can be fixed.
5th Pillar Sustain

Means making a habit of properly

maintaining correct procedures.

Problems that occur when Sustain is not

• Unneeded items begin piling up as soon as sorting is

• No matter how well Set in Order is planned and implemented,
tools and jigs do not get returned to their designated place
after use.
• No matter how dirty equipment becomes, little or nothing is
done to clean it.
• Items are left protruding into walkways, causing people to
trip and get injured.
• Dirty machines start to malfunction and produce defective
• Dark, dirty, disorganized workplaces lower workers' morale.
Why Sustain Is Important?
• Makes your workplace more pleasant to work in
• Makes your job more satisfying
• Makes communication with your coworkers
• Makes your work more efficient and of better
quality, which will hopefully lead to reward of
your efforts by your company.
How to implement

Let’s sustain the gains !

The Questions Is
“How to Sustain ?

Conditions that help to sustain
• Awareness: You and your coworkers need to understand what the
five pillars are and how important it is to sustain them.
• Time: You need to have or make enough time in your work schedule
to perform 5S implementation.
• Structure: You need to have a structure for how and when 5S
activities will be implemented.
• Support: You need to have a support for your efforts from
management in terms of acknowledgement, leadership, and
• Rewards and Recognition: Your efforts need to be rewarded.
• Satisfaction and Excitement: The implementation of the five pillars
needs to be fun and satisfying for you and the company. This
excitement and satisfaction gets communicated from person to
person, allowing 5S implementation to build as it involves more
The Role of Management to Sustain
create conditions that help sustain 5S activities.
• educating workers about 5S concepts, tools, and techniques.
• creating team for implementation.
• allowing time for implementation and creating schedules for
this work.
• Providing resources for 5S implementation. such as supplies.
• acknowledging and supporting 5S efforts
• creating both tangible and intangible rewards for 5S efforts
• promoting ongoing 5S efforts
• encouraging creative involvement by all workers, listening to
their ideas, and acting on them.
• implementing the fifth pillar in their own work to improving
the quality and efficiency of their own work, to teach by being
example and demonstrate the company's commitment to 5S
Workers’ Role to Sustain
creating the conditions that Sustain 5S activities.
• continuing to learn more about 5S implementation.
• helping to educate your coworkers about the 5S.
• being eager about 5S implementation.
• helping to promote 5S implementation efforts.
• taking the initiative to figure out ways to implement
the five pillars in your work on a daily basis.
• asking your supervisor or manager for the support or
resources you need to implement the five pillars.
• participating fully in company 5S implementation
• bringing to your supervisor or manager your creative
ideas for promoting or implementing the five pillars.
Some techniques to sustain
 Patrollingsystem
 5S Slogan & 5S posters
 Awarding systems
 5S audit
 5S newsletter and kaizen board
 Big cleaning day
 5S photo exhibits & storyboards
 5S maps
 5S pocket manuals
 5S month
 Department/Benchmarking tour
Implementing Sustain Techniques
1. Patrolling
a. Top management Patrol
 Check Up the activities Comprehensively
 Give emphasis on sustaining of the activity
 consider committees feedback

1. Patrolling Cont…

Making a round tour

of workplace

1. Patrolling Cont…

b. 5S Audit Committee members and

Promotion office Patrol
 Evaluate using “5S Check List”
 Record problems on”5S check findings”
 Tack picture of 5S problems

c. Mutual patrol
 Check mutually among 5S groups

1. Patrolling Cont…

d. Self patrol
 5S leader and members check the results of activity
by themselves.
e. Checklist patrol
 Point out the problems by themselves at site as well
as evaluate the results and encourage members to urge
f. Camera patrol
 Visibly highlight the problems and progress of the
activity using photographs.

2. Use Slogan and Poster of 5S Activity
• 5S Slogans can be displayed on buttons, stickers, flags, or posters.
• It encourages all the participants.

<Samples of slogan>
“Refresh yourself and workplaces by 5S activity.”

“Let's maintain current 5S activity and KAIZEN for


“We polish “Our Minds” as well us our factories.”

<Sample of poster>
Posters serve to remind everyone of the importance of the five pillars, or to
communicate the results or status of 5S activities.
3. Awarding System
• awarding for 5S promotion results according to
evaluation is recommended.
Awards may be
- For Good performance
- Award for efforts
- Award for good Ideas

Prize winner - Group

- Individual

• Develop 5S evaluation criteria, guidelines and
• Develop schemes on measuring impact of audit;
Scoring point and achievement level.
• Develop guidelines to aid in effective
standardization of improvement projects.
• Schedule audit activities.
• Submit audit summary every month to the Top
Twelve Focal Points 5S Auditors Should
• Do the Top and Middle managers support 5S program?
• Are people proud of their workplaces?
• Are workplaces clean and organized?
• Are workplaces safe for people to work in?
• Are machines and equipment clean and well maintained?
• Are items easy to retrieve?
• Are machines and tools conveniently located?
• Are inventories stored for FIFO retrieval?
• Are products free from dust?
• Do people clean daily without prompting?
• Are the uniforms worn by people clean and tidy?
• Is a good image of the enterprise reflected in its people?
Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for
Here is an Here is an Here is an
SEIRI SEITON SEITON SEISO Excellent Example Excellent Example Excellent Example

of 5S Practice of 5S Practice of 5S Practice

Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for


Here is an Here is an Here is an

Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Excellent Example Excellent Example Excellent Example

SEIRI SEITON SEITON SEISO of 5S Practice of 5S Practice of 5S Practice

Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for

SEIRI SEITON SEITON SEISO Here is an Here is an Here is an

Excellent Example Excellent Example Excellent Example

of 5S Practice of 5S Practice of 5S Practice

Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for Here is a need for


5. 5S Newsletters
• 55 Newsletters are in-house news bulletins on
5S conditions and activities.

• 5S Newsletters are most effective when issued

on a regular basis, once or twice a month and
at staff meetings.
6. Big Cleaning Day
• It is a cleaning that carried out from two to
four hours by the organization.
Example: Before national holidays
7. 5S Photo Exhibits and Storyboards
• “a picture is worth a thousand words“ .

• Photo Exhibits and Story boards show the

before and after of 5S implementation
8. 5S Months
• Companies should designate two, three, or
four months every year as "5S Months.”
During these months, various activities such
as 5S seminars, field trips, and contests can be
carried out to promote 5S implementation in
the company.
9. 55 Maps

• 5S Maps can also be used to get employees

involved in five pillar improvement on an
ongoing basis.

• 5S improvement Maps should be hung in a

central location with suggestion cards
attached so anyone can suggest
10. 5S Pocket Manuals
• A 5S Pocket Manual can be created that
contains five pillar definitions and
descriptions, and is small enough to fit into
the pocket of work clothes.

• Shop floor workers, supervisors, and

managers can all use SS Pocket Manuals for
easy reference to the 5S essentials.
11. 55 Department Tours

• When one department in a company has

implemented the five pillars successfully, it
can serve as a model area for other
departments to come visit. Since "seeing is
believing," this technique is extremely
effective for promoting 5S implementation
throughout a company.

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