Mother Is The Beginning of All Beginnings
Mother Is The Beginning of All Beginnings
Mother Is The Beginning of All Beginnings
Barbu Ana, Topal Cristian, Munteanu Mihai, Sirbulet Alexandra,
Mursa Cristian, Scafaru Vlada
◦ Grigore Vieru was a
Moldovan poet and writer. He
is mostly known for his poems
and books for children. His
poetry is characterized by
vivid natural scenery,
patriotism, as well as a
venerated image of the
sacred mother.
◦ His mother was a source of
inspiration throughout poet's
life. He describes her as “ the
beginning of all beginnings.”
◦ Every child, every son sees in his mother a
divine creature, without sin, strong like a
rock in the stormy sea. However, at the
same time, mother is a gentle spirit, a fairy
which descend from the realm of fairy
tales to be with us.
◦ Love for woman in the broader sense of
the word means to Grigore Vieru the love
for mother. The Mother expressing
maternity is the great symbol and great
theme of Vieru’s poems. She is the symbol
of the shelter, warmth, love, faith and
support that accompany the poet
throughout his entire life.
◦ These lyrics show that his mother didn’t
give up even if her husband has died.
◦ “my mother her whole life She struggled to survive those
hailstorms which mean sorrow, pain
lived without a man and grief which she endured by herself,
we were alone in the house without asking for help.