Mother Is The Beginning of All Beginnings

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Barbu Ana, Topal Cristian, Munteanu Mihai, Sirbulet Alexandra,
Mursa Cristian, Scafaru Vlada
◦ Grigore Vieru was a
Moldovan poet and writer. He
is mostly known for his poems
and books for children. His
poetry is characterized by
vivid natural scenery,
patriotism, as well as a
venerated image of the
sacred mother.
◦ His mother was a source of
inspiration throughout poet's
life. He describes her as “ the
beginning of all beginnings.”
◦ Every child, every son sees in his mother a
divine creature, without sin, strong like a
rock in the stormy sea. However, at the
same time, mother is a gentle spirit, a fairy
which descend from the realm of fairy
tales to be with us.
◦ Love for woman in the broader sense of
the word means to Grigore Vieru the love
for mother. The Mother expressing
maternity is the great symbol and great
theme of Vieru’s poems. She is the symbol
of the shelter, warmth, love, faith and
support that accompany the poet
throughout his entire life.
◦ These lyrics show that his mother didn’t
give up even if her husband has died.
◦ “my mother her whole life She struggled to survive those
hailstorms which mean sorrow, pain
lived without a man and grief which she endured by herself,
we were alone in the house without asking for help.

while hailstorms were knocking” ◦ Through poetry, Grigore Vieru

apologizes himself for not being by her
side when needed, to share her sorrow
and her happiness.
The poet recalls his mother in such simple terms that it can be translated in any other

◦ Făptura mamei ◦ Mother `s creature

Uşoară, maică, uşoară, Easy, mother, easy,
C-ai putea să mergi călcând You would go trampling
Pe seminţele ce zboară On the seeds flying
Între ceruri şi pământ. Between the sky and the ground.
În priviri c-un fel de teamă, In your eyes with little fear,
Fericită totuşi eşti – You are however happy –
Iarba ştie cum te cheamă, The grass know you by name,
Steaua ştie ce gândeşti. The stars know your thoughts.
◦ Buzele mamei ◦ Mother’s Lips
Iar buzele tale sunt, mamă, Mother, your lips
O rană tăcută mereu, Are always like a silent wound

Mereu presurată cu ţărna Forever sprinkled

With my father’s grave soil
Mormântului tatălui meu.
Oh, the lips that
O, buzele ce sărutară
Kissed father’s grave
Al tatei mormânt
More than himself,
Mai mult ca pre dânsul,
My father,
Pre tata-n
During his few years on the earth.
Puţinii lui ani pre pământ. Now, when you could not
Acuma când nu te poţi, mama, Bend because of the salt
De sarea din şale pleca, In your loins,
Cine ridică mormântul Who would raise the grave
Spre gura uscată a ta?! To your dry lips?!
Love for Father
◦ Having to live without a father Dad comes out the balcony
from the age of 10 he didn’t And calls me out: "Mai, Ion?“
compose a lot about him if to Surely I did something wrong
compare with his mother. If he called me like that?
However Grigore Vieru had a If I wouldn’t do anything,
special relationship with his
He would call me: "Mai,Ionica!"
father and this can be felt
through the few poems he
wrote about him. He included
the memories from his
childhood and made a short
well known poem for children.
Dad, I do not know why In joy or sorrow
They didn’t put you in songs You keep safe your kids
Like they did to mom Even mother is like a baby for you,
Which gave us birth And you protect her from anything bad.
We are your wealth
You love us as much as she does
And you do not need anything else,
And you age as her,
You don’t tell us long talks, but instead
There are a lots of bad things in life
You're putting your hand on our head
But If you cry because of them, you hide And there is no better talk
You may take a glass, Then they way you keep silent,
But you do not forget to kiss us, But we still know you love us,
Father. Father.
Love for children
◦ Perhaps the immeasurable pain of the
child Vieru, but also the concern that it
would no longer be lived by children
who, having the advantage of being
born later, did not know the drama of
hunger and war, the Artist approached
children through poetry, to show them
the beauty of the world, their native
plate, the sweetness of peace that
must be tasted with the fullness of the
feeling that it is the greatest gift that
people can do to themselves.

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