Marpol Anex. 5 - Elaboracion
Marpol Anex. 5 - Elaboracion
Marpol Anex. 5 - Elaboracion
Regulation 1 DEFINITIONS
Regulation 2 - Application
Regulation 3 - Exceptions
Garbage means all kinds of food wastes, domestic wastes
and operational wastes, all plastics, cargo residues,
incinerator ashes, cooking oil, fishing gear, and animal
carcasses generated during the normal operation of the ship
and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically
except those substances which are defined or listed in other
Baseline from which the territorial sea is established in
accordance with international law
Means the remnants of any cargo which are not covered by
other Annexes and which remain on the deck or in holds
(cabina de carga) following loading or unloading
Annex V:Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
Regulation 1 DEFINITIONS
Sea area where for recognized technical reasons in relation to its
oceanographical and ecological condition and to the particular
character of its traffic the adoption of special mandatory methods for the
prevention of sea pollution oil is required
Regulation 7 – Exceptions
(1) For safety of a ship and those on board or saving life at sea
(b) The escape of garbage resulting from damage to a ship or its equipment
provided all reasonable precautions have been taken before
(c) The accidental loss of fishing gear from a ship, provided that all
reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent such loss
(d) The discharge of fishing gear (aparejos) from a ship for the protection
of the marine environment or for the safety of that ship or its crew.
1 Discharge of the following garbage into the sea outside special areas shall
only be permitted while the ship is en route and as far as practicable from the
nearest land, but in any case not less than:
(3) 12 nautical miles from the nearest land (en route) for
cargo residues that cannot be recovered using commonly
available methods for unloading. (descargar)
(5.1) the disposal into the sea of any garbage is prohibited from fixed or floating
platforms and from all other ships when alongside or within 500 m of such
(4.2) The disposal into the sea of food wastes may be permitted when they
have been passed through a comminuter or grinder from such fixed or
floating platforms located more than 12 nautical miles from land and all
other ships when alongside or within 500 m of such platforms.
(6.1) Discharge of the following garbage into the sea within special areas shall
only be permitted while ship is en route as follows:
2.2 Both port (departure and destination) are within the special
area and the ship will not transit outside the special area between
those ports
> 12 nm, en route and as far as > 12 nm, en route and as far as
Cargo residues5,6contained in practicable practicable (subject to Discharge prohibited
wash water conditions inregulation6.1.2 and
para of part II-A of Polar
Cleaning agents and > 12 nm, en route and as far as
additives6contained in cargo hold Discharge permitted practicable (subject to Discharge prohibited
wash water conditions inregulation6.1.2 and
para of part II-A of Polar
Cleaning agents and additives6in
deck and external surfaces wash Discharge permitted
(1) (a) Every ship of 12 m or more in length overall shall display placards
which notify the crew and passengers of the disposal requirements
of regulations 3 – 6 of this Annex, as applicable.
Refer to the Guidelines for the development of garbage management plans; see
IMO sales publication IA656E
(2) Every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, and every ship which is certified to
carry 15 persons or more, shall carry a garbage management plan which the crew shall
Garbage collection should be based on consideration of what is permitted and what is not permitted to
be discharged into the sea while en route, and whether a garbage type can be discharged to port facilities
for re-cycling or reuse.
Orange (CAT F)
Paints / Chemical drums Orange (CAT F)
Orange (CAT C)
Medical waste (excluding plastic)/expired
Orange (CAT C)
Light bulbs/tubes Orange (CAT C)
E waste - such as electronic cards, gadgets,
Violet (CAT I)
equipment, computer, printer cartridges etc.
Garbage processing: compaction, incineration, grinding or comminuting. Once the garbage has been
processed it shall be returned to the storage area and placed in the dedicated long term storage
Garbage processing: compaction, incineration, grinding or comminuting. Once the garbage has been
processed it shall be returned to the storage area and placed in the dedicated long term storage containers.
Further MARPOL Annex VI prohibits the incineration of: 1. MARPOL Annex I, II, & II cargo residues, 2. Polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), 3. Garbage containing more than traces of heavy metals, 4. Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds,
5. Sewage sludge and sludge oil either of which is not generated onboard, 6. Polyvinylchloride (PVCs) except by incinerators
issued IMO Type Approval Certificates, 7. Exhaust gas cleaning system residues.
Plastics, Batteries, medical waste, Aerosol cans, fluorescent tubes, chemical waste, computer
hardware and old paint must not be incinerated (even when the incinerator is designed to burn
plastics) and are to be landed ashore.
Reduction at source
Reuse or recycling
Onboard process (treatment)
Discharge into the sea in those limited situations where it is permitted; and
Discharge to port reception facility
Refer to the Guidelines for the development of garbage management plans; see
IMO sales publication IA656E
Each completed page of the Garbage Record Book shall be signed by the master of the ship.
(b) the entry for each incineration or discharge shall include date and time, position of
the ship, description of the garbage and the estimated amount incinerated or
(c) shall be kept on board the ship and in such a place as to be available for inspection, shall
be preserved for a period of two years after the last entry is made on the record;
(d) in the event of discharge, escape or accidental loss referred to in regulation 6 of this
Annex an entry shall be made in the Garbage Record Book of the circumstances of, and the
reasons for, the loss.