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Name of Project :
Design of Water Distribution System

Name of Guide:
Prof. R. P. Thanedar
Group Members :

1. Girme Shwetali Dhananjay (15151007)

2. Gurav Aarti Ramkrushna (16251004)
3. Halder Manisha Nikhil (16251003)
4. Kharmale Bhakti Bhagwat (15151048)
5. Nimbalkar Pallavi Rajendra (15151039)
Introduction :
The ‘AMRUT’ scheme launched by central Govt. has
considered 43 cities for urban transformation.
Ahmednagar city is one of those 43 cities. The up
gradation of water distribution system is one of the
consideration of AMRUT scheme.
The WDS of Ahmednagar city presently covers
almost 100% area including the slump. As the WDS of
Ahmednagar is pretty old and they were failing to fulfill
current need of water demand of the city.
Therefore our group aspire to redesign a WDS for a
particular area of Ahmednagar city accounting the
future requirements.
Objectives :
• To study existing water distribution system.
• To implement the objectives of AMRUT scheme
under water supply system.
• To design to convert intermittent water supply
into continuous.
• To achieve economy as well as reduce water
losses through design.
• To suggest solution to existing WDS for future
Limitation & Scope :
• Limitation of project will be that for design
purpose part of Kedgaon, Ahmednagar area
will be considered due to time bound.
• Scope of this project is that through this
design an optimum solution will be provided
to existing problems of WDS of Ahmednagar
city giving one step ahead towards smart city.

Main Source Break Vilad

Pumping Pressure Tank Gravity
(Mula Dam) (WTP)

Vasant Tekadi Pumping
Network Treated Water
(400 kms)

Existing Water Supply System

Site Selection:
Selected Area:
Population Calculation:
• Present Population:
The population of 2013 is 8992.

• Forecasted Population:
By Using Incremental Increase method the
population of 2023 is 10339.
Discharge Calculation:
• As per IS 1172-1993 (Reaffirmed 2002)
“code of basic requirements for water supply,
drainage and sanitation.”
The rate of water supply for domestic use is 135
lpcd. So for population 10339, the quantity of
water to be supplied is:

10339*135=1395765 lit.
Work Proposed In Subsequent Phase:
• Type of distribution system to be provided.
• Design and Detailing of pipes and connections.

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