TOR For Detailed Design - JMADA Dhanbad PDF

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Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA

Project Code: 31807

Design Consulting Scope


Dhanbad is the second most populated city in the Indian state of Jharkhand. Dhanbad along with its
adjacent urban areas ranks 42nd in population amongst other cities in India. Giridih and Bokaro bound
the district on the west on the north by Giridih and Dumka and on the east and south by Purulia district
of West Bengal. It is situated in the state of Jharkhand and lies between 23°37'3" N and 24°4' N latitude
and between 86°6'30" E and 86°50' E longitude.

1.1. Geography

Dhanbad has an average elevation of 227 m (745 ft). Its geographical length (extending from north to
south) is 15 miles (24 km) and the breadth (stretching across east to West) is 10 miles (16 km).
Dhanbad comes under the Chota Nagpur Plateau.

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

1.2. Population
According to the 2011 census Dhanbad district has a population of 26,84,487 as given below:

Table 1 Populations covered in Rural & Urban.

Sr No. Description Rural Urban

1 Population (%) 41.87 % 58.13 %
2 Total Population 1,124,093 1,560,394
3 Male Population 581,956 824,000
4 Female Population 542,137 736,394

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope


Content: -

Brief About Objective of Project

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

2.0 Project Objective

The Jharkhand State Mineral Development Corporation has invited bids for renovation work of selected
projects under JMADA Dhanbad water supply scheme in Jharkhand.. The scope of work under this EPC
contract is briefly explained below:

2.1. Scope of Work (Original Contract-JMC)

The scope of work under the present EPC contract includes:

The scope of work under the present EPC contract includes:

• Implementation of rural piped potable water supply scheme pertaining to Dhanbad district,
Jharkhand as per project requirements together with the provision of project facilities in
conformity with the specifications provided in the contract.
• Operation & Maintenance of the implemented water supply scheme in accordance and in
conformity with the requirements set forth in the contract.
• Performance and fulfillment of all other obligations of the Contractor in accordance with the
provisions of the contract and matters incidental thereto or necessary for the performance of
any or all of the obligations of the Contractor under this contract.
• Envisaged Tentative Project Deliverables During Design Stage:

I. Design of Detailed Scheme Report (DSR)

a) Field investigation along with total station survey

b) Soil investigation

c) Hydraulic and Structural designs for:

• Head works
• Pumping mains
• Water Treatment Plant
• Electro mechanical components
• Power station, transmission line from high voltage grid
• Water flow meters at Jack well & WTP
• Staff quarters and administrative building
• Other related civil works along with water quality test report
d) Preparation of detailed report on environmental management plan

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

e) Submission of plan on Procurement of materials

f) Submission of plan for Quality control

g) Preparation of drawings for:

• Base maps
• L-Sections& General Arrangement Drawing
• Structural drawings for head works and WTP, MBT, Jack well, Intake well, settling tank,
Aerator, Rapid gravity Filter, Pure Water Sump, Intermediate sump, Electromechanical
h) Land, crossings and permissions:

• Area of land required for Jack Well, Pumping main and WTP and electric sub station
• Number of crossing such as National Highway/ Railway /River Crossing / State Highway
• Permission required from competent authority for crossings and for water drawl from the
i) Preparation of detailed estimates for:

• Head works
• Pumping mains
• Water Treatment Plant
• Electro mechanical works
• Power station, transmission lines from the nearest high voltage grid point approvals, and
further connections
• Water flow meters
• Civil structures
• Pure Water Rising Mains, Pumping Machine,
• Master Balancing Tanks/Zonal Balancing Tanks
• Pure water Gravity Mains up to village from OHT’s/Cisterns
j) Detailed Technical Specifications

k) Time schedule for each components

l) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

m) Checklist for successful commissioning

n) Staffing and Administration plan

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

2.2. Scope of Work (JMC & Consultant)

The scope of work is elaborated in following table:

Package ID Detail Description Responsibility

Package-1 Identification 1) Identification and Finalization of JMC
and Finalization Alignment.
of Alignment. 2) Identification and Finalization of
ESR/MBR/WTP/Sump locations
Package- Topo survey for 1) Conducting topography survey JMC
2(i) rising mains along the finalized rising mains
(10km) and (RWRM and CWRM), Gravity mains
gravity mains (Distribution mains) and
(380km) ESR/GSR/MBR locations.
2) Intervals: 25m,
3) ROW : a) Rising mains: 10m,
b) Distribution Mains: 5m
4) Installation of DGPS control points
Package- Topo survey for at every 3 km and TBM at every
2(ii) existing rising 250m.
mains (20km) 5) Identification and allocation of
and gravity Permanent Bench Marks at every
mains (250km) proposed structures i.e., Intake
Well, WTP, 1 ESR, 11 UGR’s.
6) Conducting cross section survey
near the nalla / river crossings for a
length of 250m from either side of
7) Submission of data in .kmz, .cad,
.dxf formats.
8) Identification of existing network
laid in the projected area.

Package- Digitization 1) Entire project area.

Bathymetry 1) Determination of location with JMC
Survey Lowest Water Level of the area
near the proposed intake.
2) Bathymetry survey of the proposed
Source to Intake Well location.
Geotechnical 1) Conducting Geotechnical
Investigation investigation for the intake
structure, MBR, all units of WTP,
major road / river / nalla / railway
crossings (if any), Booster stations,
Package-3 1 ESR & 11 UGR’s

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

2) Preparation of investigation report

and foundation recommendation
as per the T.O.R shared.
Package-3 Raw Water 1) Testing of Raw Water Samples for JMC
(ii) Quality Testing identification of different
parameters like:
 Iron content,
 Turbidity,
 TSS,
 pH,
 Chlorine,
 Fluoride etc. as per the
latest BIS.
a) Approach 1) Preparation of GAD and Structural Design
Road (6km) From design and drawings for Approach Consultant
Intake to nearest Bridge and road from Intake well to
Elevated nearest elevated locations.
Location.  Approval of GAD and
b) Approach Structural design from
Bridge- 60m Govt. College of
length Engineering and Client/
Civil Structure concerned departments.
Intake Well- Civil 1) Identification of H.F.L of the
Structure associated area.
2) Preparation of G.A.D including
Hydraulic Design of Intake Well.
 Approval of Hydraulic
calculation and GAD from
Govt. College of
Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.
3) Preparation of Structural Design of
Intake Well.
 Approval of Structural
Design from Govt. College
of Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.
Water 1) Preparation of layout and hydraulic
Treatment Plant flow diagram along with the
- Civil Structure Hydraulic calculations involved.
1. 43.5MLD  Approval from Govt.
2. 3MLD Engineering College and
3. 3MLD Client/ concerned
4. 3MLD departments.
5. 8MLD

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

2) Preparation of GADs for Individual

units of WTP along with the BOQ of
each unit.
 Approval of Hydraulic
calculation and GAD from
Govt. College of
Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.
3) Preparation of Structural design
and drawings along with BoQ for
Individual units of WTP.
 Approval of Structural
Design from Govt. College
of Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.

Elevated Storage 1) Preparation of GAD for all Design

Reservoirs- 1 ESRs/UGRs along with BOQ. Consultant
Nos.(700 kL) &  Approval of GAD from
11 Nos. UGRs: Govt. College of
Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.
2) Preparation of Structural Design for
all ESRs/UGRs along with BOQ.
 Approval of Structural
Design from Govt. College
of Engineering and Client/
concerned departments.
Capacities are :
1. 7 Lakh litres (02 Nos.),
2. 7 Lakh litres (02 Nos.),
3. 2.5 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
4. 63 Lakh Litres (01 Nos.)
5. 7 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
6. 5 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
7. 7.5 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
8. 8 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
9. 4 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
10. 4.75 Lakh litres (01 Nos.),
11. 1.75 Lakh litres (01 Nos.)
Miscellaneous  Design of various
Civil Structures miscellaneous civil
structures required:
 Thrust Blocks,
 Valve Chambers (Scour and

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

 Arrangement of Air Valve

 Zero Velocity Valves
chamber details.
 Boundary wall for ESRs,
 Typical Guard room details
for all ESRs,
 Retaining Wall details (if
 Area development
drawings along with BOQ,
 Typical details for road
 Typical details of Nallah
 GAD of valves / specials
including specification as
per the contract
 Staff Quarters- 5 Nos.
Surge protection 1) Finalization of surge protection Design Consultant
and rising mains system.
and gravity 2) Preparation of rising mains and
mains design. gravity mains surge calculations.
3) Approval from the Govt. College
and Client/ concerned
departments for the surge

Raw Water 1) Preparation and approval of L-

Rising Mains and Section for Raw Water Rising Main
Clear Water and Clear Water Rising Main from
Rising Mains. WTP to all ESRs/GSRs along with
BOQ specifying all the entities
involved like:
 Thrust Blocks/ Valve
 Valve Details,
 Pipe Line length- dia. wise.
2) Preparation and approval of L-
section for Distribution network,
for pipe dia. more than 300mm (if
Gravity Mains 1) Preparation and approval of
Distribution network drawings and
strip plans for all zones along with

Dhanbad Water Supply Scheme Project, JMADA
Project Code: 31807
Design Consulting Scope

BOQ specifying all the entities

involved like:
 Thrust Blocks/ Valve
 Valve Details,
 Pipe Line length- dia. wise.

Package-5 SCADA for 1) Preparation and approval of

Operation and detailed plan and schematic
Maintenance drawing for enabling the entire
system for SCADA along with the
BOQ as per the contract
Package-6 MEP 1) Finalization of the tapping
substation location and getting the
approval respective electricity
2) Ground survey for the transmission
3) Calculation of the loss calculations.
4) Layout design and construction
drawings for the Substation at the
finalized location to supply
electricity to WTP.
5) SLD preparation.
6) Layout and cable routing for the
entire unit.
7) All miscellaneous electrical works
like lighting, staff quarter lighting
8) Providing technical details for all
the pumps.
9) P&I Diagram for WTP.
10) Preparation and approval of all the
submittals from the Govt. College
and Client/ concerned

2.3. Deliverables
Consultant need to provide list of deliverables along with proposal. The deliverables shall be in line with
tender requirement.


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