Gyroscopic Stabilization of Unstable Vehicles

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An UDP Project Presentation on

Gyroscopic Stabilization of Unstable

Presented by,
Parth Patel (130140119061)
Parth Shah (130140119060)
Tejas chaudhari (130140119105)

College Group No.: 5

GTU group ID: 64177
Internal Guide: Ratnesh T. Parmar
HOD: A. J.Sheth

Laid in,
Government Engineering College, Bharuch (under GTU)
What is Gyroscope?
As shown in figure, Gyroscope is a device consisting of a wheel, rotor, or disc
mounted on shaft so that it can spin rapidly about a spin axis which is free to alter

If a torque is applied to the spin axis, the orientation of the axis is unaffected by
tilting of the mounting, according to the law of angular momentum conservation.

Gyroscopes can be used to provide stability or maintain directions in navigation systems,
automatic pilot planes, and stabilizers. 2
Yaw, Pitch and Roll effect
 Pitch is the up/down rotation of a vessel about its lateral/Y (side-to-side) axis.
 Roll is the tilting rotation of a vessel about its longitudinal/X (front-back) axis.
 Yaw is the turning rotation of a vessel about its vertical/Z (turning left-right) axis.

What is precession?

Precession is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating

body. In other words, if the axis of rotation of a body is itself rotating about a
second axis, that body is said to be precessing about the second axis.

Precision follows the right hand thumb rule.

Our Project


 What is our project and what we are tenting to do?

 What we have changed, in prior model?

 How we apply law of precession in our project?

 How we get a feasible solution?

 Which are our components?

 What about advantages?

Brief About Gyroscopic Stability
 Modern use of gyroscopes for stability and actuation is mostly limited to
aerospace, although oceangoing ships also utilize the technology. Even
within aerospace, gyroscopic stabilization is further limited mostly to
spacecraft and satellites, which use the gyroscopic forces for attitude
adjustment and pointing maneuvers. Very little has been done to port the
technology to earth-bound uses in road vehicles.

 Vehicles with only two wheels do not have enough points of contact to
stabilize themselves, so they require a stabilizing mechanism.

 Not have enough points of contact to stabilize themselves.
 Require a stabilizing mechanism.
 Cart majorly dependent on CG
 hardly to configure the exact CG
A Prior Concept A New Concept
As gyroscopes are used in stabilizers, Causing a rotating flywheel to precess
we can use it in in-line road vehicle in about an axis which is perpendicular to
order to stable it vertical upside. the flywheel axis of rotation will generate
The basic concept of using gyroscopes a counter-torque orthogonal to both the
is to maintain a two-wheeled vehicle rotational & precession axis.
upright by using flywheel to generate
counter-torque is known as precession.

Why Two Gyroscopes?
 Two gyroscopes (CMGs) mounted to the vehicle frame rotates in opposite direction to
each other, precess in opposite directions.

 This counter-torque is integrative, but their yaw effects on the vehicle cancel each
other. Hence, it gives more stability compared to one CMG.

What is CMGs?

CMG Control Moment Gyroscope

 A flywheel is included in a first and
second gyroscope coupled to the
vehicle frame, rotates in opposite
direction to each other. The counter-
rotating flywheels are precised in
opposite directions.

 The precision is done with the help of

gimble motor, according to right hand
thumb rule. This whole assembly is
called Control Moment Gyroscopes
Different methods we tried for feasible
 There are some methods by which we tried to make our cart up-stand.
Here, these methods are mentioned in list as following:

1. PID (Proportional Integral Derivative)

2. DS (Dynamic Surface)

3. L293D Arduino compatible with Accelerometer

4. 4 bar (crank-rocker) with PWM controller

P.I.D And D.S Controller Method
 We can implement these controllers to stabilize a two-wheel gyro-cart.

 The PID controller is usually only applied to linearized systems while the DS
controller can be directly used to non-linear systems.

 However, we found it more complicated and more time consuming, we did

not use it as our controller.
L293D Arduino Compatible with
 Here we try to use Arduino with L293D motor driver and Accelerometer,.

 Here accelerometer sense the tilt angle of cart with reference to initial zero
position and give feedback signal to arduino.

 According to feedback signal arduino give pulse output to motor driver L293D to
actuate a gimbal motor and neutralise the position of CMG to initial refrence point.

 This is very precise method for Gyroscopic stability.

 However, One of the major disadvantages of using accelerometer individually is

that the device is sensitive to vibration since vibration contains lot of acceleration

Arduino Controller and Gyro module

Arduino Controller Gyro Module

 We also try to use two separate gimble motor for tilting the CMGs with the
help of timing belt and pulley system.

 However, for stabilisation of cart, same tilt angle of CMG in opposite

direction require but due to Synchronisation problem,so it is not feasible to

Four bar (Crank-Rocker) with PWM
 In crank-rocker mechanisms the rocker oscillates between two limiting angles
(In general, the crank is the input and rocker is the output).

 So, Due to limiting span of angle, we can rectify previous problems.

 To get same tilt angle at particular time, we used axel which consist of C type
section at 180° to each other.

 So we can get same tilt angle and move CMGs symmetrically in opposite
direction with the help of four bar mechanism.

 This is axel with C type section.

CAD Model in NX

Our Practical Model

PWM controller

 To control the speed of motor, we used a PWM (Pulse

Width Modulation) controller that controls via

 One simple and easy way to control the speed of a motor

is to regulate the amount of voltage across its terminals
and this can be achieved using “Pulse Width
Modulation” or PWM.

 As its name suggests, pulse width modulation speed control works by driving the
motor with a series of “ON-OFF” pulses and varying the duty cycle, the fraction of
time that the output voltage is “ON” compared to when it is “OFF”, of the pulses
while keeping the frequency constant.

 The power applied to the motor can be controlled by varying the width of these
applied pulses and thereby varying the average DC voltage applied to the motors
terminals. By changing or modulating the timing of these pulses the speed of the
motor can be controlled.

PWM Controller with Motor
PWM controller which consist of mosfet IC and potentiometer by which we can
vary the speed of gimbal motor.

Setup of PWM Controller with gimbal motor shown in figures.

PWM Controller with gimbal motor PWM controller

Which components are there?

 Major components are as follow:

Flywheel , Gimbal supports, Base Supports, Motors & Pulley, Four Bar
Mechanism,Wheels and Wheel Supports, Control Electronics, Sensors

 Using four bar mechanism we got same tilt angle of CMGs, however perfect
stabilisation of gyro cart not achieved. We just get partial stability.

 Due to some friction resistance, vibration and also some misalignment we

can’t get perfect stability from four bar mechanism.

 However, Perfect stability can be achieved by combination of arduino and

fuzzy controller. But scant of resources and lake knowledge of Electronics
engineering we can’t get through it.

 However, we get knowledge about gyroscopic stability and able to made

experimental model by which we can feel physically how the gyroscopic
effect work in inline vehicle and successfully rectify yaw effect by using
two CMGs, which is new concept.

 During low speeds and stops

 Disable, shorter and older age person.

 Operated by battery power.

 Eco friendly vehicle.

 Safety during accidental condition

 A fully enclosed Gyro-Bike is termed as Gyro-Car

 Suitable in traffic.

 70% people use to drive their car alone

 Suitable in urban areas in daily activities.

Thank You


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