Spontaneous Rup-WPS Office
Spontaneous Rup-WPS Office
Spontaneous Rup-WPS Office
Arteriovenous malformation
Uterine artery aneurysm
Increase in venous pressure
Free anastomosis of uterine and ovarian
vessels within broad ligament
Absence of valves of ovarian veins and
weakness of vessels
Presenting symptoms
Acute onset abdominal pain
Maternal hypovolemic shock
There is no revealing hemorrhage
Marked decrease in hemoglobin and
hemotocrit is a common finding
Hurdles in diagnosis
During labour,pain can be subjective
Hypotension can be attributed
erroneously to uterine rupture
Differential diagnosis
Abruption placenta
Uterine rupture
Abdominal pregnancy
Spontaneous rupture of maternal
umbilical vein or aneurysmal vessels
Rupture of liver,spleen
Appendix rupture
HELLP syndrome
Mostly done during laparotomy
Preservation of an intact preterm
pregnancy is essential.
In our case , the patient presented with a
mild abdominal pain and was
hemodynamically stable with normal findings
in her physical examination
The gravity of the situation was realised by
seeing the low hemoglobin value
After which immediate laparotomy was
performed and confirmed hemoperitoneum
,revealing intraperitoneal bleed.
Although haemostatic sutures were
applied to the bleeding site ,extensive
bleed had made haemostasis extremely
a rapid and fortunate recovery was
This is a case of hemoperitoneum in
pregnancy resulted from spontaneously
ruptured utero ovarian vessels.
After having encountered such a rare
condition with an atypical presentation, we
feel the need to consider a more rigorous
fetal and maternal monitoring in case of
nonspecific maternal abdominal pain.
William's JW, intrapelvic hematoma following labour
not associated with lesion of uterus. Am J Obstet
Giuliani S,Zanin R,Volpe A. Hemoperitoneum in
pregnancy from a ruptured varic of broad
ligament.Arch gynecological on-set 2010
Mantymaa MI,Ekblad U spontaneous rupture of liver
during pregnancy .Ann Chir Gynaevol supply 1994
Steinberg LH,Goodfellow C, Rankin L.spontaneous
rupture of the uterine artery in pregnancy .Br J obst
gynaecol 1993
Aziz U,kulkarni A,Lazic D et al .spontaneous rupture
of uterine vessels in pregnancy.obst gynaecol 2005