Building Services - Iv - Mechanical Transport, BMS, Communication and HVAC
Building Services - Iv - Mechanical Transport, BMS, Communication and HVAC
Building Services - Iv - Mechanical Transport, BMS, Communication and HVAC
a means of changing the air in an • Requirements for an acceptable amount of fresh air
enclosed space to :
supply in buildings will vary depending on the nature
• Keep fresh air for respiratory of occupation and activity.
• Air changes per hour or ventilation rate is the
• Preserve correct level Of
Oxygen in the air. preferred criteria for system design.
• Control Carbon Dioxide.
• This is calculated by dividing the quantity of air by
• Control the moisture level.
• Lowering the heat level. the room volume and multiplying by the occupancy.
• Remove dust and odors.
NATURAL VENTILATION - the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor
space without using mechanical systems. It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a
result of pressure or temperature differences
The benefits of natural ventilation include:-
1. Improved Indoor air quality (IAQ)
2. Energy savings
3. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
4. Occupant control
5. Reduction in occupant illness associated with Sick
Building Syndrome
6. Increased worker productivity
How can you relate the natural ventilation with this criteria :
Definition -
mechanical ventilation systems circulate fresh air using ducts and fans rather than relying on airflow
through small holes or crack’s in a home’s wall, roof or windows. Homeowners can breath easier
knowing their home has a good ventilation.
Benefits of using mechanical ventilation:-
1. Better indoor air quality –can remove pollutants, allergens, and moisture that can cause mold
2. More control – provide proper fresh air flow along with appropriate locations for intake and exhaust
3. Improved comfort – allow a constant flow of outside air into the home and can also provide
filtration, dehumidification, and conditioning of the incoming outside air.
Mechanical system
These systems employ an electrically driven fan or fans to provide the necessary air movement;
They also ensure a specified air change and the air under fan pressure can be forced through
filters. There are three types of mechanical ventilation systems:
1. Natural inlet and mechanical extract (exhaust system).
2. Mechanical inlet and natural extract
3. Mechanical inlet and extract
-Propeller Fan does not create much air pressure and
has limited effect in ductwork.
Centrifugal Fan
can produce high pressure and has the capacity for
large volumes of air.
Most suited to larger installations such as air
conditioning systems.
It may have one or two inlets.
types of air ventilation system
used for basement car parks in malls
In an enclosed space, such as underground car park in malls, smoke is a real threat to life and it also
causes significant issues for fire fighters dealing with fire, in case there is a fire breakout. Hence,
these places need a good ventilation system for the removal of exhaust gases and replacing the
wasted air with fresh air inside the car parking space so that the people inside do not get suffocated
or choked.
Ducts for air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems shall be constructed in
compliance with the following requirements:
(i) All air-conditioning or other ventilation ducts including framing there of, shall be
constructed of steel, aluminum, glass-fibre batt or mineral-wool batt or other approved
Ventilation ducts should not pass through smoke-stop or fire fighting lobby. Where
unavoidable, the part of the ventilation duct within the lobby shall be enclosed in
construction with fire resistance rating at least equal to that of the elements of structure.
Such construction shall be in masonry. If other form of fire resisting construction is used,
fire damper shall be fitted where the duct penetrates the lobby enclosure.
A concealed space between the ceiling and floor above it, ceiling and roof, or raised floor and
structural floor of a building may be used as a plenum provided that-
(i) The concealed space contains only:
* mineral-insulated metal-sheathed cable, aluminium-sheathed cable, copper-sheathed cable, rigid
metal conduit, enclosed metal trunking, flexible metal conduit, liquid-tight flexible
metal conduit in lengths not more than 2 m, or metal-clad cables;
electric equipment that is permitted within the concealed spaces of such structures if the wiring
materials, including fixtures, are suitable for the expected ambient temperature to which they will
be subjected;
A series of jet fans and exhaust fans are used in ductless ventilation systems for the removal of
exhaust. The jet fans provide a high velocity to the gas stream entering into it and pass it onto
the next exhaust or jet fan which then releases the gas stream to the outside surrounding while
also replacing it with fresh air from outside.
• The first and foremost advantage that these systems have over ducted ones is that due to the
lack of ducts, it is extremely to install ductless systems in car parking spaces. The time and
cost taken for the installation is also considerably lower.
• The overall height of the basement gets restricted due to the installation height of the ducts and
then the parking space is also convenient for small and medium cars and larger cars do not fit in.
Whereas with ductless systems, one does have to face such issues.
• The jet fans in ductless systems are synced with CO2 detectors and they automatically adjust
themselves to work according to the CO2 level in the parking space. Whereas in ducted systems,
the fresh air and exhaust fans would be required to work all day leading to more energy parck.pdf
sick building syndrome.
The sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe a situation in which the occupants of a
building experience acute health- or comfort-related effects that seem to be linked directly to the
time spent in the building. No specific illness or cause can be identified. The complainants may be
localized in a particular room or zone or may be widespread throughout the building.
The following have been cited causes of or contributing factors to sick building syndrome:
• Inadequate ventilation:
• Chemical contaminants from indoor sources:
• Chemical contaminants from outdoor sources
• Biological contaminants
Building automation is the automatic centralized control of a building's heating, ventilation and air
conditioning, lighting and other systems through a building management system or building automation
system (BAS).
The Building Automation System (BAS) core functionality is to keep building climate within a
specified range, light rooms based on an occupancy schedule, monitor performance and device
failures in all systems and provide malfunction alarms. Automation systems reduce building
energy and maintenance costs compared to a non-controlled building. Typically they are financed
through energy and insurance savings and other savings associated with pre-emptive maintenance and
quick detection of issues.
A building controlled by a BAS is often referred to as an intelligent building or "smart building".
What is BMS or BAS ?
With the usage of various building automation techniques the energy efficiency is possible
With the help of occupancy sensors provided in various areas of the building, the service plants can
be brought into operation only when needed and also to the optimum, thereby leading to huge energy
BMS improves quality of built environment, efficiency of workstations, while allowing great savings in
energy consumption
• Security and Life safety systems
With the introduction of the various security and life safety systems like Smart Access control, Smoke
detector, Fire alarm and Fire sprinkler, the environment can be made much easy and fear free to work
with Mechanical systems
*Provide an acceptable level of temperature and humidity and safe guard against odours and indoor
air pollutants.
*Create a sense of habitability through air movement, ventilation and slight temperature variation.
*Allow the occupant to control and modify conditions to suit
individual preferences.
Life safety factors involved in Intelligent Buildings
• Closed-circuit television
•Card access control
• Smoke detection
• Emergency control of elevator, doors ,HVAC system
•‘Data access’ security
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific,
limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly
transmitted, though it may employ point wireless links.
Controlling access to any premise is of vital importance at present, whether it is a high security
area such as a Hospital, Airport, Bank, or any common building such as an Insurance Office,
School, or Department store There are:Portrait ID System,Swipe Card Access Control Systems,
Biometric Access Control Systems
Smoke is often the first sign that the fire is occurring, therefore an automatic detection system
based on smoke detectors is a valuable tool in the early dection of fire. Smoke detectors are
commonly classified by their mode of operation. Ionization Smoke Detector:
Ionization smoke detector uses a a radioaCTive material to convert the air contained.
Photoelectric Smoke Detectors:
Photoelectric smoke detectors use light to detect visible smoke particles produced by burning
It is difficult to get an optimum working environment only through design for the whole year.
Mechanical fans, desert coolers, air-conditioners etc. supplement the indoor comfort to a great
extent. But all these are operated and controlled manually in general.
At the same time some artificial intelligent systems like Occupancy Sensors, Temperature
Sensors etc. can be used to sense the temperature increase and the presence of occupants to
decide comfort level required to achieve the optimum conditions.
a sensor is a device, module, or subsystem whose purpose is to detect events or changes in its
environment and send the information to other electronics, frequently a computer processor.
• Temperature Sensor
• Proximity Sensor
• Accelerometer
• IR Sensor (Infrared Sensor)
• Pressure Sensor
• Light Sensor
• Ultrasonic Sensor
• Smoke, Gas and Alcohol Sensor
• Touch Sensor
• Color Sensor
• Humidity Sensor
• Tilt Sensor
• Flow and Level Sensor
Passive Infrared Occupancy Sensor turns lights on and off based on the occupancy.
When the PIR sensor detects a change in the infrared heat radiated within the controlled area,
lighting systems are switched ON. When occupants leave the area, lighting is switched OFF after the
user adjustable time delay elapses.
Lighting up the building is an art. With out proper illuminaton the entire space will look dull,
creating an uncomfortable working space. Any how we cannot depend on artificial lights alone. It
will add up the running costs. Hence some methods to bring natural light inside the habitable space
shall be sort out.
With the help of a light dimming device its possible to control the intensity of lights especially when its
requirement becomes less. . This can be made possible by suitably integrating the lighting systems with
the BMS through sensors by which it is also possible to turn off the lights automatically when its not
needed. Hence there is the economy in using the building.
•Assignment – 6 and 7
•Explain the ventilation system which you can provide in basement with car parking.
• explain in detail sick building syndrome and measures used to mitigate this phenomenon.