Procurement 06052019

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The act of obtaining or buying goods and
services. The process includes preparation
and processing of a demand as well as the
end receipt and approval of payment.
 The process of procurement is often part of a
company's strategy because the ability to purchase
certain materials will determine if operations will
1. purchase planning,
2. standards determination,
3. specifications development,
4. supplier research and selection,
5. value analysis,
6. financing,
7. price negotiation,
8. making the purchase,
9. supply contract administration,
10. inventory control and stores,
11. disposals and other related functions.
Procurement Deals with
1. Raw Material
2. Semi Finished Materials.
3. Finished Materials
4. Spare Parts
5. Assets
6. Services
7. Trading
8. Sub Contracting
1. Lead Time.
2. Capacity of Yard/Stores/Warehouse
3. Safety Of Stock
4. Minimum Stock Level Maintenance
5. ROP(Re Order Point)
6. Demand
Direct Purchases:
Direct procurement is the act of acquiring raw
materials and goods for production. These purchases
are generally done in large quantities, acquired from a
pool of suppliers at the best possible cost, quality
and reliability.
In Direct Purchases:
Indirect procurement is the act of purchasing
services or supplies required to keep the day to day
business alive. One way of classifying indirect
procurement is that it does not add to a business’s
bottom line. This includes things such as repairing
equipment, buying office supplies or acquiring
P2P connects procurement through to payment of
goods. The purchase to pay process, also known as
the P2P process, connects the procurement and
entire supply chain processes within a company
through the goods receipt process, and finally to the
payment issued to the vendor.

Purchase Request Request for

Quotation Finalize the Quotation
Purchase Order Goods Receipt
Invoice Verification Vendor Payment.
Vendor Analysis
 1. Analyze your business requirements,

 2. Search for a vendor,

 3. Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) & Request for

Quotation (RFQ),

 4. Evaluating the proposal & selecting the vendor,

 5. Creating a contract negotiation strategy,

 Consignment Stock :
Supplier provides materials and stocks them in
the purchaser's premises. The material remains
in the books of the supplier (vendor) until the
same is withdrawn from the stock of the
Consignment and put to use.

When we are consuming the stock then only

Payment made to Vendor as per Purchase
agreement Rules.
Sub Contracting:
 If not having the capability of Specific Operation
that time approach the sub Contracting for demand
of the Operation.
Blanket Purchase:
• A blanket purchase order (BPO) is a long-term
agreement between an organization and a supplier to
deliver goods or services with a set price on a
recurring basis over a specified time period. If your
business makes multiple payments for the same goods
or services, issuing a blanket purchase order with the
details, such as price and delivery schedule, already
specified is an efficient way to reduce time spent and
processing delays.
Physical Inventory:
 Check (Or) Count the Stock in hand in Physically
against the Bin Card wise.
 Physical Inventory Checking is a continuous Process
for all the Org and.
 Based on Volume of the Product check the Quantity
Period or cycle wise in a year
 A small piece or amount of something,
especially one that is left over after the greater
part has been used.
Stock Transfer
Stock Transfer nothing but transferring of materials from one
plant to another Storage location , from Plant to Plant, from
Plant to warehouse, warehouse to branches, when the stock
transfer happens between plants, then the Quantity changes
in both Plants.
 Cost Center:

“Where we are invest the money that is

called cast center”

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