Judaism: Group:-Hadi Abbas Waleed Bilal Hunain

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•Hadi Abbas
What is Judaism ?
 Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic
religions and was founded over 3500 years
ago in the Middle East.

 Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to

be his chosen people in order to set an
example of holiness and ethical behavior to
the world.
Judaism at first glance
 Judaism originated in the Middle East over 3500 years ago
 Judaism was founded by Moses, although Jews trace their history back
to Abraham.
 Jews believe that there is only one God with whom they have a covenant.
 In exchange for all the good that God has done for the Jewish people,
Jewish people keep God’s laws and try to bring holiness into every
aspect of their lives.
 Judaism has a rich history of religious text, but the central and most
important religious document is the Torah.
 Jewish traditional or oral law, the interpretation of the laws of the Torah,
is called halakhah.
 Spiritual leaders are called Rabbis.
 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust in an attempt to wipe out
History of Judaism
The Old Testament
 The history of Judaism

is inseparable from the

history of Jews
themselves. The early
part of the story is told
in the Hebrew Bible
(Old Testament).
The Bronze Age
 Jewish history begins during the
Bronze age in the Middle East.

 God chose Abraham to be the

father of a people who would be
special to God, and who would be
an example of good behavior and
holiness to the rest of the world.

 God guided the Jewish people

through many troubles, and at the
time of Moses he gave them a set
of rules by which they should live,
including the Ten Commandments.
The birth of Judaism
 This was the beginning of Judaism as a
structured religion The Jews, under God’s
guidance became a powerful people with
kings such as Saul, David, and Solomon, who
built the first great temple.

 From then on Jewish worship was focused on

the Temple, as it contained the Ark of the
Covenant, and was the only place where
certain rites could be carried out.
Brief history of Judaism
 Around 920 BCE The kingdom declines
 Rebuilding a Jewish kingdom
 History of Judaism 63BCE-1086CE Roman Times
 70 - 200 CE: The destruction of the Temple
 The Golden Age — The Jews in Spain
 History From 1090 to 1600 The Crusades
 The bad times return
 Expulsions
 Scholarship, literature, and mysticism
 History from 1650 to 1860s Jews return to Britain
 Hassidism
 Persecution in Central Europe
 The birth of Reform Judaism
 Good news and bad news
 The twentieth century UK and USA
 The birth of Zionism
 The State of Israel
 The history of the Jewish people begins in
Bronze Age times in the Middle East when
God promised a nomad leader called
Abram that he would be the father of a
great people if he did as God told him.
 Jews regard Abraham (as he was later

called) as the first Patriarch of the Jewish

 Abraham was the first person to teach the

idea that there was only one God; before

then, people believed in many gods.
 Ironically, Abraham's father, Terach, had

made his living selling idols of various

 One of Judaism's great figures is the man called Moshe
Rabbenu('Moses our teacher') in Hebrew. The first five
books of the Bible are traditionally ascribed to him.
Moses is the channel between God and the Hebrews,
through whom the Hebrews received a basic charter
for living as God's people.
 The Holocaust was a tragic event in history.
Approximately 11 million lives were lost because of
cruel racial prejudice. During the first half of the
20th century, the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler,
encouraged prejudice against Jews and other
"undesirables" such as gypsies, homosexuals, the
mentally ill, or physically disabled; those not of the
"Aryan" race. The Nazis developed "The Final
Solution", a plan to get rid of all the Jews. They
decided the most efficient way of doing this was to
set up camps to exterminate their existence so they
would not pass on their genes and disrupt the Nazis'
quest for the perfect race. The Nazis also set up
ghettos, where Jews would live in the most horrible
conditions. Jewish children soon could not go to
schools with the other German children. Jewish
businesses were forced to close, Jewish temples were
burned and vandalized. Though the Nazis did not
achieve their goal, they managed to kill 5-6 million
Jews (and a further 5 million other victims) in cruel,
sadistic, inhumane acts and murders.
Subdivision of Judaism
1. Orthodox Judaism:
2. Conservative Judaism:
3. Reform Judaism:
4. Re constructionist Judaism: 
5. Humanistic Judaism:

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