Computer Graphics

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Computer Graphics

Three dimensional transformations
 Introduction
 Translation
 Scaling
 scaling in 3D relative to the coordinate origin
 Scaling relative to fixed point
 Rotation
 Rotation about the X-Axis
 Rotation about the Y-Axis
 Rotation about the Z-Axis
 Rotation about an arbitrary axis
 Rotation axis is parallel to one of the coordinate axes
 Rotation axis is not parallel to one of the coordinate axes
 Shearing
 X-Shearing
 Y-Shearing
 Z-Shearing
Transformations are very useful in computer graphics in a number of
 A scene can be fashioned by placing a number of instances of an
object at different places and with different sizes using proper
 Helps a designer to view an object from different points and make a
picture from each one.
 In a computer animation, several objects must move relative to one
another from frame to frame.
 Sometimes we need to reduce the size of an object or To place it
into a larger displays .
• these various manipulations are carried out by applying appropriate
geometric transformation

• In 3d Homogeneous Coordinate
representation,a point is translated from
position (x,y,z) to position (x’,y’,z’)with the
translation matrix :
1 0 0 Tx 
0 
1 0 Ty 
0 0 1 Tz 
 
0 0 0 1

Parameter Tx,Ty,Tz,specifying translation

distances for the coordinate, are assigned any
real value .
The next matrix is equivalent to the
Three equations:
X’ = x + Tx
Y’ = y + Ty
Z’ = z + Tz
 x 1 0 0 tx   x 
 y  0 1 0 ty  y
   
 z   0 0 1 tz   z 
    
 1  0 0 0 1 1
An object is translated in three dimensions by
transforming each defining point of the object .
Translation of an object represented as a set of polygon
surfaces is carried out by translating the coordinate
values for each vertex of each surface .
The set of translated coordinate positions for the
vertices then defines the new position of the object.

(x’,y’,z’) y

(x,y,z) T=(Tx,Ty ,Tz ) (x’,y’,z’)

T=(Tx,Ty ,Tz )

z x

z x
Translating a point with translation vector T=(Tx,Ty ,Tz )

Translating an object with translation vector T


The scaling matrix is

 Sx 0 0 0
 0 Sy 0 0
 0 0 Sz 0
 
0 0 0 1

Where scaling parameters Sx,Sy and Sz are assigned any

positive values
The matrix operation for scaling in 3D relative to the
coordinate origin is

 x   Sx 0 0 0  x 
 y  0 Sy 0 0  y 
   
 z    0 0 Sz 0  z 
    
 1   0 0 0 1  1 
This matrix is equivalent to the
Three equations:

X’ = x . Sx
Y’ = y . Sy
Z’ = z . Sz

when transformation is applied to defining points in an

object , the object is scaled and moved relative to
coordinate origin.

z x

If transformation parameters are not all equal

then the object are also changed

Uniform scaling (Sx = Sy =Sz)

preserves the original shape of an
object .
Scaling relative to fixed point

1. Translate the fixed point to the origin

 1 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0
T 
 0 0 1 0
 
  Tx  Ty  Tz 1
2. Scale with
 Sx 0 0 0
0 Sy 0 0
S 
0 0 Sz 0
 
0 0 0 1

3 -Translate the fixed point back to its the

original position with 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
T 
0 0 1 0
 
Tx Ty Tz 1
To produce
 Sx 0 0 0
 0 Sy 0 0
S  
 0 0 Sz 0
 
(1  Sx ) Xf (1  Sy )Yf (1  Sz ) Zf 1

Must designate an axis of rotation (about which

the object is to be rotate).
The amount of angular rotation.
Positive values for the angle indicate a
counterclockwise rotation.
Negative values for the angle rotate

objects in clockwise direction. 

 Y

Rotation about the X-Axis

Rx ;
Rotation about the Y-Axis

Ry ;
Rotation about the Z-Axis

Rz ;
Rotation about an arbitrary

when the selected rotation axis is parallel to

one of the coordinate axes
1. Translate the object so that the rotation axis coincides with the
parallel coordinate axis.
2. Perform the specified rotation.
3. Translate the object so that the rotation axis is moved back to
its original position .
Rotation about an arbitrary

Rotation axis

z x
A - Original position of object B - Translate rotation axis onto x axis
Rotation about an arbitrary

Rotation axis
z x

C- Rotation object through angle D - Translate rotation axis to original position

Rotation about an arbitrary
•when the selected rotation axis is not parallel to
one of the coordinate axes.
•We can determine the form of the transformation matrices using
standard vector operation .
•A Vector can be defined as a directed line between two point .
•An axes of rotation can be defined by specifying any vector along
the axis.
•It is convenient to deal with vectors specified relative to the
coordinate origin .
Vector addition

V1 +V2 =( x1+x2 , y1+y2 , z1+z2 )

V2= (x2,y2,z2) V2

V1= (x1,y1,z1) V1

vectors specified relative
Vector addition
to the coordinate origin .
Vector multiplication

There are to ways :

1 – multiply two vectors to produce a single numeric value
(called the scalar product or dot product).
2- we can produce another vector
(called the vector product or cross product).

the scalar product of two vectors:

V1 .V2 =x1. x2 +y1. y2 +z1. Z2

The length of scalar product vector

v =(v.v)**.5 = ( x . x + y. y+ z . z) **.5

V1 .V2 = V1 V2 cos(ө)
Vector multiplication

the vector product of two vectors:

V1* V2 =u v1 v2 sinө

 ux uy uz 
 x1 y1 z1 
 
V1* V2 =  x2 
y2 z2
 
 
the Vector product produces a Vector with components :
(y1z2 – z1y2 , z1x2 - x1z2 , x1y2 – y1x2 )
Transformation matrices

1. Translate the object so that the rotation axis passes through the
coordinate origin.
2. Rotate the object so that the axis of rotation coincides with one of the
coordinate axis .
3. Perform the specified rotation .
4. Apply inverse rotations to bring the rotation axis back to its original
orientation .
5. Apply the inverse translation to bring the rotation axis back to its
original position.
Rotation about an arbitrary
We can transform the rotation axis onto any of the three coordinate axes
For getting the rotation axis onto the z axis.
assume that the rotation axis is defined by two points as following :

V =(x2- x1 , y2 – y1 , z2 – z1 )

U= v = (a, b,c)
A= xv
B= yv
z x
C = zv
Rotation about an arbitrary
1. Translate the object so that the rotation axis passes through the coordinate origin
Is accomplished with the translation matrix
 1 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0
T 
 0 0 1 0
 
 X 1  Y1  Z1 1

Next we need the transformations that will put the rotation axis on the z axis.
In two steps :
a- rotate about the x axis so that vector u is in the xz plane .
b- rotate about the y axis to bring u onto the z axis
Rotation about an arbitrary

z x
z u x

A - Unit vector u is rotated B – then the rotate about

abut the x axis to bring it into the y axis to align it with
the xz plane the z axis
Rotation about an arbitrary
To determine the angle of the rotation about x axis :
The rotation angle is the angle between the projection of u in the yz plane
( u’) And the positive z axis (u’ = (0,b,c)) then

u '.u z c y
cos( )  
u' uz d
U’ = (0,b,c) U = (a ,b,c)
d  (b.b  c.c) 1/ 2

u 'u z  u x u ' u z sin( )
b z u z= (0 ,0,c) x
sin( ) 
Rotation about an arbitrary
Now after determine sin( ) and cos( ) we Can evaluate the rotation
Matrix about the x axis as

1 0 0 0
 c b 
0 d d
RX ( )   b c 
0  0
 d d 
0 0 0 1
Rotation about an arbitrary
To determine the angle of the rotation about y axis

u ' '.u z
cos( )  d y
u' ' uz
u ' 'u z  u y u ' ' u z sin( ) 
u ' 'u z  u y .( a ) u z =(0,0,c)

sin(  ) = - a z x
U’’ =(a,0,d)
Rotation about an arbitrary
The transformation matrix for rotation about the y axis is
d 0 a 0
0 1 0 0
R y ( )  
 a 0 d 0
 
0 0 0 1
Now can be applied rotation about the z axis

cos( )  sin( ) 0 0
 sin( ) cos( ) 0 0
Rz ( )  
 0 0 1 0
 
 0 0 0 1
Rotation about an arbitrary

The transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axisCan be

expressed as the composition of these seven individiual transformation

R ( )  T RX ( ) R y ( ) Rz ( ) R y 1 ( ) RX 1 ( ) 1
A shear transformation consists of shearing in each of the
three coordinate planes: the XY, XZ, and YZ planes.
A shear in the XY plane translates every plane parallel to
the XY plane by an amount in x and y proportional to the
z value of that plane.

• X-shearing a

• The X-shear transformation matrix can be defined by

Parameters a and b can be

assigned any real value

• Y-shearing a point

• The Y-shear transformation matrix can be defined by


• Z-shearing a point

• The Z-shear transformation matrix can be defined by


1 - Donald Hearn – M.Pauline Baker -Computer graphics

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