Lecture 27

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Taqdees A.
Restricting the effect of
graphics primitives to a
sub-region of the canvas
Protecting other portions
of the canvas
Point Clipping
xmin <= x <= xmax

ymin <= y <= ymax

Line Clipping
Clipping of lines against
Trivial Accept
Trivial Reject
Intersecting Lines
The Brute Force
Intersect that line with
each of the four clip
rectangle edges. if so, the
line cuts the clip rectangle
and is partially inside.
Cohen Sutherland
Line Clipping Algorithm
More efficient;
Performs initial tests on a
line to determine whether
intersection calculations
can be avoided.
Trivial Accept / Reject Test
Faster line clippers
based on analysis of
the parametric
equation of a line
More efficient;
intersection calculations
are reduced.
Polygon Clipping

A polygon is usually defined by a

sequence of vertices and edges. If
the polygons are un-filled, line-
clipping techniques are sufficient
however, if the polygons are filled,
the process in more complicated.
Polygon clipping - open polygons.
clipping algorithm

clips any polygon against a

convex clip polygon.
Weiler-Atherton clipping

Weiler-Atherton clipping
algorithm clips any polygon
against any clip polygon. The
polygons may even have
Four Cases of Polygon
Clipping Against One Edge

Case 1 : Wholly inside

visible region save endpoint
Case 2 : Exit visible region -
save the intersection point
Case 3 : Wholly outside
visible region - save nothing
Case 4 : Enter visible region
- save intersection and
Weiler-Atherton Polygon Clipping

Sometimes follow the

window boundaries instead
of polygon boundary.
In a 3D medium, each of our
eyes views the scene from
slightly different angles. This
is the way we perceive the
real world.
Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems are the
measured frames of
reference within which
geometry is defined,
manipulated and viewed.
Coordinate Systems
In this system, a point serves
as the origin (reference
point), and three lines (axes)
that pass through this point
and are orthogonal to each
other (at right angles – 90
Types of the coordinate
 Following are three types of
the coordinate systems
• 1-D Coordinate System
• 2-D Coordinate System
• 3-D Coordinate System
1-D Coordinate System
2-D Coordinate System
3-D Coordinate System
Left handed versus Right Handed Rules
“Right Hand Rule”
for rotations: grasp
axis with right hand
with thumb oriented
in positive direction,
fingers will then curl
in direction of
positive rotation for
that axis.
Y-up versus Z-up
The Polar
Coordinate System
Is Cartesian system the only
choice? No. We could also
described the object position in
this way: “starting at the origin,
looking east, rotate 38o
northward, 65o upward, and
travel 7.47 feet along this line”.
 Modeling is the process of
describing an object or
scene so that we can
construct an image of it

Vectors have direction
and magnitude; can also
be thought of as
The process of computing a
2-D image using a combination
of a 3-D database, scene
characteristics, and viewing
Various algorithms according
to the needs of the application.
 The subdivision of an entity
or surface into one or more
non-overlapping primitives.
Typically, renderers
decompose surfaces into
triangles as part of the
rendering process.
Level of Detail (LOD)
To improve rendering efficiency when
dynamically viewing a scene, more or
less detailed versions of a model may
be swapped in and out of the scene
database depending on the
importance (usually determined by
image size) of the object in the
current view.
Surface normal
 A vector perpendicular to a
surface and “outward” facing
 Surface normal are used to
determine visibility and also in
the calculation of shading
Types of Transformation

 Translation
 Rotation
 Scaling
 Reflection
 Shearing
Now x′ = x + tx , y′ = y + ty
and z′ = z + tz can be expressed as a
single matrix equation:
P′ = P + T
 x x' =  tx 
Where P =  y P′ = T  t 
   y '  y
 z   z '   t z 
 x'  1 0 0 tx   x
 y '  0 1 0   
t y   y
   .
 z'  0 0 1 tz   z 
    
 1  0 0 0 1   1
Abbreviated as:
P’ = T (tx, ty , tz) . P
 x'  x  t x 
 y '  y  t 
   y

 z'  z  t z 
   
 1  1 

Rotation is the process of

moving a point in space in a
non-linear manner
 We need to know three different
 How far to rotate around the X
axis(YZ rotation, or “pitch”)
 How far to rotate around the Y axis
(XZ rotation, or “yaw”)
 How far to rotate around the Z axis
(XY rotation, or “roll”)
 Column vector representation:
P′ = R . P
 Where

 x'  cos  sin    x

P '   R   P  
 y '  sin  cos   y
Rotation: Homogeneous
The rotation can now be expressed
using homogeneous coordinates as:
 x'  cos  sin  0  x 
 y '  sin  cos 0 . y 
  
 1   0 0 1  1 

Abbreviated as:
P’ = R (θ) . P
… Now in 3D

 Rotation can be about any of the

three axes:
 About z-axis (i.e. in xy plane)
 About x-axis (i.e. in yz plane)
 About y-axis (i.e. in xz plane)
Roll : around z-axis
Pitch: around x-axis
Yaw: around y-axis
 Rotation about z-axis
(i.e. in xy plane):
• x′ = x cosθ – y sinθ
• y′ = x sinθ + y cosθ
• z’ =z
Cyclic permutation
Rotation about x-axis
(i.e. in yz plane):
x′ =x
y′ = y cosθ – z sinθ
z′ = y sinθ + z
Rotation about y-axis
(i.e. in xz plane):
x′ = z sinθ + x
y′ =y
z′ = z cosθ – x
Around arbitrary axis
Around arbitrary axis
Around arbitrary axis
Around arbitrary axis
Around arbitrary axis
 Coordinate transformations for
scaling relative to the origin are
 X` = X . Sx
 Y` = Y . Sy
 Z` = Z . Sz
Uniform Scaling

 We preserve the original shape

of an object with a uniform

 ( Sx = Sy = Sz)
Differential Scaling

 We do not preserve the original

shape of an object with a
differential scaling

 ( Sx <> Sy <> Sz)

Scaling w.r.t. Origin

 Sx 0 0 0
0 Sy 0 

0 0 Sz 0
 
0 0 0 1
Scaling w.r.t. a fixed position

Scaling with respect to a selected

fixed position (Xf,Yf,Zf) can be
represented with the
transformation sequence:
Projection can be defined as a
mapping of point P(x,y,z) onto its
image P`(x`,y`,z`) in the projection
plane or view plane, which
constitutes the display surface
Methods of Projection

1. Parallel Projection
2. Perspective Projection
1. Orthographic
2. Oblique
Here are three orthographic views of an
There are three axonometric

1. Isometric
2. Dimetric
3. Trimetric
1. Isometric

The projection plane intersects each

coordinate axis in the model coordinate
system at an equal distance or the
direction of projection makes equal
angles with all of the three principal
2. Dimetric

The direction of projection makes

equal angles with exactly two of
the principal axes
3. Trimetric

The direction of projection makes

unequal angles with the three
principal axes
 Xp = x + z ( L1 cos (Ф) )
 Yp = y + z ( L1 sin (Ф) )

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