Lining of Irrigation Canals and Economics of Lining

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Lining of Irrigation Canals

and Economics of Lining
5.1. General
Next to China, India has the largest area under irrigation. The irrigated area is
constantly and cnntinuously being increased, so as to ensure assured irrigation and
to avoid crop failures due to famines and non-availability of water. To secure the
benefits of irrigated land, a tremendous amount of-capital has been invested in this
country in the irrigation projects. So much so, that an expenditure of about
Rs. 1,15,000 crores has been incurred in our country on major and medium irrigation
projects since independence and up to the end of ninth five-year plan (1997-2002).
This data confirms the fact that irrigation water is a costly commodity, and as such,
there should be no wastage during its carriage from the reservoifs to the fields. Most
of the canals, constructed in India to carry irrigation water, are unlined, and hence,
a large part of the costly irrigation water is lost in percolation and absorption as
seepage loss. No doubt, there are regions where the soil is such that seepage losses
are very small, and there is no justification for lining them, but at the same time, it
is also true that there are areas where 25 to 50% of the water is lost in seepage. This
is, a ~veryserio1fs-:16's!f an'd"-ptbporti<Ynatel:f 0redffce-s-the-~irrrgati0n- potential of the- -
supplied water._Such seepage loss of the costly irrigation water must, therefore, be
minimised. The seepage can be avoided or minimised by lining the irrigation canals.
By lining the canal, we mean that the .earthen surface of the channel is lined with a stable
(inerodible) lining surface, such as concrete, tiles, asphalt, etc. Depending upon the type of
lining adopted, the seepage losses can be reduced to 2%-5% of their original values by lining
the canals. Apart from reduction in seepage losses, there are various other advantages of lining
the canals. All these advantages are described below in details :
5.2. Advantages of Lining
(1) Seepage Control. It has been emphasised above, that the seepage losses are
considerably reduced if the channels are lined. A lined canal. costs about 2 to 2~ times
asffiucfi-as an unlined canal, but where seepagers-neavy, thesaving of'costly irrigation
water may itself be sufficient to fully justify the capital expenditure on lining. It should
also be kept in mind that heavy seepage losses in canals would necessitate the construc.-
tion of larger reservoirs and bigger dams. Prevention of seepage by lining would,
therefore, reduce their impounding capacity, and hence, lower the construction costs of
these works. The .idea of the extent to which seepage takes p~ace in different kinds of
channels can be obtained from Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Seepage Losses in Channels

Initial rate of seepage in Stabilised rate of seepage in cumecs

S.No. Type of lining cumecs per million sq. m. of per million sq. m. of wetted area
wetted area before lining after lining
------------~--- ----------
I. Unlined channels. 7.4 3.4

2. 30cmx 15 cjx 5 cm tiles using

cement mort I : 3 (I cement ; 3
- .. - - 0.009
sand in between two layers. - 0.11

3. IO cm thick cement concrete I :

3 ; 6 (I cement : 3 sand : 6 brick
ballast. 0.13 0.007

4. I 0 cm thickcement lime concrete

I : 5: 12: 24(1cement:5 lime:
12 surkhi : 24 brick ballast). --- ______0.40______ --- --- -0.13 - - ---

(2) Prevention of Water-logging. Uncontrolled seepage through unlined canals,

often raises the water-table in the surrounding fields up to or near to the ground level,
as to bring the crop (plant) roots within the capillary fringe. This, in turn, brings up the
alkali salts near to the ground surface, which soon renders the land unfit for cultivation.
Such a land is usually called thur, and the phenomenon of rise of water table is known
as water-logging. It is well-known that large tracts of lands in Punjab (India and
Pakistan) have been rendered uncultivable in this manner. Thus, the very canal, built to
increase food productirrn, have within a few years, caused the ruin of a large portion of
agriculturable land. Lming of canals prevents seepage and, thus, protects cultivable land.
Coipl?J,negyy_i!bJan,d,drainagec5chernes,Jining--cheipsc-t0,-reclaim-water-logged-areas. -
(3) Increase in Channel Capacity. The capacity of a chosen canal section can be
considerably increased by lining it. The reason is very simple. The lining presents a
smooth surface and, therefore, causes less resistance to the flow of water. The water,
therefore, flows-faster, and hence, more ofit is carried per second than that in an unlined
canal. Flow of water in unlined canals, is often, further retarded by the vegetation on
the sides and bottom. And since capacity is a function of velocity, the higher the
velocity, the greater is the capacity of the channel.
We know that Kutter's formuia for channel velocity is

--~- V=I(~:::~l~~;i!J~
where n is the coefficient ofroughness. The velocity, theref()re, varies inversely with n.
For lfnllned-earth channels in good condition, the ~alue of n is about 0.0225 against 0.012
for cement mortar, 0.015 for concrete, and 0.018 for brick lined channels. Table 5.2 gives
commonly used n values for different types of linings.

* For details, please see Chapter 6.

Table 5.2. Values of Mannings (n) for Lined Channels

Type of Lining Values ofnfor straight alignment*

Cast insitu concrete trowel finish 0.015-0.018**
Cement plastered masonry 0.012-0.015
P.C.C. slabs or tiles 0.018-0.020
Brick lining 0.018-0.020
Split Boulder lining 0.020..--:0.025
Round Boulder lining 0.025-0.035

Lining, therefore, increases channel capacity and consequently reduces the required
channel section. Hence, for a new designed project, a lined channel will require lesser
dimensions and hence, lesser earth work. The consequent saving in earth work handling
(i.e. excavation and filling) and acquisition of land, thus, become possible by canal
(4) Increase in Commanded Area. A lined canal can be designed not only smaller
in cross-section but also shorter in length. The steeper gradients can be provided because
higher velocities are permissible (as the material is less erodible) and a shorter alignment
can, therefore, be selected. On the other hand, flatter slopes can be provided without
silting on a lined channel compared to these on an unlined channel. It can, therefore,
help to bring high areas under command.
(5) Reduction in Maintenance Costs. The up-keep of unlined canals involve huge
recurring expenditure, generally charged under the head of account : A.R. and M.O. of
the canal system (i.e. Annual repair and maintenance of the canal system). This expen-
diture may be required on :
(i) periodical removal of silt deposited on the bed and.sides of the canal section ;
------(ii) minorrepaifS like-pTiigg1iigoicrackS,cUisand-un-~ven-~ettlem-ents of banks ;
(iii) removal. of weeds and water plants.
The provision of lining reduces these ch~ges considerably, as the cost of upkeep
of a lined canal is comparatively negligibl~. -
The above three heads are discu.ssed bel9w in qetails :
(i) Removal of silt. A lined canal is not susceptible to erosion. It is usually designed
to carry the sediment load likely to enter at the canal headworks. Moreover, on account
of the high velocities in lined channels, the sand blown into it during sand storms, which
may occur during summer in areas like Rajasthan deserts, etc. is readily carried away.
This eliminates or considerably reduces the annual expenditure required on unlined
channels for desilting. . ____ .::..___ -----"---- _______ :_____ .......:
---~(ii) Minor repairs. Perio~icl:!l plygging of holes burrowed by rats, insects, etc., is
constantly required. in uniined channels, failing which, breaches .of channel embank-
ments may occu~: Th~ provision of 1tdequate lining, reduces the danger of these
breaches, and lesser vigilance is requireg.
* For canals with non-straight aligmnel\t~. \QSS Qf head by resistance to flow shall increase, and i
hence the given n values may be slightly increased..
** Lower values may iJe attai.ne4 ill camj)~ with relatively higher discharges and in absolutely
straight reaches.

(iii) Removal of weeds. Huge money is spent in removing weeds and water plants
like hyaocinth, etc., from the canals. Lining eliminates or reduces this expenditure
considerably, as t.he plants flow down the canal due to higher flow velocites in lined
_ () ~illli!l:~~~ll_()f Flood Dangers. An unlined canal founded on weaker founda-
tions is always in danger, and a breach may occur at any time. Instances have occurred
where small breaches in unlined canals resulted in washing away of considerable length
of embankment-leading to flooding of certain areas and causing scarcity of irrigation
. water in others, as the canal was out of service at a critical' tiJl1e for crops. A strong
concrete lining removes aff such dangers. -
In certain cases, the lining of a channel may be required from purely technical
considerations. For example, a canal constructed on a high fill or a .canal founded partly
on rock and partly on permeable strata, may be unsafe, unless it is lined. Sometimes a
hard lined surface may be required to-withstand the high flow velocities, as in power
channels. Apart from these special cir~mstances, the engineer is required to produce a
good economic justification for the capital outlay that is likely to be invested on lining.
In considering the economy of canal lining, it is necessary to evaluate the tangible
(which can be measured in terms of money) and additional benefits, and then to compare
these with the co~t of lining. Benefit cost ratio can, therefore, be worked out, so as to
justify the necessity of lining.
Mathematically speaking, expenditure on a project is justified if the resultant annual
benefits exceed the annual costs (including interest on the capital expenditure) i.e.
Benefit cost ratio is more than one. The justification for lining the existing channels is
different from that of constructing new lined channels in a new project. It is because of
the fact that a.large .number 0Ladditionaladva11tages ;-such,-as-lesser, _earth:-:work-han-
dling, lesser land acquisition, lesser impounding reservoir capacities, etc., are obtained
in a new project, by adopting lining for new canals.
5.3. Justification for Lining the Existing Canals
(i) Annual Benefits. Irrigation water is sold to the cultivators at a certain rate. Let
this rate be rupees R 1 per cumec. If m cumecs of water is saved by lining the canal,
annually, then the money savecL by lining = mR 1 rupees. .
Lining will also reduce maintenance cost. The average cost of annual upkeep of
unlined channel can be worked out from previous records. Let it be Rs. R2 If p is the
percentage fraction of the saving achieved in maintenance cost by lining the canal, then
the amount saved = pR2 rupees.
-- :. -'Fhe total-ann1ialb'enefits'= mR 1 + pR2 ... (5.1)

(The value of p is generally taken as 0.4)

Eii) Annual Costs. If the capital:expenditure required on lining is-C rupees, and the
lining has alife of say y years, then the annual depreciation charges will be ~ rupees.
If r percent is the rate of annual simp!e interest, then a locked up capital of C rupees
would earn, annually C ( i ~OJ ~pees as interest charges, and since the capital value of
the asset decreases from C to zero in Y years, the average annual interest cost may be

taken as ~ (l~O) rupees.

:. The total annual costs oflining
C C r
=-y+2 x 100 ; ... (5.2)

Benefit cost ratio =
Annual Costs

=[ mR1 +pR2
C C r
... (5.3)
y 2 100
If p is taken as 0.4, then

Benefit cost ratio =1mR

C. C
+ 0.4 R2 ]
... (5.4)
Y 2 100
For project justification, benefit cost ratio. must be greater than unity.
In addition to the benefits grouped above i.e. (water savirtg' and reduction in main-
tenance cost) there may be benefits, like prevention of water-logging, reduced cost of
drainage for adjoining lands, reduced risk of breaching, reduced incidence of malaria
and other diseases in damp areas. Actual evaluation of these benefits is very difficult
and may be approximated, based on experience, and may be taken into account for
evaluating the annual benefit cost ratio.
Example 5.1. An unlined canal giving a seepage loss of 3.3 cumecs per million sq.
metres of wetted area is proposed to be lined with 10 cm thick cement concrete lining,
whkh costs Rs. 180'.ooper JO sq. m.
GiveniHefollowing-datJ, .workout tfze.ecoizom!cs
of lining and benefit cost ratio. .
Annual revenue per cumec of water from all crops = Rs. 3.5 lakhs
Discharge in the channel = 83.5 cumecs.
Area of the channel = 40.8 sq. m.
Wetted perimeter of the channel = 18.8 metres
Wetted perimeter of the lining = 18.5 metres
Annual maintenance cost of unlined channel per 10 sq. m. =Re. 1.00
Assume additional suitable data, if required.
Let us consider 1_ km reach of canal.
Therefore; the welted surface per km. =i8.8 x 1,600= 18,800sc(m~' ~.. ..:c
(i) Annual Benefits
(a) Seepage. Seepage loss in unlined canal @ 3.3 cumecs per million sq m
=-3.36 x 18,800 cumecs!k'm. = (62,040)
- -6 - cumecs/km
10 IO
Assume seepage loss in lined channel at 0.01 cumec per million sq m of wetted
--- ''l


:. Seepage loss in lined canal

0.01 188
=--x 18,800=-cumecs/km
106 106 .
62 040 188 61 852
Net saving =( 6 - )= 6 = 0.06185cumec/km
10 106 10
Annual revenue saved per km of channel
61852 .
=Rs. - -6-x 3.5 lakhs= Rs. 0.21648 Jakhs= Rs. 21,648
10 .
(b) Saving in Maintenance
Annual maintenance cost of unlined channel for IO sq. m. = Re. 1.00
Total wetted perimeter per I km length= 18,800 sq. m.
:. Annual maintenance charge for unlined channel per km = Rs. 1,880.00
. Assume that 40% of this is saved in lined channel -
Annual saving in maintenance charges =Rs. 0.4 x 1,880.00 =Rs. 752.00
:. Total annual benefits per km= Rs. 21,648.00+ Rs. 752.00= Rs. 22,400
(ii) Annual Costs. Area of lining per km of channel
= 18.5x 1,000= 18,500sq.m.
Cost of lining per km of channel @ Rs. 180.00-per IO sq. m.
=Rs. 18,500~ 180.00 =Rs. 3,33,000
Assume life of lining as 40 years
D~preciation c~-s~-p~;y~;~ =~~:- 3 3~ 000= Rs. 8325.00
Assume 5% rate of interest.
. I r l . 5
Average annual interest= 2 c. = 2 Rs. 3,33,000 x =Rs. 8325
100 100
Total annual cost =Rs. 8,325 + 8,325 =Rs. 16,650
Benefit cost ratio = Annual benefits = 22,400 = 135.
Annual costs 16,650
B.C. Ratio is more than unity, and hence, the lining is justified.
Example 5.2. An existing unlined channel is having the following dimensions :
-Widthoftfre-bvttom - -- - = 1.52 m.
Side slopes = lf: 1
Depth:offlow = 0.91 metre
Bed-slope = 0.0006.
It is proposed to line this channel for the same dischqrging capacity. Fil;id out the
dimensions of the lined channel and work out the economics of the concrete lining, if
following data are given :

Length of irriga,tion season = J50 days

Savi~zg in seepage lass by lining the crmq.l= 1.5 per cent per km
Cost of water =Rs. 150.00 per hectare metre
Cost af concrete lining :;:: Rs. 16.00 per sq. m.
Cost of reshaping and trimming canal :;!: (?.s. 4.00 per sq. m ..
Life of lining = 40 years.
]nterest rate 7 per cent. =
Annual maintenance and operational cost (per km per year)
for unlined canals in earth = Rs. JOOQ.00
and for concrete lined canals =Rs. 200.00
Other additional benefits = Rs. 350.00
Assume any other necessary data, if not given.
Solution. Let us first of all
work out the lined channel section
-which is required to pass the same
. discharge as is being passed by the
given unlined channel.
Discharge capacity of the
existing unlined channel
Fig. 5.1. Existing unlined canal section.
If y is the water depth in chan-
nel, then

Sloping side =y ~(~J + (1) 2 = ~ Y= l.8y = 1.8 x 0.91=1.64 m

Wetted perimeter= 1.52 + 2 x l.8y = 1.52+ 3.6y = 1.52 + 3.6 x 0.91=4.8 m
1.52 + (3y + 1.52)]
Area (A)= . i ... y=(l.52+1.5y)y=(l.52:+L5x0:91)0:91
= 0.91 (1.52 + 1.36) = 0.91 x 2.88 = 2.62 sq. m:
A 2.62
R = p =Ts m = 0.546 m.

By Manning's Formula
V=_!_. R213. s112
Assume n for unlined channel = 0.025
Velocity through unlined channel is given as :
V = -- (0.546) 213 x (0.0006) 112 = 0.654 m/sec.
_O_.Q'.?5,.. _ _ __-'-'--.----'------ ,_.
. '-- -"'-' __.___,,,_.-''- -"' _________ ,_
Q =A.V. = 2.62x0.654=1.715 cumecs.
In a lined channel, the water will flow more rapidly and the depth of flow will be
less for the same discharge. Assume n for lined channel= 0.014.
Discharge through lined channel is given by :

Q = .!.. -A-R213 .s112 =.!.. . A (:1.)213 . s112

n n P
or l.715 = - 1- (I. 52Y + J. 5/) x (0.0006) 114
0.014 (1.52+2x I.8y)2 13

or 1.7. 15 = _l_ x 2.45

. . 0.014 100
[(I.52y + l .5y2)

1. 715 x 1.4 - ( I.52y + 1.5/)
2.45 - (I.52+3.6y) 213
0 98 = (l.52y + 1.sy2)5;3. r
. (I.52+3.6y)21 3
'i'.:I' Solving the above equation by hit and trial, we get

y =0.67m.
' I,
If we use 0.15 m as free-board, then perimeter of lining is
P = 1.52 + 2 x 1.8 x 0.82 = 1.52 + 2.95 = 4.47 m
Perimeter per km of lined channel= 4.47 x 1000 = 4,470 sq. m.



. , -. ; .... : .: :., .. . ... . .... .....


Fig. 5.2. Designed lined canal section.

(i) Annual Benefits
Seasonal flow. Discharge in the channel= 1.715 cumecs
1 cumec flowing for 150 days
~ (1 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 150) m3
1.715 cumecs flowing for 150 days
= (l.715 x 3600 x 24 x 150) m 3
1.715 x 3600 x 3600
= hectare-metre= 2220 ha. m.
:. Seasonal flow= 2,220 hectare metres .
. Saving in seasonal seepage loss per km = 1.5% of flow ----- _
1.5 x 2220
= = 33.3 hectare metres.
Money saved in seepage loss per km
= 33.3 x Rs. 150 =Rs. 4995
Saving in maintenance charges
=Rs.1000-Rs.200=Rs. 800

Other benefits =Rs. 350

Total annual benefits = 4995 + 800 + 350 =Rs. 6145
(ii) A.nnual Costs
Perimeter of lining= 4,470 sq. m.
The cost of lining per km of channel @ Rs. 16 per sq. m.
=Rs. 16 x 4,470= Rs. 71,520
Life of lining = 40 years
. . c harges = R s. 71,520 = R s. 1788
Annual depreciat10n 40
Annual interest charges

=-} ( C 1;0 ) = kx 71,520 x l~O =Rs. 2503

Total annual costs per km
= 1788 + 2,503 ='=Rs. 4291 .. .(ii)
. Annual benefits Rs. 6145
Benefit-cost rat10 = A =R = 1.43.
nnua1costs s. 4291
Benefit-cost ratio is sufficiently greater than unity, and hence, the lining is justified.
5.4. Justification for Lining Canals on New Projects
It has been stated earlier that the benefits obtained by lining canals in a new project
are many more than what are obtained by .lining the existing canals. The smaller canal
sections, smaller earth work, smaller land.acquisition, smaller and possibly fewer canal
structures, reduced storage and diversion capacity, etc. are the additional benefits that
are obtained in a new project.
These benefits may also be 'added h'Cfindi"ng out the annual benefits for a new
Irrigation canals .should be aligned and laid out, so that the .velocity of flow is
uniform under all conditions, and so that the water reaches the irrigated area at an
elevation sufficient to ensure even and economical distribution. High velocities of flow
can be permitted by taking the advantage of hard wearing surface, so as to ensure a
hydraulically efficient channel.
Very high flow velocities, even if not damaging to lining, do entail extra expenditure
at turnouts, and require higher walls to take care of pulsations or wave action. While
aligning the channel, sharp curves should also be avoided, as they not only reduce the
velocity 0.flow,-but-also ..r:equire higher..: walls-on-.the.. outside_to. retain.Jhe:wate:r_ as_ciL
rounds the curve.
5.5. Channel Cross"sections
Generally, two types of channel sections are adopted, i.e.
(i) Triangular channel section for smaller discharges, (ii) Trapezoidal channel syc-
- tion for larger discharge~. In order to increase AlP ratio, the corners are rounded and
attempts are made to use deeper sections by limiting depth, etc. The sections and their
properties, most comlllonly used, are shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4.

(i) Triangular Section (Fig. 5.3)

Ii I
Le.t central depth = radius of circle = y
I i
e t
Area= 1ty 2 ~ + 2 x yy cot e..
11 Ii
l1:ll 7ty29 +y2 cote
l,-I! :::
I_' II 7t
I = y2 [9 + cot 9] Fig~ 5.3. Triangular section.
1 I

i 9
If Perimeter = 21ty x - + 2y cot 9
I 11 7t- - --
= 2y . 9 + 2y . cot e = 2y (9 + cot 0)
1 I
Hence, Area for Fig. 5.3 = y2 (9 +cot 9) ... (5.5)

Perimeter for Fig. 5.3 = 2y (9 +cot 9) ... (5.6)

Hydraulic mean depth for Fig. 5.3
~ y2 (9 + cot 9) _ ,t
... (5.7)
- 2y (9 + cot 9) - 2
(ii) Trapezoidal Section (Fig. 5.4)

Area= By + 2 (7ty2 _.!!._)+

27t 2 (.!.yy
cot 9)
or . A=By+y29+y2cot9

Fig. 5.4. Trapezoidal section.

Hence, area for Fig. 5.4

= jy (B+y 9+ycot9)j ... (5.8)

Perimeter (P) = B + 2 ( 27ty~) + 2 (y cot 9)

Hence, perimeter for Fig. 5.4 = IB + 2y9 + 2y cot 01 ... (5.9)

The channel is, then designed, according to Manning's formula. The value of
I , rugosity coefficient (n) depends upon the roughness of the channel boundary, and is
different for different kinds of linings. Different values of n for different types of lining
, :r. _ __n:i_a_terialsllave already been-tabulated in-'Fable 5:2':'TlieVelochyof'depth may 6-e limited
for designing a trapezoidal channel section.
ii,',' 5.6. Permissible Velocities in Lined Channels
' 11
Higher velocities can be safely used in lined channels. Though maximum permis-
I sible velocities for concrete linings have not been established, velocities up to 2.5 m/sec.
(8 ft./sec) are permitted when_ the lining is not reinforced. The concrete lined Nangal
I I Hydel Channel with a capacity of 355 cumecs is designed for a permissible average
city of 1.8 m/sec. (6 ft./sec.). If still higher velocities are desired, the lining can be
ve. forced accordingly. Asphaltic concrete, which has less resistance to abrasion, can
re~;hstand maximum velocity up to 1.5 m/sec. (5 ft./sec.). Values of limiting velocities
different kinds of linings, as per Indian Standards, are tabulated in Table 5.3.
m .
Table 5.3. Max. Permissible Velocities in different types of Linings

Type of Lining Permissible Velocity

Cement concrete lining (Unreinforced) 2.0 to 2.5 m/sec.

Burnt clay tile lining 1.8 m/sec.

Boulder lining 1.5 rn/sec.

Example 5.3. Design a lined channel to carry a discharge of I 5 cumecs. The

available and accepted country slope is I in 9000. Assume suitable values of side slopes
and good brick work in lining.
Solution. Let us first of all assume that the side slopes of the channel be J.!.:
I (i.e.
]l H: 1 V) and the value of Manning's tugosity coefficient be 0.015 for good brick work.
The channel section may be designed as triangular (as given in Fig. 5.3) because the
discharge is small. '
Considering Fig. 5.3, we have
1 1
tan 8 = ll = 1 25

or cot 8 = 1.25
8 = 0.675 radians
Using A = y2 (8 + cot 8) ... (5.5)
and P = 2y (8 + cot 8) ... (5.6)
We get A= y2 (0.675 + 1.25) = 1.925 y2
p = 2y (0.675 + 1.25) = 3.85 y

R=~=0.5y . .'.(5.7)

Now, using Manning's formula

Q = _!_. AR213_ 5 112

Q is given to be 15 cumecs.
1 2 2/3 1
15 =.b.015 x~(l-:;925y )(0.5y) "19000

or 1.925 2 2/3
15 = O.Q15 x 94.8 y (0. 63Y )

= 0.852 y8 13
y8 = 17.6
or y = (17.6) 318 = 2.93. metres.
Hence, use the section shown in Fig. 5.3 with 2.93 m depth and 11 : I side slopes.

I' Example 5.4. Design a concrete lined channel to carrya discharge of 350 cunzecs i
I,: at a slope of Jin 5,000. The side slopes of the channel may be taken as/~: /. The value
:i.1 1
of n for lining is 0.014. Assume limiting velocity in the channel as 2111/sec:

I I!! Solution. V=_!_ -R 213 S 112

,i~11 n
1 2/3 1
2 = 0.014 R ..J5000

or (2 x 0.014x 70.8) =k13

or R::: (1.98) 312 = 2.79 m. ... (i)
The channel section is assumed t~ be trapezoidal as shown in Fig. 5.4. For 11 : 1
slopes ; we have, cote= 1.5 or e = 34.1 = 0.59 radians.
Using A = y (B +ye + y cot 8) ... (5.8)
P = B + 2y8 + 2y cot 9 ... (5.9)
we get A-= y (B + 0.59 y+ t5 y) =y (B+2.09 y)
P=B+ I.18y+3y =B+4.1Sy
Q 350
But A= V =1= 175 sq.m.
175 = y (B + 2.09 y)
or -=B+2.09y
1 5
or (B= ~-2.09y) ... (ii)

From (i), we get

17 5
2. 79 = R = 6:. =
P B+4.18y
---2.09y' +4.18y
y '

or ' (175
--2.09y ) +418y=-=62
y . 2.79 .7
or 175 - 2.09y2 + 4.I8y2 = 62.7y
or 2.09/-62.7y+ 175=0
or l-30y + 83.7=0
30 '1900- 334.8 30 23.8 30- 23.8
or y= _:_:_, __:=;.:._..:____:2- - 2---:.::_: __ :..,;::~:__-:.,__. __ -::: __
(ignoring unfeasible.+ ve sign)
=3.2 metres.
175 175 '
But B=-y-2.09y= _ -2.09x3.2=54.7-6.7=48m.
Souse, Bed width= 48 m] A
Depth= 3.2 m ns.
Example 5.5. Design a concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 350 cwnec;s
e f} in 6400. The side slopes of the channel may be taken as J!... : J. The value
at as lop 0'J 2
of nfor fining material may be taken as 0.013. Assume limiting depth of the channel as
4.0 rn.
Solution. The chan~el section is assumed to be trapezoidal as shown in Fig. 5.4.
Now, we have
A= y (B +ye+ y cot 8) ... (5.8)
p = B + 2y8"'"" 2ycot8 - - ... (5.9)
For J~ : I slope, cote= 1.5 and 8 = 0.59 radian.

A = y (B + 0.59 y + 1.5 y) = y (B + 2.09 y) ... (i)

P = B + 1.18 y + 3y =B+4.18y ... (ii)
y = 4.0 m (given)
I Therefore, from (i)
A= 4 (B + 2.09 x 4) = 4 (B + 8.36) = 4B + 33.44 ... (iii)
r From (ii) P = B + 4.18x4=B+16.72 ... (iv)
R=i= 4B+33.44 ... (v)
.P B + 16.72

Q= .!. . AR213. s112.


350 = _1_ x (4B + 33.44) (4B + 33.44]2;3 _1_

0.013 B+ 16.72 '16400

350 x 0.013 x 80 = (4 B + 33044~


or -
(B+ 16.72)_;3
364 = (4B + 33.44)5;3
or 213 ... (A)
(B + 16.72)
Solving Eq. (A) by Hit and Trial
(i) Use B = 30 m.

L.H.S. = 364; R.H.S. = (120 + 33.44)5;3 = (153.44)5;3 339

(30+ 16.72) 213 (46.72) 213
(ii) Use B=32m.
- -- - -- _ __:: _ __:-_ - _.=. ___:_~0-1-0-1-A4)~}_-___ __ :~ -- ';.=.:-. __ ;__:.:_::. - . -- -- -- ---.
R.H.S. = =359
(48.72) 213.
(iii) Use B=32.5 m.
(163 .44) 513
R.H.S. = ?/ = 364; :. OK
(49.22)-.3 .
Hence, use B = 32.5 m] A
y= 4 .0 m


Various types of canal linings, which are commonly adopted are enumerated below:
(A) Hard Surface Linings
( 1) Cast insitu Cement Concrete lining
(2) Shotcrete or Plaster lining
(3) Cement Concrete tile lining or Brick lining
( 4) Asphaltic Concrete lining
(5) Boulder lining
(B) Earth Type Linings
(1) Compacted earth lining
(2) Soil cement lining
All the above types of linings are discussed .below :
5.7. Hard SmJace or Rigid Linings
5. 7.1. Cast Insitu Cement Concrete Lining. Cement concrete lining made from
MIS cement concrete mix (1:2:4) is considered a good quality type of lining. Such
linings usually give very satisfactory service, and are widely used owing to their
durability, impermeability, hydraulic efficiency, and for providing weed free surface.
Despite the fact that the initial cost of C.C. lining is high, yet its long life and minimum
maintenance cost usually makes it an economical type of lining over the life span. For
this reason, concrete linings have been extensively used in America and other developed
nations. India being a developing nation, however, finds it difficult to afford their high
initial costs, and as such, their use is restricted only to important projects. Concrete
linings have been used in India in the canals of various important projects, such as
Bhakra-Nangal Project, Tungabadhra Project, Amaravati Project, Sarda Canal in U.P., _
etc. About 570 kin length of channels have been lined in concrete in Bhakra-Nangal
Project. Sub-grade preparations. Cement concrete linings are best suited for main
canals which have to' carry huge flows and at higher velocities. However, being rigid,
its success depends to a great extent upon a stable foundation. Particular care should,
therefore, be taken on thorough compaction of side slopes of the canals, on which the
lining is to be laid. A firm foundation eliminates the possibility of cracking due to
settlement of the subgrade. Natural earth in cutting, is usually, satisfactory ; but em-
I,' bankments in filling must be compacted by some suitable means.
Ordinarily, any rock or earth or predominantly sandy soil, is suitable as a subgrade
material for cement concrete canal linings. However, when unusual subgrade conditions
_ar~ ~ncountere_d,_ ~l.l~h -~$ expansiye clays;:csusceptible to.wlume changes, then proper -,
moisture and density control of the soil should be ensured dunng.placing the lining. If
, !I the subgrade becomes too dry, it should be thoroughly wetted several hours before the
' ,I,',, "' lining is placed, so that the subgrade will be moist but not muddy at that time. Highly
expensive soils like black cotton soils, need special treatment in the form of laying a
layer of CNS (Cohesive non-swelling soil) material like murum, etc. in depth of about
300-1000 mm over the given soil surface before laying the lining.
L___.,_ ..
Occasionally, it may be necessary to construct a concrete lined canal in areas where
ound water is likely to rise above the invert level of lining. In such cases, it may
the g:cessary to lay drains underneath or alongside the canal, so as to relieve the
~;d~ostatic pressure, which might cause uplift pressure on the lining during periods of
low flow or no flow. Thickness. A thickness of about 5 to 15 cm ~f cement concrete is penerally
d for larger canals, depending upon the canal capacity , the nature of canal , and the
useecial requirements of 1mperv10usness
an d structura1 strengt h to resist
crac k"mg, on
s~ght movement of subgrade. Minimum thickness used in India is7.5 cm. Stable side
!lopes of the order of 1~ : 1 or 1~ : 1 should be adopted. Steeper slopes entail extra earth
pressure and consequently require more thickness, and hence are uneconomical. Laying of Concrete The levelled and dressed sub-grade soil surface shall
be moistened thoroughly before laying cement concrete, so that the moisture is not
withdrawn by the sub grade from the cement concrete. In case an inverted filter is laid
----over the sub grade to take care of the differential hydrostatic pressure and draw-down
in canals, it shall be properly designed keeping the coarsest filter material (gravel) layer
in immediate contact with C.C. lining. To make such filter blanket effective and to
prevent ingress of concrete into it, a tar paper may be placed over the filter blanket
before placing cement concrete.
Hand placing of cement concrete is usually adopted in India, particularly for
smaller canal sections. The cement concrete shall be dumped and spread on the bed and
side slopes of the canal, usually in panels of not more than 3 m side, with suitable joints
in between. The construction joints so formed will also serve the purpose of contraction
joints, which are basically required for shrinkage of concrete and to take care of
temperature stresses caused by the changes of temperature.

In order to prepare uniform panels, screed guides shall be faid on the sub grade,
and the cement concrete shall be screeded up to the grade to proper thickness. Before
laying the cement concrete for lining, precast cement concrete sleepers on side slopes
and cast in situ C.C. sleepers on bed shall be placed under the joints, to serve as
templates for accurate dressing of subgrade and to reduce the seepage through the joints.
The sleepers shall be 20 cm wide and 10 cm deep for canals with capacity more than
15 cumec; and 15 cm wide and 7.5 cm deep for canals with capacity less than 15 cumec.
The sleepers shall be placed centrally below the joints. The C.C. used for sleepers shall
* Hydel canals oten require greater thickness of lining than the irrigation canals,
because of the drawdown effects and non-possibility of closure of hydel canals for repairs.
Similarly, deeper canals will have greater thickness than shallow depth canals. Minimum
thickness of canal lining,c.based on canal capacity,ds .shown-in table 5 Ac below :
Table 5.4. Suggested Thickness of C.C. Lining for Irrigation Canals
Capacity oi canal in Thickness ()f C. C. lining
S. No. Depth of water in m
cumec in cm
I 0-5 0-1 5-6
2 5-50 1-2.5 6-7.5
3 50-200 2.5--4.5 7.5-10
4 200-300 4.5-6.5 9-10
5 300-700 6.5-9.0 12-15


be of the same grade as for lining. Mechanical Vibration of cement concrete is always
' \
preferred, for which, screed vibrators should be used.
Mechanical placing of cement concrete for laying C.C. lining is usually adopted
on large sized projects in developed countries, by using slip-form machines supported
on rails placed along both berms of the canal. Concrete for slip'form should be air-
entrained as to provide a more workable and slippable mix. The perc~ntage of air
recommended in shown in table 5.5.
Table 5.5. Perc1~nt_age oCair:: (or Air-entrained cement concrete for. C.C. lining.
.. - to be placed by slip form machines

Maximum Aggregate size

S.No. Air percent by volume

1 10 8.0
2 12.5 7.0
3 20 6.0 -
4 25 5:0
5 40 4.5

For lining small. to moderate sized canals, sub grade guided slip forms are used.
The slip form is supported directly on the sub grade and operated longitudinally along
it. Concrete is screeded on the bed along the canal length and on sides from bottom to
For larger canals of considerable length, rail guided slip-forms are used. Slip-forms
supported on rails are placed along both berms of the canal and are operated lon-
gitudinally and on the side slopes from bottom to top.
For hand placing with the light machines, where concrete in screeded from bottom
to the. top oflfie side slope, the consistency of .concrete should be such that it will barely
stay on the slope. A slump of 60 to 70 nim is generally allowed. For heavier longitudinal-
ly operating slip-form machines, a slump of 50 mm at the laying point is permitted.
There should be a_ close control on.the consistency and workability of. concrete, and the
slumps should not vary more than 20 mm, otherwise there will be interference with the
progress and quality of the work.
5. 7.1.4. Finishing. The surface of concrete finished against forms shall .be smooth
and free from projections, honey-coming and other objectionable defects. Immediately
on removal of forms, all unsightly ridges or lips shall be removed, and undesireable
local bulging on exposed surfaces shall be remedied by tooling and rubbing. Repairs to
concrete surfaces and additions where required shall be made by cutting regular open-
.. i11gs int9: .th_e-'-ffin_cu~.t~=and~placingAresh.c.cconcrete-toccthe=requi-red-lines~The- :chipped
openings shall be sharp and shall not be less than 70 mm in depth. The fresh concrete
shall be reinforced and chipped and trowelled to the surface of the openings. The mortar
shall be pfaced in layers not more than 20 mm in thickness after being compacted, and
each layer shall be compacted thoroughly. All exposed concrete surfaces shall be
cleaned of impurities, lumps of mortar or grout, and unsightly strains.
5. 7.1.5. Curing. Subsequent to laying of concrete lining and after a period of 24-36
hours, the lining shall be cured for at least 28 days.
On bed, this may be done by constructing 150 mm deep earthen bunds across the
bed, so that a small depth of water will regularly stand on the bed.
The curing of side slopes may be done by constructing masonry drains with weep
holes or perforated pipes on the coping at the top of lining, or by sprinklers. Surface drainage. Concurrently with the curing operation, surface
drainage arrangement of the bank such as construction of dowels, bank surface slope
away from the lining, and construction of longitudinal drain on the outer wedge shall
be completed. This is necessary to preventsurface and siibgrade er'osiori and consequent
damage to the lining. Joints in cement concrete lining. Cracks in C.C. lining usually occur due
to :
(i) Warping stresses caused due to the difference in temperature between the
atmosphere and the concrete lining, or due to moisture potential between the
two faces of the C.C. slab ; and
(ii) Tensile stresses caused by the differential temperature variation between the
upper and lower faces of the c.c. slab.
Cracking caused due to above causes is controlled either by providing reinforcement ,
(as discussed in artile, or by providing joints in concrete lining, as discussed
The various types of joints which may be provided in C.C. lining are :
(i) Expansion joints ;
(ii) Construction joints ; and
(iii) Contraction joints.
Expansion joints are usually not provided in C.C. lining, except where structures
intersect the canal. At the intersecting structure, an expansion joint of 25 mm width,
filled with sealing compound, is provided.
Construction joints which are left during casting of cement concrete lining as
pointed out earlier, do serve the purpose of contraction joints, which ai:e specifically
required to take care of shrinkage and temperature stresses. Each construction joint will
oppose contraction stresses, and hence will be a contraction joint. Therefore, practically,
there is no difference between the two types of joints. Theoretically, however, the joints
left due to difficulty in laying the cement concrete at a stretch, are called construction
Joints ; whereas, the joints left intentionally for making provision for shrinkage and
temperature stresses! .ar;e c:_alfed:.contracfiO}]jQi_nts. _ -'- -____ : _ -
The most commonly adopted type of construction joint (serving as contraction joint
also) provided while placing cement concrete lining in panels on top of C.C. sleepers,
is shown in Fig. 5.5 (read in conjunction with Fig. 5.6 and table 5.6). Other types. of
construction joints, which are in use, are shown in Fig. 5.7.

Sealing compound
@ 1 litre/4 m Faces to be painted with
sealing compound

Cement concrete lining

Two layers of sealing compound

first layer @ 1 litre/2 m
Cement concrete Second layer @ 1 litre/4 m
bed sleeper

Fig. 5.5. Commonly adopted construction joints in cement concrete lining (IS : 3873-1978).
Table 5.6. Details of Groove to be provided in Expansion joint of Fig. 5.5 ;
I and lone contraction joints provided when lining is laid at a single stretch
without leaving construction joints. (IS 3873-1978)
Values of distances band cfor various values App. groove spacing
of thickness (t) of lining (Fig. 5.6) (c/c)
t(mm) b(mm) c(mm) m

50 8 17 3
65 8 20 3
75 and 80 11 27 4 to 5 -
90 11 30 4 t6 5
100 and more 11 33 4 to 5

1------...... ----------1.==:l~_G_ro_o_ve ______,

C 10 mm radius (Max)

-- - - . - -- ----

Fig. 5.6. Details of groove to form part of expansion joint of Fig. 5.5,
or as an independent contraction-joint.

Note 1. Allowable tolerance on b and c shall be 1.5 mm.

Note 2. The groove shall be cleaned and made free from foreign substances, and
then filled with hot applied sealing compound, after curing period of
cement concrete is over. During the curing period, course sand is filled in
the groove which can be easily blown out while filling sealing compound.

(a) Lap joint.

(b) Lap joint with separate fillet.

(c) Tongue and groove joint.
Fig. 5.7. Various types of construction Joints in C.C. Linings. Reinforcement. It has now been widely accepted that normal steel reinfor-
cement (0.25 to 0.3% of concrete) adds practically nothing to the structural strength of
uncracked lining. But it has been found that reinforcement reduces the width of
shrinkage cracks, thereby reducing seepage and prevents possible faulting of the cracked
slabs where unstable subgrades are encountered. In long slabs of more than 15 m or so,
the intervals between transverse cracks was found to be more in unreinforced slabs as
compared to those in reinforced slabs. If transverse joints can be provided at intervals
sufficient to control intermediate cracking, the use of reinforcement is of no material
advantage and is not justified. However, transverse expansion and contraction joints can
be avoided by providing longitudinal steel reinforcement of the order of 0.5 per cent,
and transverse steel reinforcement of the order of 0:25 per cent of the cross.:sectional
area of concrete. Such a lining will involve only the construction joints to be left after
days work and longitudinal steel to be taken continuously through these joints.
Advantages of cast in situ c~ment concrete linings.
(i) Longer life than that of any other type.
(ii) Least permeable of all types. (iii) Most resistant to ero$ion.
(iv) Permits fast construction by mechanical means.
(v) Low recurring maintenance charges.
Disadvai;ttages of cast~in-situ cement concrete linings.
(i) Higher initial cost. (ii) Greater possibility of temperature cracking.
(iii) Less f1exible andceasily affected by adverse- subgrade conditions.
(iv) Skilled supervision and construction necessary.
Advantages of pre-cast cement concrete tile linings (discussed in article 5.7.3) l",',I

(i) Higher strength for equivalent thickness. i1

(ii) A voids plaster finish. (iii) No lead of raw materials. I
(iv) Lesser skilled labour, as campared to that required for cast in situ c.c. lining,
is required for pre-cast c.c. tile lining. lI

:111~ .. --

Fig. 5.8. Photographic view of one of the most unique artificial channels in the world,
the Nangal power canal-constituting a part of the Bhakra-Nangal project-is lined
with concrete throughout its length of 64 km.
(v) Easy to repair.
(vi) Various types of joints possible.
(vii) Lesser formwork than what is reqd for cas insitu c.c. lining, is required here.

Disadvantages of pre-cast cement concrete tile linings (discussed in article 5.7.3.)

(i) Slow progress.
(ii) Not suitable for curves.
(iii) Too light for hydel channels.
5. 7.2. Shotcrete Lining. Shotcrete is a technical term used to designate cement
mortar applied under pressure through a nozzle on the surface of the channel. It consists
of a mixture of cement and sand (generally in the ratio of I :4). Sand is having a
maximum size of 0.5 cm. Larger proportions of cement are required in s_hotcrete as
--compared to what is required in cement concrete. Wire mesh reinforcement is generally,
although not necessarily, used in shotcrete canal linings.
Shotcrete is of immense use for smaller jobs, because of the lighter equipment and
small crew required to carry out the work. It is also useful for repair works and in
rehabilitation of old canals. Shotcrete linings can be placed in an irregular canal section,
thus eliminating the necessity of trimming the section, as is required for concrete canal


199 I

linings when placed with a slip-form. Shotcre~e lining is generally laid in a thickness of
about 3.5 cm.
Excavation, compaction, curing etc. for a shotcrete lining are the same as those
required for a cement concrete lining.
5.7.3. Cement Concrete Tile Lining or Brick Lining. Such types of linings are
very popular in India, because of certain inherent advantages in their use. These ad-
vantages are :
(i) Bricks or concrete tiles can be laid by ordinary masons, and specially skilled
labour, as reqd for cast insitu c.c. lining, is not required.
(ii) Rigid quality control is not required.
(iii) No expansion joints are required.
(iv) Rounded sections can be easily laid without using any formwork.
(v) Larger number of labour is required, thus providing greater employment poten-
(vi) Isolated 'C:lamaged portions can be repaired easily.
(vii) Bricks can be plastered to increase the carrying capacity of canal with the same
section, and also to help increase the life span of lining.
The specificationsmay provide either a single or a double layer of c.c. tiles or bricks
laid in mortar. Sometimes, a

!I '1 I I I 1.J I fr:i'tJ'

layer of tiles is laid over a
layer of brick masonry. The
top layer of tiles is generally
laid in 1 : 3 cement mortar "" '"'"
over 15 mm thick layer of 10mm THICK CEMENT
plaster in 1 : 3 cement plaster.
The size of tiles is generally Fig. 5.9. (a) Single Tile Lining.
restricted to 30x 150x53
.mm. Typical sections are Smm THICK PLASTER 1:3
shown in Fig. 5.9 (a) and (b).
This type of lining gives
a very satisfactory service.
Even if there is a settlement
of subgrade, the mortar joints
between thy bricks or tiles
provide for numerous cracks
so fine that seepage would be Fig. 5.9. (b) Double Tile Lining. _
insignificant. In case of abnormal settlement, the local ;re;; ca; be ~epai1:ed ~ithout any
5.7.4. Asphaltic Concrete Lining. Asphalt has been used as a lining material at a
very few places. It is still under the stage of evolution. Asphaltic concrete is a carefully
controlled mixture of asphalt and graded stone aggregate, mixed and placed under
elevated temperature. It provides a fairly cheap lining, especially where the asphalt is

available within the country. It is flexible and readily confirms to the subgrade. The
disadvantages or the limitations of this type of lining are :
(i) I.t does not decrease the rugosity coefficient of the channel.
(ii) It permits certain type of weed growth.
5. 7.5. Boulder Lining. Boulder lining, also called dry stone lining or stone pitching,
consists of lining the side slopes' of on earthen canal by proper placement & packing
of stones, either after laying a filter layer over the soil surface, or without any such filter,
depending upon the site requirement. Such a lining does not prevent seapage of canal
water, though helps in retaining the shape of canal section, thereby reducing main-
tenance cost. The stones to be used for 1ining are rounded or sub-angular river cobbles,
or blasted rock pieces with sufficient base area, so as to remain stable in their position.
Stones are generally placed on the levelled subgrade, and hand packed after dividing
side slope length into compartments by the construction of Dhamalis (ribs) of stone
masonry constructed at suitable intervals. The dhamalis do rest on a c.c. or R.R. masoury
toe wall constructed on the drain bed along the Junction of drain bed and side slope. -
Usually, dhamalis in R.R. masonry @15 m centre to centre, and 0.6 min width, having
depth equal to the depth of pitching (22.5 cm or so) are usually provided.
The biggest advantage of such a lining however, is that it is a pervious lining
y allowing free flow of water from the submerged or saturated subgrade into the canal.
Such a lining, therefore, does not need any drainage arrangements, in the form of
pressure relief val.ves, etc. as may be required in concrete or brick linings. Such a lining
may therefore be preferred when watertable is very high in the area, higher than DBL
or even FSL of the canal.
The thickness of the lining and the size of the stones, which may be adopted
depending upon the canal capacity, are given in table 5.7,.
Table 5.7. Thickness of stone lining to be adopted for different canal capacities

Size of stones to be used

Thickness of stone
Canal/Drain capacity in
s.No. lining recommended Av. dia along longest Min. dia. at any
in cm. axis section
in cm in cm.
1. less than 50 15 15 7.5
2. above 50 and less than 100
. 22.5 22.5 11.0
3. JOO and above 30 .30 15.0

5.8. Earth Type Linings

.-~5.8.1. Compacted Earth Lining. Soil graded to obtain the requirea characteristics
and containing enough fines, so as to make it impervious, is thoroughly compacted at
optimum moisture content**, and is used to provide a lining of 30 to 90 cm thickness.
The use of this type of lining is restricted to the availability of suitable soils in the area,

* Such dry stone lining is generally adopted only on the side slopes of canals or drains, and the canal
beds are rarely lined with such a lining.
** Please refer chapter 8 in "Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering" by the same author to know
about compaction of earth under OMC.

through which the canal is being constructed. It would be uneconomical to transport the
selected soils from outside.
5.8.2. Soil-Cement Lining. Portland cement up to the extent of 2 to 8% is added
to the soil having a high percentage of fines. The mixture is first mixed dry. Water is
then added so as to bring the soil to its optimum moisture content, and again mixed
thoroughly. Material is then placed at site and compacted. Curing is then required for
atleast seven days by covering with wet sand, etc.
5.9. Requirements of Good Lining
The canal linings should generally possess the following essential requirements.
(1) economy,' (2) structural stability ;
(3) durability ; and ( 4) repairability, as discussed below :
(1) Economy. The selection of a suitable type of lining for any canal project is mainly
a question of economics and availability of material, skilled and unskilled labour, construc-
tion machinery and equipment, and time available for completing the work.
The type of lining selected should not only be economical in initial cost, but also
in repair a.nd maintenance cost.
Economic analysis of different types of linings, which can technica:ly be used on
a given project, is therefore of vital importance to us.
(2) Structural stability. The lining should be able to withs.tand the differential
,sub-soil water pressure* from behind the lining due to sub-grade** getting saturated
through seepage or rain or due to sudden drawdown of the canal. The lining should also
be sufficiently heavy and strong to withstand the effect due to local cavity formation, if
any, behind the lining.
(3) Durabiiity; the c-a:Ila.l l.lriiilg~shourd-Be-afi"I<no~w-itHstano-fne-nafiirafwea.r--and
tear, such as the effect of velocity of water, rain, sunshine, frost, thawing (applicable
only in cold countries), thermal and moisture changes, and chemical action of salts, etc.
It should also be able .to withstand the damaging effects caused by cattle traffic, weed
and rodent growth, etc. -
(4) Repairability. Since the lining will get damaged with its use over a period of
time, it should be such that it can be repaired easily and economically. Brick tile or
concrete tile or stone boulder linings, or precast slab lining can be easily repaired, as
compared to cast in situ concrete lining.
In adoition to the above essential requirements, the following may be the additional
requirements, depending on the need of a particular project:
(i) impermeability ;
(ii) hydraulic efficiency ; and
(iii) resistance to erosion, as discussed below :

* Special drainage arrangements are provided for this, as discussed in article 5. I I.

** Subgrade here means the soil surface of the ground against which the lining is placed on bed as well
as sides of the canal. ,
1I 202
I! (i) Impermeability. The permeability of lining may decide the quantum of seepage
Joss from a canal, which also is governed by the depth of water in the canal, and the

type of subgrade soil. The permissible values of seepage losses from a canal for a

j[ particular area will depend upon the local conditions, such as the values of land and
I 1 I water, population intensity, etc. The lining chosen for a particular.project should confirm
q to the allowable water losses.
I' (ii) Hydraulic Efficiency. The hydraulic efficiency of a canal, generally reduces
with time, since the surface of lining gets eroded, increasing the friction factor (n), and
.II.I thereby reducing its carrying capacity. The lining chosen for a given project must
', 'i'!'f'I therefore, be such that its surface can be easily restored to original smoothness, if no
reduction in its carrying capacity can be permitted. Cement plastered brick lining can
:,1'11 be preferable in such a case.
I '
I ' (iii) Resistance to erosion. Sometimes, a canal may have to transport a considerable
1 [

amount of sediment load, which may damage the lining by abrasion. Hence, in such a
ii canal, the lining chosen should be able to withstand such abrasion. Cement concrete and -
stone boulder linings may provide better abrasion resistance, as compared to brick tile
- 5.10. Factors Responsible for Selection of a Particular Type of Lining
Depending upon the project requirements as discussed above, the following factors
may guide the selection of a particular lining for a given canal project :
(1) Size and Importance of the canal. For smaller canals, which may be used only
intermittently, one may choose a lining, the construction of which may require little
equipment and machinery. Larger canals on the other hand, may permit the use of cast
in situ operations, with more elaborate T & P articles brought to site. Moreover, larger
. & important canals may require continuous operations, and, hence mayneed stronger
linings, such as concrete lining.
(2) Canal Slopes and Alignments. ,These factors_,also.need consideration since
frequent changes in alignment and steeper slopes may- encounter higher flow velocities,
leading to selection of stronger linings. The limiting safe velocities, in generally used
types of linings, are given in table 5.8, and may serve as a guide in this regard.

Table 5.8. Limiting Velocities in Different Types of Linings

S.No. Type of lining Safe limiting velocity

1. Boulder lining 1.5 mis

2. Burnt clay tile lining 1.8 mis

3. Cement concrete lining 2.7 mis*

(3) Climate of the Area. Higher quality linings should be used in areas which are
susceptible to severe frosts and temperature changes such as in western countries.

* Other factors, like loss of head due to friction, would, however, limit the velocity in concrete
lining to 2 mis, or so.
(4) Availability of Materials. Every type of lining will require certain materials
nd ingredients. Some of these materials may be easily available at a certain place, and
~thers may not be easily available. The type of lining should be such that the required
materials are most easily available locally or in the vicinity of the area from where they
can be carted to site with lea~t cost.
(5) Initial Expenditure. Mathematically speaking, the most economical type of
lining is the one which shows maximum annual benefit-cost ratio. This lining may have
higher initial cost but longer life, than some other kind of lining having lesser value of
annual benefit cost ratio. From long term planning point of view; the first type of lining
should be chosen. But sometimes, the initial cost may be too high to be borne by the
State, and hence, the lining with lesser initial cost may have to be adopted, even though
its benefit-cost ratio may be less.
Keeping in mind the above factors, the suitable type of linings for different sizes
of canals are given for general guidance in table 5.9.
Table 5.9. General Guidelines for Choice of Linings for different sized Canals.

s. Size of canal Choice of Lining

1. Canals with bed width (i) Single burnt clay tile lining ; or brick lining where seepage
upto 3 m considerations are important.
(ii) P.C.C. slab lining; and
(iii) flexible membrane lining, with adequate earth/tile cover.
2. Canals with bed width (i) single burnt clay tile lining ;
between 3 to 8 m (ii) P.C.C. slab lining; and
(iii) flexible membrane lining in the bed and rigid lining on the sides.
- This'maycbe a:dopted-where channels have becom:estableand no
danger of scour is expected. I i
3. Canals with bed width (i) insitu cement concrete lining in bed as well as on sides ;
greater than 8 m
(ii) insitu cement concrete lining in bed and PCC slab lining on sides ;
(iii) burnt clay tile lining (single layer on bed and double layer on sides)
to be adopted at places where aggregates for manufacture of
concrete are not available economically.

5.11. Under Drainage of Lined Canals (i.e. Drainage Behind Linings)

Many .of the linings fail due to build up of water pressure behind the lining. Such
a water pressure may essentially develop, when the watertable rises above the canal
bed and there may be lQw_ flow or.n.o flow in the canaLSuch a._sjt_u_atj_Qn :will:a].}\'ays
cause an uplift on the lining, equal to the difference in the water heads, as shown in Fig.
Such hydrostatic pressures may also be caused on the lining by the seeping rain
water in the backfill, even when the watertable remains below the canal bed, if the
backfill is of low drainage (i.e. of low permeability). In such a case, the backfill may

i !

111 Uplift force= H metres of water

11 ...
If H> y, a ne_t uplift equal to (H-y)rnetres_o(""'.aterwi!Lbe . _ .
exerted on channel bed. (H-y) is called Differential Head.
. .r1 Fig. 5.10.
I 11
get saturated over a period of time due to seepage of water through the joints and cracks;
I and in case of drawdown in the canal, the water in the backfill may not be drained out
as quickly as the 9ccuring drawdown, leading to building up of pressure behind the
In all such cases, properly designed drainage arrangements must be provided, to
help in reducing such hydrostatic pressures to safe limits. Such drainage arrangements
may be provided in the form of pressure release valves for releasing the external water
from the subgrade into the canal, through drainage pockets or through well connected
pipe drains laid ?n the bed and sides of the canal, below the lining.
'1, However, no such drainage arrangements may be necessary if the subgrade is made
of clear gravel or sand of good permeability (more than 10- 3 cm/sec or so) and the
1 i watertable is also not likely to go above the canal bed, because in such a case, there will
be no appreciable time lag in the dissipation of drawdown pore pressres in the subgrade.
Drainage arrange~~11t to !J.~ :lcl9.PJe_c:l..willJAe(efore depend.upon :. (i) the.position of
the watertable ; (ii) upon the type of soil below the lining ; and (iii) the type of lining
to be adopted. Soil investigation is thus, of vital importance in designing such drainage
5.11.1. Drainage Arrangements. Drainage arrangements, as stated above, may be
accomplished by the following methods :
(1) By providing drainage relief pockets. Drainage relief pockets filled with
graded filter, containing gravel, coarse sand, and fine sand, and provided with pressure
relief valves, as shown in Fig. 5.11, may be used. The graded filter must, however, be
properly designed on the considerations indicated below :
Design of graded filter. The graded filter should be designed in such a way that
tb_ere is no .loss of bed soil. The gradation curve of the bed soil should be obtained from
the sieve analysis. The D 15 size of the adjoining layer A of the filter material should be
at/east 4 times as large as D 15 size of the bed soil, and less than 4 times its D85 size.
Design of the other layers should be made in the similar way, till the requirement of the
filter opening is met.
I, Such drainage relief pockets may be provided at isolated locations in the bed as well
as sides of the lined canal, below the lining. at suitable spacings. They may be cubical


\ !"" VALVE


60cm . r
Fig. 5.11. Details of graded inverted filter to be used in
drainage relief pockets.

in shape with 60 to 90 cm size, and may be provided@ 15 to 20 m intervals, along rows

in such a way that atleast one row is provided on the bed for every 10 m bed width, and
one row on sides for every 4 m side width, as shown in Fig. 5.12.

Additional row for

each additional 4m
width of--s'1de lining

Ist row for

draining side lining
relief valves
@15-20 m c/c
For bed drainage
if) o,... -
. \, / so
One row for bed ,,, .. " ' /
Graded filter width< 10 m;
as shown in Two rows for width
fig 511 between 20-30m,
r placed if

.,-c_,,,-- cfi.of- canal section~

Fig. 5.12. Fig. showing loc_ations of isolated drainage relief pockets.

Better drainage may sometimes be provided by providing continuous drainage pock-

ets throughout the perimeter of the lined section of the canal, in I to 2 m width @ 15
to 20 m spacings, as shown in Fig. 5.13~


Graded filter ns .r relief valve
detailed in I
fig 5.11- i

15 rn to
20 m c/c

relief valves

Fig. 5.13. Continuous drainage relief pockets running across the entire
section in I to 2 m width at regular intervals along the lining length.
(2) By providing open jointed pipe drains in 50 cm x 50 cm sized trench, sur-
rounded by graded gravel ( 5 to 20 mm in size) and discharging the drained water into
I' the canal through pressure relief valves located at s.uitable intervals.
Such pipe drains will run logitudinally in a trench excavated below the lining on
'11' the canal bed along the length of canal, and transverse to the length of canal on the side

l!.:--'- ... Water from !~~ ~~i~~}s::cS9!_l~~~s1- i11_ ~ujt~~.!_e -~~()_!l_r).':}2!" pre~ast _COJ!CI~J~ _bo~e_s~--
- having pre-ss-ure- release valves placed on the top of the boxes, as shown in Fig. 5.14.
This water is finally released into the canal through opening of the flap shutter of a
pressure release valve, as and when the differential head exceeds 10 cm or so ..
In case of impervious subg~ades, these drainage arrangements may have to be further
II supplemented by laying sand or inverted filter, in say 75 cm thickness, underneath the
entire lining.

II i

Cylindrical box filled
with grade filler material
r-i. of pressure relief valve
I / Pipe/cl rain

Trench filled
with graded
filler- Gravel or Precast concrete box
broken roe k Ocm 75cm thick, say
(5 to 20 mm size)
Fig. 5.14. Outlets for open jointed pipe drains. Pressure relief valves. The flap valves, opening upwards into the canal,
called pressure release valves, may help in releasing the hydrostatic pressure, as soon as
the differential head exceeds the safe pressure for the given lining with a safety factor of at
least 2. Generally, these valves open out, as soon as the differential pressure becomes 10
cm or so. These valves are available in the market in different sizes, say from 50 to 150 mm
diameter size. 150 mm diameter valves may generally be used in the bed, and 50 mm
diameter valves on side slopes. Typical details of both-these types of valves are shown in
Fig. 5.15 and 5.16, respectively.

Clear holes
for bolts
222 P.C.Q

Fig: 5.15. Typical details of a 150 mm dia vertical pressure

relief valve, useful on bell{> of lined canals.
11.: II:--------------

I ~


Pea grovel

Trench filled with

i I
9roded filler


I ,11

, I

I 1


Fig. 5.16. Typical details of a 50 mm dia vertical pressure

relief valve, useful on sides of lined canals.
These valves are generally made of such a material, which is resistant to abrasion
and is not affected due to its submergence in water. Cast iron valves are generally
available. Plastic valves are also making entry in the market with good potential.
5.12. Lining of Canals in Expansive Soils - . --- --~--

-"-----Exp~nsive "-soils ar~thos~ soils, which exhibit shrinkag~ and -sw~lll~g pr-;;-P~~ti~s.
Such soils are inorganic or organic clays of plasticity, with high compressibility, and
liquid limits more than 50. --
Commonly found expansive soils in India are cal.led black cotton soils. Different
varieties of black cotton soils, varying from black to yellowish to grey are found in our
country. The chief property of such a soil is its swelling pressure. The larger is _the
swelling pressure, the more problemsome is the soil.
For canals excavated in such soils, lining is found to be very advantageous, because
earthen canals in such soils pose serious problems of instability of slopes ; and it is thus,
very difficult to maintain their regular sections.
But when lining materials are directly placed in contact with the expansive soils, _
they undergo deformations by heaviflg, disturbing the lining and throwing the canal out
of commission. This deformation is dependent upon the swelling pressure developed by
the given expansive soil, when it imbibes water in its intra-layers.
In order to counteract such swelling pressure, it is found advantageous to place a
layer of some cohesive non-swelling soil (CNS)* like muram having some cohesion,
over the given expansive soil surface. The larger the thickness of CNS introduced over
the expansive soil, the lesser would be the resulting swelling and deformations.
Hence, in order to line canals in expansive soils, we generally place a layer of
cohesive non-swelling soil over the soil subgrade, before placing the lining materials
over the same.
The thickness of CNS to be used is more for more expansive soils and less for less
expansive soils. Table 5.10 shows the CNS thickness to be adopted for soils of different
swelling pressures. **
Table 5.10. Thickness of CNS Layer to be Used for
Lining over Expansive Soil Sub-Grades

S.No. Swelling pressure of soil in KN!m 2 Thickness of CNS material in cm*

I. 50-150. 75 to 85
2. 200-300 90 to 100
3. 350 to 500 105 to 125

After providing a CNS layer, the lining can be done as usual. Precast cement
concrete, burnt clay tiles, bricks, insitu cement concrete, or even boulder linings may
be adopted. The under-drainage arrangements and joints in lining would also be
provided, as usual.
5.13. Safety Ladders in Lined Canals
In large canals, safety ladders are generally provided on side slopes, at suitable
intervals along the canal length. Such a ladder consists of a number of ladder rungs,
constructed in canal lining at the given section, at different elevations, as shown in Fig.
5.17. The ladder rungs are made of smooth round mild steel bars, galvanised or coated
with coaltar after installation, and are CT-shaped as shown.
The ladders are provid~d on both banks, alternatively at about 300 metres-staggered
distance, in straight reaches. Such ladders shall also alwa1s be cons.tructed on both banks
at about 30 m upstream of the poi:nt, where the canal enters some underground structure.

* CNS material shall be non-swelling with a min. of IO KN/ni2 (1020 kg/m 2) of cohesion, and swelling
pressure not more than 15 kN/m2 at optimum moisture content. Most murums with some cohesive property
perform setisfactorily as CNS material.
** Optimum thickness can be determined only be actual experiments in the field or the lab.

20 cm cfc


I ,
Fig. 5.17. Details of safety ladder.
ii These ladders can be used by persons or cattle, that may be swept away with the
flowing water in the canal. Such a person, who may otherwise get dr:owned, may catch
hold of one such ladder rung at the level of the flowing water, and can climb the higher
rungs to get out of the canal, easily.

1. What is meant by 'canal lining', and what are its advantages ?
Enumerate the different types of canal linings, and discuss the design and construction features of
concrete linings .
.2. (a) Enumerate the different types of lining materials, and discuss the factor.s which are responsible
for selecting a particular material in a particular project.
(b) Design a triangular concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 20 cumecs at a slope of IO
cm/km. The side slopes of the channel are l l : I. The value of n may be taken as 0.015.
[Hint : Follow example 5.3).
3. (a) Explain the necessity of lining of canals. Enumerate the various types of linings practised in
Tamil Nadu State .
.. . - - .. __ .:.(b}Design a-trap~zoidal concrete lined cliann~l ici carry a discharge of 350 cumecs ai a slope of l --,-
in 6400. The side slopes of the channel may be taken as lk: I. The value of n for the lining material
may be taken as 0.013. Assume the limiting BID ratio to be 5. [Ans. Use B= 20 m, D = 4 m]
4. What are the main types of channel linings ?
Design a concrete lined trapezoidal channel to carry a discharge of 200 cumecs at a slope of I in
5000. The side slopes of the channel are 1 : 1 and Manning's coefficient of rugosity may be taken as
0.014. Assume the limiting velocity in the channel as 2 m per second.
[Hint: Follow example 5.4)
s. (a) How will you justify economically the necessity of lining an existing canal ? What added
benefits you will expect if the canal to be lined is new and yet to be constructed ?
[Hint: Please see articles 5.3 and 5.4]
(b) What is meant by 'under-drainage of lined canals', and how is it provided ?
6. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Lining of irrigation canals. (ii) Under-drainage of lined canals.
(iii) Use of cement concrete for lining canals. (iv) Economics of canal lining.
(v) Various types of canal linings. (vi) Financial justification for lining new canals.
(vii) Advantages of lining irrigation canals. (viii) Safety ladders for l~ge canals.

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