"Technology Is More Than Hardware. Technology Consists of The Designs and The Environments That Engage Learners." - D. Jonasse

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“Technology is more than hardware.

Technology consists of the designs and the

Environments that engage learners.”
-D. Jonasse
What is Educational Technology
• The word “technology” comes from the
greek word techne which means craft or art.
• Educational technology refers to the art or
craft of responding to our educational needs.
• Technology is not just machines. It is a
“planned, systematic method of working to
achieve planned outcomes- a process not a
Definition from different references

Based from the World Book Encyclopaedia, Vol. 19

• So, educational technology refers

to how people use their inventions
and discoveries to satisfy their
educational needs and desires in
Definition from different references
Based from the definition of Educational
• Educational technology is “a complex,
integrated process involving people,
procedures, ideas, devices and organization
for analysing problems and devising,
implementing, evaluating and managing
solution to those problems, involved in all
aspects of human learning.”
Objective of Educational Technology
• To determine the goals and formulate the objectives
in behavioural terms.
• To analyse the characteristics of the learner.
• To organize the content in psychological sequence.
• To mediate between content and resources of
• To evaluate the learners performance in terms of
achieving educational objectives.
• To provide feedback mong other components for
the modification of learner.
Scope of Educational Technology
Learning, in a non-technical sense, can be
thought of a pursuit which is some how related
to the following functions:
1. Informative function
2. Calculative Function
3. Concept development
4. Performance improvement
5. Development of interest, attitudes.
Concept of Educational Technology
The concept of educational technology is
used in two ways; Educational technology
means the use of mass mediaa and audio-visual
aids in education or technology in education.
Educational technology means utilization of all
available resources in a system I order to
optimize teaching learning process or
technology of education.
Characteristics of Educational
• It involves input, output process aspects
of education.
• It stresses upon developing methods and
techniques for effective learning.
• It is an application of scientific
knowledge to education training.
Characteristics of Educational
• It includes the organization of learning
and conditions for realization goals of
• It emphasizes designing and measuring
instrument for testing learning outcome.
• It facilitates learning by control of
environment, media and methods.
Characteristics of Educational Technology

Based on
Wide scope Scientific

Modernizatio Ed. Improving

n educational
Tech. system

Guidance Based
and on
Reigar Francisco
Marily Deniega
Vherlie Magsucang
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