Provisions and
Chapter 13
Pertemuan 1 dan 2
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan
konsep dan menyusun
akuntansi current liabilities,
provision dan contigencies
Prepared by
Coby Harmon
University of California, Santa Barbara
Westmont College
Current Liabilities, CHAPTER 13
Provisions, and Contingencies
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe the nature, valuation, 3. Explain the accounting for
and reporting of current loss and gain contingencies.
4. Indicate how to present and
2. Explain the accounting for analyze liability-related
different types of provisions. information.
Intermediate Accounting
IFRS 3rd Edition
13-5 Kieso ● Weygandt ● Warfield
Current Liabilities Describe the nature, valuation,
and reporting of current
1. Present obligation.
3. Results in an outflow of
resources (cash, goods,
13-6 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-7 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-8 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-9 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Notes Payable
Written promises to pay a certain sum of money on a
specified future date.
Arise from purchases, financing, or other transactions.
13-10 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Cash 100,000
Notes Payable 100,000
13-11 LO 1
Interest-Bearing Note Issued
13-12 LO 1
Interest-Bearing Note Issued
13-13 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Cash 100,000
Notes Payable 100,000
13-14 LO 1
Zero-Interest-Bearing Note Issued
13-15 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-16 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-17 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-18 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-19 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-20 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-21 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-22 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-23 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Current Liability
of $50,000 Since the agreement was not in place as of the reporting
date (December 31, 2019), the obligation should be
Dec. 31, 2019 reported as a current liability.
13-24 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Dec. 18, 2018 Dec. 31, 2018 Feb. 15, 2019 Mar. 31, 2019
13-25 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-26 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Dividends Payable
Amount owed by a corporation to its stockholders as a result of
board of directors’ authorization.
► Reported in equity.
13-27 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-28 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Unearned Revenues
Payment received before providing goods or performing
Unearned and Earned Revenue Accounts
13-29 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-30 LO 1
Current Liabilities
a sales tax or
13-31 LO 1
Sales Taxes Payable
13-32 LO 1
Value-Added Taxes Payable
Cash 1,100
Sales Revenue 1,000
Value-Added Taxes Payable 100
13-33 LO 1
Value-Added Taxes Payable
Cash 2,200
Sales Revenue 2,000
Value-Added Taxes Payable 200
Cash 2,640
Sales Revenue 2,400
Value-Added Taxes Payable 240
13-35 LO 1
Current Liabilities
13-36 LO 1
Current Liabilities
Employee-Related Liabilities
Amounts owed to employees for salaries or wages are
reported as a current liability.
Payroll deductions.
Compensated absences.
13-37 LO 1
Employee-Related Liabilities
Payroll Deductions
► Social Security Taxes
Summary of Payroll Liabilities
13-38 LO 1
Employee-Related Liabilities
13-39 LO 1
Employee-Related Liabilities
The employer must remit to the government its share of Social Security tax
along with the amount of Social Security tax deducted from each employee’s
gross compensation.
13-40 LO 1
Employee-Related Liabilities
Compensated Absences
Paid absences for vacation, illness and maternity, paternity,
and jury leaves.
13-41 LO 1
Employee-Related Liabilities
13-43 LO 1
Provisions Explain the accounting for
different types of provisions.
► Business restructurings.
► Environmental damage.
13-44 LO 2
Recognition of a Provision
13-45 LO 2
It is assumed that a
Recognition of a Provision reliable estimate of the
amount of the obligation
can be determined.
Recognition Examples
Recognition of a Provision—Warranty
13-46 LO 2
Recognition Examples
13-47 LO 2
Recognition Examples
Recognition of a Provision—Refunds
13-48 LO 2
Recognition Examples
Recognition of a Provision—Lawsuit
It is assumed that a reliable
estimate of the amount of the
obligation can be determined.
13-49 LO 2
Measurement of Provisions
Amount recognized should be the best estimate of the
expenditure required to settle the present obligation.
13-50 LO 2
Measurement of Provisions
Measurement Examples
Management must use judgment, based on past or similar
transactions, discussions with experts, and any other pertinent
13-51 LO 2
Measurement of Provisions
Measurement Examples
Management must use judgment, based on past or similar
transactions, discussions with experts, and any other pertinent
13-52 LO 2
Measurement of Provisions
Measurement Examples
13-53 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Common Types:
1. Lawsuits 4. Environmental
13-54 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Litigation Provisions
Companies must consider the following in determining whether
to record a liability with respect to pending or threatened
litigation and actual or possible claims and assessments.
13-55 LO 2
Litigation Provisions
13-56 LO 2
Litigation Provisions
Warranty Provisions
Promise made by a seller to a buyer to make good on a
deficiency of quantity, quality, or performance in a product.
13-58 LO 2
Warranty Provisions
Assurance-Type Warranty
A quality guarantee that the good or service is free from
defects at the point of sale.
13-59 LO 2
Assurance-Type Warranty
Question: What are the journal entries for the sale and the related
warranty costs for 2019 and 2020?
13-60 LO 2
Assurance-Type Warranty
Solution: For the sale of the machines and related warranty costs
in 2019 the entry is as follows.
July–December 2019
Cash 500,000
Sales Revenue 500,000
13-61 LO 2
Assurance-Type Warranty
Solution: For the sale of the machines and related warranty costs
in 2019 the entry is as follows.
July–December 2019
13-62 LO 2
Assurance-Type Warranty
Solution: For the sale of the machines and related warranty costs
in 2019 the entry is as follows.
Solution: For the sale of the machines and related warranty costs
in 2019 the entry is as follows.
13-64 LO 2
Warranty Provisions
Service-Type Warranty
An extended warranty on the product at an additional cost.
13-65 LO 2
Service-Type Warranty
13-66 LO 2
Service-Type Warranty
January 2, 2019
13-67 LO 2
Service-Type Warranty
13-68 LO 2
Service-Type Warranty
13-70 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Consideration Payable
Companies often make payments (provide consideration) to
their customers as part of a revenue arrangement.
13-71 LO 2
Consideration Payable
Facts: Fluffy Cake Mix Ltd. sells boxes of cake mix for £3 per box.
In addition, Fluffy Cake Mix offers its customers a large durable
mixing bowl in exchange for £1 and 10 box tops. The mixing bowl
costs Fluffy Cake Mix £2, and the company estimates that
customers will redeem 60 percent of the box tops. The premium
offer began in June 2019. During 2019, Fluffy Cake Mix purchased
20,000 mixing bowls at £2, sold 300,000 boxes of cake mix for £3
per box, and redeemed 60,000 box tops.
13-72 LO 2
Consideration Payable
13-73 LO 2
Consideration Payable
2. The entry to record the sale of the cake mix boxes in 2019 is as
13-74 LO 2
Consideration Payable
13-75 LO 2
Consideration Payable
13-76 LO 2
Consideration Payable
13-77 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Environmental Provisions
A company must recognize an environmental liability when it has
an existing legal obligation associated with the retirement of a
long-lived asset and when it can reasonably estimate the amount
of the liability.
13-78 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
13-79 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
13-80 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
13-81 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
Illustration: During the life of the asset, Wildcat allocates the asset
retirement cost to expense. Using the straight-line method, Wildcat
makes the following entries to record this expense.
13-82 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
13-83 LO 2
Environmental Provisions
13-84 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
13-85 LO 2
Onerous Contract Provisions
13-86 LO 2
Onerous Contract Provisions
Assume the same facts as above for the Sumart example and
the expected costs to fulfill the contract are €200,000. However,
Sumart can cancel the lease by paying a penalty of €175,000. In
this case, Sumart should record the liability as follows.
13-87 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Restructuring Provisions
Restructurings are defined as a “program that is planned and
controlled by management and materially changes either
Companies are required to have a detailed formal plan for the restructuring
and to have raised a valid expectation to those affected by implementation
or announcement of the plan.
13-88 LO 2
Restructuring Provisions
Costs Included/Excluded from Restructuring Provision
13-89 LO 2
Restructuring Provisions
Accounting for Restructuring
13-90 LO 2
Common Types of Provisions
Self-insurance is not insurance, but risk assumption.
There is little theoretical justification for the establishment of a
liability based on a hypothetical charge to insurance expense.
13-91 LO 2
Disclosure Related to Provisions
In addition,
13-92 LO 2
Contingencies Explain the accounting for loss
and gain contingencies.
Contingent Liabilities
Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the financial
statements because they are
13-93 LO 3
Contingent Liabilities
Contingent Liability Guidelines
13-94 LO 3
Contingent Assets
A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from past
events and whose existence will be confirmed by the
occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events not
wholly within the control of the company. Typical contingent
assets are:
1. Possible receipts of monies from gifts, donations, bonuses.
Contingent Asset Guidelines
13-96 LO 3
Presentation and Analysis Indicate how to present and
analyze liability-related
13-97 LO 4
Presentation of Current Liabilities ILLUSTRATION 13.19
Current Assets and
Current Liabilities
Illustration 13-15
Analysis of Current Liabilities
Computation of Current and Acid-Test Ratios for Wilmar
13-99 LO 4
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