Refrigeration and Airconditioning Topic: Pshychrometry:Basics and Processes Ala-Presentation BATCH:2C19
Refrigeration and Airconditioning Topic: Pshychrometry:Basics and Processes Ala-Presentation BATCH:2C19
Refrigeration and Airconditioning Topic: Pshychrometry:Basics and Processes Ala-Presentation BATCH:2C19
•It indicates the amount of moisture present per unit of dry air.
•Sensible heat loss by air is converted into latent heat in the added water
Adiabatic mixing of moist air and water
• A psychrometric process that involves no net heat loss or gain during
the mixing of two air streams.
Adiabatic or evaporative cooling
• It is a psychrometric process which invovles the cooling without
heat loss or gain.
• Sensible heat lost by air is converted to latent heat in the added
water vapor
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