Safety Induction
Safety Induction
Safety Induction
The purpose of safety induction is to communicate the safety hazards of workers and
workplace health or visits, so that workers or visitors are aware of potential hazards
and may take action against such hazards.
Tujuan dilakukannya safety induction ini adalah untuk mengkomunikasikan bahaya-bahaya
keselamatan kerja dan kesehatan yang terdapat dia area kerja atau kunjungan, sehingga Pekerja
atau pengunjung dapat mengetahui potensi bahaya serta bisa melakukan tindakan terhadap
bahaya tersebut.
Several facilities ;
1. Office
2. Generator Shelter
3. Assembly Area / Muster Point
4. Fire Hydrant & Fire Monitor
5. Water pond
6. Fire Alarm
7. 3 Toilet (1 in the office & 2 in back yard)
8. Gudang A (Detonator)
9. Gudang B (Charger)
10. Lightning Arrestor
11. CCTV
3. Warning Sign
(Tanda Peringatan)
4. Information Sign
(Tanda Informasi)
Required all employee or visitors to comply with sign board in all Explosive
bunker Area and also do not throw trash here.
Semua karyawan atau pengunjung wajib untuk mematuhi papan tanda di semua Area Explosive
Bunker dan juga tidak membuang sampah disini.
PetroChina Int’l Jabung Ltd. Has received various awards, Rewards and
Certification of HSE Management System, Such as :
PetroChina Int'l Jabung Ltd. Telah menerima berbagai penghargaan dan Sertifikasi dari Sistem Manajemen
HSE, seperti: