Group 2: Amaliani Laraswati Dewi Andini Fifi Kurniawati Gita Rianti Nelly Marta Nadeak Nury Andriani Nur Anisah
Group 2: Amaliani Laraswati Dewi Andini Fifi Kurniawati Gita Rianti Nelly Marta Nadeak Nury Andriani Nur Anisah
Group 2: Amaliani Laraswati Dewi Andini Fifi Kurniawati Gita Rianti Nelly Marta Nadeak Nury Andriani Nur Anisah
Amaliani Laraswati
Dewi Andini
Fifi kurniawati
Gita Rianti
Nelly Marta Nadeak
Nury Andriani
Nur Anisah
1. Function
2. Location
3. How it work
4. Diseas
5. How to cure
6. Hospital or recomended doctor
7. Cost
The ear is an organ that is able to support or recognize sounds & also in
body balance and position.
The main ear function is to maintain the balance of the body and to assist
in hearing ability. The ear are devided into three main parts. The outer ear
with pinna and its function is to collect sound waves such as a funnel and
transmit to the middle ear trough ear canal. The tip of the canal is covered
by an eardum or tympanic membrane.
3 part of ear & its function
There is three part of ear. First ouside, middle and inside. The funcion
of the inner ear is no less important than the outer and midde ear. Like
the rest of the ear, the ear plays a role in hearing function. However, one
feature of the inner ear is that it can help maintaining body balance,
inner ear disfunction often results in complaints such as dizziness, lack
of balance, and unstable view disorders. General function will be reduce
from the ear when hearing when hearing a hard accessories such as to
get beauty
The ear consists of three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and
inner ear :
1. Middle ear
The middle ear is the air cavity behind the eardrum
2. Inner ear
The inner ear is inside the petrous part of the temporal bone which is
composed of two parts, the prominent labyrinth bone (bony labirynth)
and the labyrinth membrane.
3. Outer ear
The outer part is the outermost part of the ear and its location is
The growth of abnormal bone in the middle of the ear can make the
ear unresponsive and not vibrate.As a result,you cannot hear the sound
Benign tmor growth in the middle ear due to recurrent ear infections.
If there is more than one tumor, this condition can damage the ear and
cause hearing loss.
3. Meniere’s disease
Meniere is an ear disease that disrups the flow of inner ear fluid. This
inner ear is the part that functions to regulate hearing and balance.
Meniere’s condition will cause vertigo and dizziness sensation. This
disease can also lead to loss of hearing ability.
4. Presbycusis
Is a disorder of the ear that affects the inner and middle ear. Presbycsis
is caused by a change in the supply of blood flow to the ear, so this
causes sensorineural hearing loss
The way to treat hearing loss depends on the cause and severity. Ussualy people
with hearing loss are treated with :
-Cleanses dirt that clogs the ear.
-Surgery. This step might be done if the person has an ear injury of recurrent
-Hearing aids. This tool can make sounds heard by suffers become stronger and
easier to hear.
-Cochear implants, which are hearingg aids planted under the skin behind the
patient ear
-Learn sign language and read lips. If a person has a serve hearing loss or has
deafness from birth can interfere with communication with other peope. It is
recommended to understand sign language and lips reading to facilitate
communication with other.
Easy way to cure :