Stage of Expulsion (2 Stage)
Stage of Expulsion (2 Stage)
Stage of Expulsion (2 Stage)
(2 stage)
» involuntary uterine contractions and
contractions of the diaphragmatic and
abdominal muscles
˃Descent – may be preceded by engagement.
˃Flexion- as descent occurs, pressure from the pelvic
floor causes the chin to bend forward onto the chest.
˃Internal Rotation – from AP to transverse, the AP to
˃Extension – as head comes out, the back of the neck
stops beneath the pubic arch. The head extends and
the forehead, nose, mouth and chin upper.
˃External Rotation (also called restitution) – anterior
shoulder rotates externally to the AP position.
»Expulsion – delivery of the rest of the body
Mechanisms of labor/Fetal position
changes (D FIRE ERE)
˃ When positioning legs on lithotomy, put them up at the same time to
prevent injury to the uterine ligaments
» As soon as the fetal head crowns, instruct mother
not to push, but to pant (rapid and shallow
breathing to prevent rapid expulsion of the baby).
Nursing care
» Management:
» let the patient breathe into a
brown paper bag to recover lost
carbon dioxide; a cupped hand
over the mouth and nose will
serve the same purpose.
Assist in episiotomy (incision
made in the perineum
primarily to prevent lacerations).
» purposes:
˃ Prevent prolonged severe stretching of
muscles supporting the bladder or rectum
˃ Reduce duration of second stage when
there is hypertension or fetal distress
˃ Enlarge outlet, as in breech presentation or
forceps delivery
» Types of episiotomy:
» Median – from middle portion of the lower
vaginal border directed towards the anus
» is used in episiotomy
» i.e., no anesthetic is injected
because pressure of fetal
presenting part against the
perineum is so intense that nerve
endings for pain are momentarily
deadened Local anesthesia- xylocaine
Apply the Modified Ritgen’s Maneuver**