Rubrics For Nursing Skills Procedures

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Rubrics for Nursing Skills Procedures

Excellent Very Good Good Poor

4 3 2 1
SKILLS Performs all step by step Performs all step by step Performs some steps of the Perform procedures incorrectly
procedures and skills procedures and skills procedures independently and and with assistance from the
independently and independently but need needs assistance from instructors instructors in more than 4 steps
correctly, without cues from instructors in 1 - in more than 3 steps of the of the procedures.
instructor’s assistance and 2 steps of the procedures. procedures.
KNOWLEDGE Demonstrates step by step Demonstrates step by step Demonstrates some of the Demonstrates procedures but
procedures according to procedures according to procedures but not in sequence not in sequence and was not able
the clinical manual. Stated the clinical manual but was and not able to rationalize about to provide rationale in each steps
and provide exact rationale not able to provide 3-4 steps of the steps of a of a procedure.
in each step of the rationale in about 1-2 steps procedure.
procedures. of procedures.
ATTITUDE Able to accept constructive Moderately accepts Accepts both constructive and Don’t bother to listen and accept
and destructive criticism constructive and destructive criticism but lots of criticism.
destructive criticism doubts in the comments,

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