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Common Business Tool

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◦ A business tool can be considered as any asset that
helps or assists the organization to achieve its stated
aims or objectives. There are various types of tools that
may be used in a business varying in size, complexity,
danger, and importance to the business operation.
◦ Digital Cameras
◦ Mobile Telephones
◦ Pagers
◦ Scanners
◦ Photocopiers
◦ Notebooks
◦ Batteries
◦ Dictation machines
◦ Order taking handhelds
◦ Laser pens
◦ Software
◦ Wiki
◦ Email
◦ The business web site.
Laser Pencils
Defining a Business Tool
◦ Each business will need to develop criteria so as to identify
which tools are to be monitored and therefore controlled to
ensure that time and effort is devoted to managing the
proper and important tools.
Storing the Details

◦ Electronic document files can be as simple as word

processing files that require a little more effort to construct,
but once done, are excellent tools.

◦ The electronic formation can be constructed on a multi-access

approach where employees can easily locate and view the file
to find the required information, but they cannot alter or edit the
document. The ease of access makes the electronic format
much more attractive than the book approach which can only
be accessed by one person at a time.
Serial Numbers

◦Most tools have a serial number that is

attached to the device as part of the
manufacturing process. These are generally
globally unique so that no two serial
numbers should be the same and they will
identify each item.
Asset Number

◦Some businesses will attach their own asset or

serial number. This has the advantage that the
number can be created for each asset that
has identification within the number. For
example the asset number of CAM-FUJ-
ROMSER-2001-005 identifies the asset as a
camera, brand Fuji, that was purchased in 2001
and is number 5 of that type.
◦The asset number can
be encoded into a
barcode that can be
easily scanned to
maintain records. These
have the advantage of
certainty and the
elimination of data
entry error.
Radio Frequency Identification Tags

◦These are electronic tags that can be

attached to items that will communicate
with electronic scanning systems that will
allow individual items to be identified while
in groups.
Use business tools efficiently and effectively and in
accordance with enterprise policy and procedures

SOFTWARE Software is also a unique item.
Where software is distributed on
portable media it will be installed

on the various computers and
then stored and it may never be
needed again. But should it be
required the hardware – the disk
or similar – must be accessible as
well as the associated passwords
or install keys. These are often on
the disk case or packing, but they
may be sent via email.
◦Wiki‟ is Hawaiian for fast and wiki sites allow users
to update the site with little restriction on access.
Businesses can create their own wiki sites to store
information that may be required by the internal
business users. It is especially suited for large
business to be able to publish internal public
information, this is information that is freely
available to anyone in the business.
◦Social Networking
Security tools
◦The simplest tool is a document that
controls the use and access to the tool. The
cheapest is a book that records all the
relevant information and has to be signed
on access and use of the tool
Swipe Card Access
Case Study 1
◦ Ron manages a small restaurant with one computer on which were
the accounts of the business, payroll, and all business
correspondence. It failed and had to be replaced. As Ron had all
the necessary software it was simply a matter of installing the
software and then copying the data on to the system. Ron was not
sure where the software was located. He had a box of disks, but
these had been collected and retained for all the computers over
the last ten years. Finally, the correct collection was identified but all
the serial numbers and registration details were in emails on his
computer, the computer that would not start. Ron decided to go to
a friend‟s place and look at the email there and get all the details.
This took a few hours and he finally returned and started the install.
Unfortunately, there were several programs that were controlled by
web access and the passwords had been stored in the computer.
He had to email them and get a response. Luckily he now had
access to email as he had to spend a long time going back over
details to get account numbers and log in name to prove that he
could have the passwords. Finally, after three days, he had a fully
operational computer.
◦ Work task: In the following case study, make a list of the issues that show poor
procedures in the management of business tools.
◦ Sally was told that she had to visit a client to discuss a function that was not
possible over the telephone or using communication software such as Skype.
As the client was in the country she would be provided with accommodation,
a business car and a mobile phone to use while she was away. As there was a
shortage of telephones she would borrow the sales manager‟s phone as he
was having an operation and was not allowed access to a phone. She was
given the items without any training, instruction, or opportunity to test the
equipment. She discovered later that the batteries were dead and as she did
not have a charger for the phone so she had to buy a new set of batteries
using her own money. On the second day, while waiting for her client, Sally
played with the phone looking for games. What she discovered were
photographs of men and women in pictures that were clearly not of a business
nature. She was very shocked and decided to sue the business for sexual
◦ Work task: Write a one page report to your manager detailing
what procedures you would recommended introducing as a
result of the above situation

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