19.-Solid Waste Treatment
19.-Solid Waste Treatment
19.-Solid Waste Treatment
Solid wastes – are all the wastes arising from human and animal
activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or
This may be satisfactory for particular end uses (i.e. landfill the inert and
biologically transform the organic).
If the plan is to anaerobically digest the organic food fraction, then it may
be adequate to detail the food fraction and lump all else into ‘pthers’.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
The waste is also itemized to recover the materials and this would
identify the glass, metals, plastics and wood in greater detail.
The data on waste will also depend on the level of sophistication of the
waste management operation.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Some countries, like Ireland, practice co-disposal of domestic and
industrial waste in the same landfill.
Range Typical
Municipal services
Street sweepings 2-5 4
Landscaping 4-9 6
Source: Tchobanoglous
Treatment plant sludgeset al (1993) 3-8 5
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Waste Tonnages
Again, the waste tonnages can vary widely, but in the higher income
countries, the current production is about 1 tonne/ household per year.
The density of solid waste varies with its composition, its moisture
content and its degree of compaction.
Typical values:
Food wastes MSW*
Density (kg/m3) 100-500 200-400
Moisture content(%) 50-80 15-40
*normally compacted in landfill
Physical Properties of MSW
Density and moisture content
Uncompacted 100 20
In compaction truck 300 20
Normally compacted 500 25
in landfill
Well compacted in 600 25
Physical Properties of MSW
Particle size distribution
Above FC, water drains freely. Solid wastes in landfills will have an FC that
decreases with the overburden pressure.
Physical Properties of MSW
Field capacity (FC)
FC = field capacity, % of dry weight of wasteEquation 1
W = overburden weight calculated at mid0height of
waste in lift, kg
Physical Properties of MSW
Example 1
Determine the field capacity of a landfill site for the following conditions,
after 1 year of operation.
Density of compacted solid waste = 600 kg/m3
Moisture content of waste = 25 % by volume
Lift after 1 year = 6 m
Net annual rainfall = 400 mm
Physical Properties of MSW
Sludges in landfills tend to resist the movement of water down thru them
due to low hydraulic conductivity by virtue of very high moisture
Other solid waste material, i.e paper and packaging has almost no
resistance to infiltration.
Table 6 gives proximate analysis and energy content values for typical
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW
MSW 10-30
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW
Typically for MSW, the higher heating value (HHV or Hawf) is about 20
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Example 2:
If Hawf = 20 MJ/kg, compute the lower heating value of MSW if:
W, water content = 21 %
B. flammable = 59 %
A, ash = 20 %
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Hu = Hawf x B – 2445 x W
= 20.0 x 0.59 – 2445 x 0.21
= 11.29 MJ/kg
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Ultimate analysis of MSW
The most important elements in waste energy transformation are:
Carbon C
Hydrogen H
Oxygen O
Nitrogen N
Sulphur S
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
It is important to know the chemical composition or ultimate analysis
(see Table 7) for the purposes of waste to energy processes either by
• combustion; or by
• biological transformation
For instance, a waste high in plastics is very suitable for incineration but is
totally unsuitable for biological transformation.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 7: Typical ultimate analysis of MSW
% by dry weight
Component Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulphur Ash
Food wastes 48 6 38 2.5 0.5 5
Paper and 43.5 6 44 0.3 0.2 6
Plastics 60 7 23 10
Glass 0.5 0.1 0.4 <0.1 99
Metals 5 0.6 4.3 0.1 90
Clothing/ 55 7 30 5 0.2 3
Ashes/dust 26 3 2 0.5 0.2 68
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Similarly, a waste high in wood or yard wastes is good for incineration but
not suitable for biological conversion. This is so because it has a high
lignin content which breaks down very slowly in biological processes.
It is thus suitable in places like the EU but less applicable in, say, the west
coast of the US, where garden trimmings account for about 20 % of waste
by weight.
Example 3.
Compute the lower heat value (Hu) of the domestic MSW shown below,
using each waste component and its associated MJ/kg.
% by weight Component Lower heat value, Hu Total energy (GJ)
weight (tonnes) (MJ/kg or GJ/tonne)
Food waste 46 5.129 4.2 21.541
Unclassified 2 223 - -
The above example is MSW from a small Irish urban area. It includes only
domestic MSW and not commercial. The energy content of 8.2 MJ/kg is
below US or Danish averages of about 11 MJ/kg.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
This can be explained by the high food waste component. This example
was from a survey in early spring. If surveyed in mid-winter, the values of
ash would be higher as may households use coal fires for heating.
Example 4
Use Khan’s equation (Eq. 4) to compute the energy value of the waste in
Example 3.
E = 0.051[F+3.6(CP)]+0.352(PLR )
Given: F = 46 %, P=11%, PLR=9%
Therefore: E = 0.051[46+3.6(11)]+0.353(9)
= 7.53 MJ/kg
Example 5
Compute the lower heat value (Hu) of domestic MSW if the chemical
composition is:
Example 5
Anaerobic digestion of the food fraction of MSW has been used at full
Biological Properties of MSW
Component VS as % of LC as % of VS BF
Food waste 7-15 0.4 0.82
Newsprint 94 21.9 0.22
Office paper 96 0.4 0.82
Cardboard 94 12.9 0.47
Yard wastes 50-90 4.1 0.72
The most commonly used for household waste (detached houses) tend
to be the smaller sized wheeled bins of 120 to 390 L capacity.
The type of storage used depends on the collection facility, which may
• Doorstep collection
• Regular kerb collection
• Civic amenity drop-off
• Hauler for skip collection of bulky items
• Community recycle bins
• Vacuum trucks
Storage and transport of MSW
Fig. 4: Single-household
wheeled bin,
capacity 120 to
390 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
It is automatically lifted on to the refuse truck.
Empty, the 120 L bin weighs 7 kg amd full weighs 27 kg, by comparison
with 15 kg and 79 kg for the 390 L bin.
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 5 is an HDPE bin used in multi-household or apartment locations. It
is also automatically lifted on to the refuse truck. The capacity of these
units varies from 1100 to 2500 L. The dimensions of these units are
typically 12 m wide by 2 to 3 m in length.
Fig. 5: Multihousehold
wheeled bin,
capacity ~ 1500 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 6 is the typical community drop-off center recycle bin for items
such as glass, non-ferrous metals, clothes, paper, etc.
Fig. 6: Community
recycle bin for
~1500 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 7 is a compartmentalized bin for home wastes (source separation). Figure 8
shows a compartmentalized refuse truck.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Storage and Transport of MSW
Skips or open top containers are regularly used for builders’ and demolition rubble. They are also
used for garden waste and community clean-ups. The size range in capacity is from 1500 to 15 000 L.
These skips are loaded on to skip trucks as shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 9
Storage and Transport of MSW