19.-Solid Waste Treatment

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Solid Waste Treatment

Sources, Classification & Composition of

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is all waste collected by private or public
authorities from:
• domestic;
• commercial; and
• some industrial (non-hazardous) sources.

Solid waste is non-standard, and typically, no two wastes are the

Sources, Classification & Composition of
Domestic wasted from a single house will vary from week to week and
from season to season.

In some countries, up to 50 per cent of solid wastes are ashes in the

winter season, with no ashes in the summer time.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Waste varies from socioeconomic groups within a country and from
country to country.

Domestic wastes co-disposed with industrial waste can be very different

from conventional municipal solid waste.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Sources of Solid Waste

Proper planning, treatment and disposal practices rely on accurate data

regarding composition and waste generation rates.

Examining industrial waste, composition depends on the industrial

classification (e.g. electrical products, wood products).
Solid Waste: Definitions,
Characteristics and Perspectives

Solid wastes – are all the wastes arising from human and animal
activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or

In this lecture, solid wastes here is all-inclusive, and it encompasses the

heterogeneous mass of throwaways from residences and commercial
activities as well as the more homogeneous accumulation of a single
industrial activity.
Solid waste defined
(RA 9003, Article 2, kk)
• Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household,
commercial waste, non-hazardous, institutional waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agriculture waste & other
non-hazardous, non-toxic solid waste, but shall not include:
1)Waste identified or listed as hazardous waste of a solid,
liquid, contained gaseous or semisolid form which may
cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or in serious
or incapacitating reversible illness, or acute/chronic effect
on the health of persons
Solid waste defined
(RA 9003, Article 2, kk)
2) Infectious wastes from hospitals such as equipment,
instruments, utensils, and fomites of a disposable nature
from patients who are suspected to have or have been
diagnosed as having communicable diseases and must
therefore be isolated as required by public health agencies,
laboratory wastes such as pathological specimens (i.e., all
tissues, specimens of blood elements, excreta, and
secretions obtained from patients or laboratory
animals),and disposable fomites that may harbor or
transmit pathogenic organisms, and surgical operating
room pathologic specimens and disposable fomites
Solid waste defined
(RA 9003, Article 2, kk)

thereto, and similar disposable materials from outpatient areas and

emergency rooms; and
3) Waste resulting from mining activities, including contaminated soil and
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 1: Sources and types of solid wastes

Source Facility Type of waste

Domestic Single family dwelling, Food, paper, packaging
multifamily dwelling, glass, metals, ashes
low, medium and high-rise bulky household waste,
apartments hazardous household
Commercial Shops, restaurants, markets, Food, paper, packagings,
office, buildings, hotels and glass, metals, ashes,
motels, institutions bulky household waste,
hazardous household waste
Industrial Fabrication, light and heavy Industrial process wastes,
manufacturing, refineries, metals, lumber, plastics, oils,
chemical plants, mining, hazardous wastes
power generaition
Construction Soil, concrete, timber, steel,
and demolition plastics, glass, vegetation
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Composition of Solid Waste

In many situations, domestic and commercial wastes are collected and

transported by similar authorities and sometimes the
fraction/composition is similar in both.

Table 2 shows possible compositions of domestic and commercial wastes.

Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 2: Physical composition of solid waste

General Typical composition Detailed composition

Organic Food putrescible Food
Paper and cardboard Paper
Plastics Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE)
High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polystyrene (PS)
Other multilayer plastics
Clothing/fabric textiles
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 2: Physical composition of solid waste

General Typical composition Detailed composition

Organic Clothing/fabric Carpets
Yard waste Garden trimmings
Wood Wood
Miscellaneous organics Bone
Inorganic Metals Tin cans
Ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 2: Physical composition of solid waste

General Typical composition Detailed composition

Inorganic Metals Tin cans
Ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals
Glass Colorless
Dirt, ash, etc. Dirt, screenings
Unclassified Bulky items
Sources, Classification & Composition of
The most basic arrangement is to identify waste as being organic or

This may be satisfactory for particular end uses (i.e. landfill the inert and
biologically transform the organic).

The detail given on composition will reflect the proposed treatment.

Sources, Classification & Composition of
For instance, if it is proposed to incinerate the waste, then it is essential
to evaluate the heating value, and the waste would be arranged into
combustible and non-combustible.

If the plan is to anaerobically digest the organic food fraction, then it may
be adequate to detail the food fraction and lump all else into ‘pthers’.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
The waste is also itemized to recover the materials and this would
identify the glass, metals, plastics and wood in greater detail.

Solid waste from industry is typically collected by private haulers, as is

solid waste from the construction industry.

Industries tend to identify the composition of their waste according to

industry type, e.g. paper products, metal products.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
WHO (1991) organize industrial waste into three broad categories:

1. Non-hazardous industrial waste

2. Hazardous waste
3. Hospital waste
Sources, Classification & Composition of
The wastes generated within a municipality (excluding industrial and
agricultural) will vary widely, depending on the community and its level of
commercialism and institutionalism.

The data on waste will also depend on the level of sophistication of the
waste management operation.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Some countries, like Ireland, practice co-disposal of domestic and
industrial waste in the same landfill.

Co-disposal is a landfill practice currently being questioned as the wastes

from municipal and industrial sources are not necessarily compatible.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
The practice of disposing industrial sludges of different origins in
municipal landfills has caused problems with operation due to the
continuous wet nature of the open cells.

Commercial wastes will depend on the types of commerce, e.g

restaurants, retail outlets, offices, etc.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 3: Breakdown of MSW excluding industrial and agricultural (US)

Waste sources % by weight

Range Typical
Residential and commercial 50-75 62
(not hazardous)
Source: Tchobanoglous et al (1993)
Special waste (bulky, etc.) 3-12 5
Hazardous 0.01-1 0.1
Inititutional 3-5 4
Construction and demolition 8-20 14
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Table 3: Breakdown of MSW excluding industrial and agricultural (US)

Waste sources % by weight

Range Typical

Municipal services
Street sweepings 2-5 4
Landscaping 4-9 6
Source: Tchobanoglous
Treatment plant sludgeset al (1993) 3-8 5
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Waste Tonnages
Again, the waste tonnages can vary widely, but in the higher income
countries, the current production is about 1 tonne/ household per year.

This figure of 1 tonne is an ‘overall’ one to include the total municipal

waste in a community, including all waste delivered to municipal sites, be
it domestic, commercial or institutional, but not industrial.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Waste Tonnages
For instance in Denmark, the domestic component is 225 kg/head/yr or
with a household density of about 2.5 gives 0.56 tonnes/household/yr.
In addition, there is 100 to 150 kg/hear/yr of bulky waste (household
furniture, etc.) and 20 to 25 kg/head/yr of garden waste.
This total accounts for 0.93 tonnes/household/year.
Sources, Classification & Composition of
Waste Tonnages
Then an extra amount must be added to find the total municipal
waste/household/yr. However, this will vary, depending on the amount of
commercial or industrial activity in the community.
Care in computing this figure is erquired, as sometimes the bulky
waste/garden waste may be recorded as ‘industrial’.
Physical Properties of MSW
The most relevant physical properties are:

• Density and moisture content (kg/m3)

• Particle size distribution (range in mm)
• Field capacity (per cent)
• Hydraulic conductivity (m/day)
• Shear strength (kN/m2)
Physical Properties of MSW
Density and moisture content

The density of solid waste varies with its composition, its moisture
content and its degree of compaction.
Typical values:
Food wastes MSW*
Density (kg/m3) 100-500 200-400
Moisture content(%) 50-80 15-40
*normally compacted in landfill
Physical Properties of MSW
Density and moisture content

Table 4 shows figures for waste density.

Moisture content of waste are relevant when estimating the calorific

value, landfill sizing, reactor sizing, etc.
Physical Properties of MSW
Table 4: Density and moisture content of MSW

Component Density Moisture content

Waste source of waste (kg/m3) (% by weight)

Domestic Food 290 70

Paper and cardboard 70 5
Plastics 60 2
Glass 200 2
Metals 200 2
Clothing/textiles 60 10
Ashes, dust 500 8
Physical Properties of MSW
Table 4: Density and moisture content of MSW

Component Density Moisture content

Waste source of waste (kg/m3) (% by weight)

Uncompacted 100 20
In compaction truck 300 20
Normally compacted 500 25
in landfill
Well compacted in 600 25
Physical Properties of MSW
Particle size distribution

This is relevant to incineration, biological transformation methods,

recycling and reuse and for equipment sizing for further treatment.
For instance, aluminum soft drink containers are typically 0.15m high by
0.06m diameter and are categorized by an effective size which might
be the largest dimension or . .
Physical Properties of MSW
Table 5: Typical particle size distribution of MSW

Component Size range (mm) Typical

Food 0-200 100
Paper and cardboard 100-500 350
Plastics 0-400 200
Glass 0-200 100
Metals 0-200 100
Clothing/textiles 0-300 150
Ashes, dust 0-100 25
Physical Properties of MSW
Field capacity (FC)

It is defined as being the maximum percentage of volumetric soil

moisture that a soil sample will hold freely against gravity.

Above FC, water drains freely. Solid wastes in landfills will have an FC that
decreases with the overburden pressure.
Physical Properties of MSW
Field capacity (FC)

Uncompacted solid waste has a FC of about 50 to 60 %. Water in excess

of FC will drain away as leachate.

It is therefore important to determine FC of a particular waste and its

landfill disposal methodology so as to limit the amount of leachate
Physical Properties of MSW
Field capacity (FC)

An empirical equation from Tchobanoglous et al (1993) for field capacity


FC = field capacity, % of dry weight of wasteEquation 1
W = overburden weight calculated at mid0height of
waste in lift, kg
Physical Properties of MSW
Example 1

Determine the field capacity of a landfill site for the following conditions,
after 1 year of operation.
Density of compacted solid waste = 600 kg/m3
Moisture content of waste = 25 % by volume
Lift after 1 year = 6 m
Net annual rainfall = 400 mm
Physical Properties of MSW

Dry density of solid waste = 466 kg/m

W = ½(6 x 466) = 1400 kg/m 2
Physical Properties of MSW
Hydraulic conductivity of wastes

Sludges in landfills tend to resist the movement of water down thru them
due to low hydraulic conductivity by virtue of very high moisture

Instead, rainfall is converted to surface runoff and the sludge material is

transported overland to surface streams.
Physical Properties of MSW
Hydraulic conductivity of wastes

Other solid waste material, i.e paper and packaging has almost no
resistance to infiltration.

Each site and material is specific, as regards the hydraulic conductivity of

the solid waste material.
Physical Properties of MSW
Hydraulic conductivity of wastes

The hydraulic conductivity (permeability to soil engineers) is relevant in

that it governs the transport rate of leachate and other
fluid/microbiological contaminants within the solid waste fill.
Physical Properties of MSW
Shear strength
The shear strength of sludges in landfiii sites is about zero.
When co-disposed with refuse (paper and cardboard), their shear
strength improves.
Solid wastes have a shear strength which is known to be highest shortly
after compaction and deceases over time,
Physical Properties of MSW
sometimes to zero after several years at the landfill.

Discussions at the EU suggest that sludges, when disposed in landfill,

will be required to have shear strengths of >15kN/m2 with dry solids
content of >30 per cent.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
The chemical properties of solid wastes can be determined by:
• proximate analysis
• ultimate analysis
• energy content
Included in the proximate analysis are:
• moisture content
• volatile matter
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
• fixed carbon
• non-combustible fraction (ash)

Table 6 gives proximate analysis and energy content values for typical
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Proximate analysis ( % by weight)

Waste type Moisture Volatiles Fixed carbon Non-
Food mixed 70 21 3.6 5.0
Fats 2 95 2.5 0.2
Fruit 79 16 4.0 o.7
Meat 39 56 1.8 3.1
Paper mixed 10.2 76 8.4 5.4
Newspapers 6 81 11.5 1.4
Cardboard 5.2 77 12.3 5.0
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Proximate analysis (% by weight)

Waste type Moisture Volatiles Fixed carbon Non-
Plastics mixed 0.2 96 2 2
Polyethylene 0.2 98 <.1 1.2
Polystyrene 0.2 99 0.7 0.5
Polyurethane 0.2 87 8.3 4.4
PVC 0.2 87 10.8 2.1
Textiles 10 66 17.5 6.5
Yard wastes 60 30 9.5 0.5
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Proximate analysis ( % by weight)

Waste type Moisture Volatiles Fixed carbon Non-
Wood mixed 20 68 11.3 0.6
Glass 2 96-99
Metals 2.5 94-99
Domestic MSW 15-40 40-60 4-15 10-30
Commercial MSW 10-30

MSW 10-30
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Energy content ( MJ/kg)

Waste type As collected Dry normal, water Dry ash and water
Lower heat value free free higher heat
(Hu) Hwf value Hawf
Food mixed 4.2 13.9 16.7
Fats 37.4 38.2 39.1
Fruit 4.0 18.6 19.2
Meat 17.6 28.9 30.4
Paper mixed 15.7 17.6 18.7
Newspapers 18.5 19.7 20.0
Cardboard 26.2 27.1 27.4
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Energy content ( MJ/kg)

Waste type As collected Dry normal, water Dry ash and water
Lower heat free free higher heat
value (Hu) Hwf value Hawf
Plastics mixed 32.7 33.4 37.1
Polyethylene 43.4 43.4 43.9
Polystyrene 38.0 38.1 38.1
Polyurethane 26.0 26.0 27.1
PVC 22.5 22.5 22.7
Textiles 18.3 20.4 22.7
Yard wastes 6.0 15.1 15.1
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 6: Typical proximate analysis and energy content in MSW

Energy content ( MJ/kg)

Waste type As collected Dry normal, water Dry ash and water
Lower heat free free higher heat
value (Hu) Hwf value Hawf
Wood mixed 15.4 19.3 19.3
Adapted from Tchobanoglous et. al. 1993; Robinson, 1986; Mortensen
Glass (1993). 0.2 0.2 0.15
Metals 0.7 0.7 0.7
Domestic MSW 11.6 14.5 19.3
Commercial MSW 12.8 15.0
MSW 10.7 13.4
Chemical and Energy Properties
The MSW values as shown in Table 6 are indicative for waste as
collected, dry and ash-free.
The nomenclature for energy content is:
Hu = lower heat value, i.e. from waste as collected
Hwf = normal heat value, i.e. from water-free waste (dry)
Hawf = higher heat value, i.e. from ash- and water-free waste
Chemical and Energy Properties
Inof MSW
Europe, calculations are normally based on the lower heating value, H ,
computed from:
Hu = Hawf x B – 2445 x W MJ/kg
B = flammable fraction (i.e. volatile matter + fixed carbon)
W = moisture content fraction by weight Equation 2

Typically for MSW, the higher heating value (HHV or Hawf) is about 20
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Example 2:
If Hawf = 20 MJ/kg, compute the lower heating value of MSW if:
W, water content = 21 %
B. flammable = 59 %
A, ash = 20 %
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Hu = Hawf x B – 2445 x W
= 20.0 x 0.59 – 2445 x 0.21
= 11.29 MJ/kg
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Ultimate analysis of MSW
The most important elements in waste energy transformation are:
Carbon C
Hydrogen H
Oxygen O
Nitrogen N
Sulphur S
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
It is important to know the chemical composition or ultimate analysis
(see Table 7) for the purposes of waste to energy processes either by
• combustion; or by
• biological transformation
For instance, a waste high in plastics is very suitable for incineration but is
totally unsuitable for biological transformation.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Table 7: Typical ultimate analysis of MSW

% by dry weight
Component Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulphur Ash
Food wastes 48 6 38 2.5 0.5 5
Paper and 43.5 6 44 0.3 0.2 6
Plastics 60 7 23 10
Glass 0.5 0.1 0.4 <0.1 99
Metals 5 0.6 4.3 0.1 90
Clothing/ 55 7 30 5 0.2 3
Ashes/dust 26 3 2 0.5 0.2 68
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Similarly, a waste high in wood or yard wastes is good for incineration but
not suitable for biological conversion. This is so because it has a high
lignin content which breaks down very slowly in biological processes.

The C/N is a relevant parameter for biological processes. Aerobic

biological composting processes operate best at C/N ratios of 30:1.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
The energy content of MSW can be determined from the Dulong
Equation 3:
Hawf = 337C+1419 (H2– 0.125O2)+93S 23 N
where C, H, O2, S and N are the percentage by weight of each element,
and Hawf is the net calorific value without water and without ash.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
Khan et al (1991) have shown that the energy content of MSW can be
estimated from the following equation:
E = 0.051[F+3.6(CP)]+0.352(PLR)
E = energy content, MJ/kg
F = % of food by weight Equation 4

CP = % of cardboard and paper by weight

PLR = % plastic and rubber by weight
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
This equation works well if there is little or no yard or garden waste.

It is thus suitable in places like the EU but less applicable in, say, the west
coast of the US, where garden trimmings account for about 20 % of waste
by weight.
Example 3.
Compute the lower heat value (Hu) of the domestic MSW shown below,
using each waste component and its associated MJ/kg.
% by weight Component Lower heat value, Hu Total energy (GJ)
weight (tonnes) (MJ/kg or GJ/tonne)
Food waste 46 5.129 4.2 21.541

Paper and cardboard 11 1.226 16.5 20.229

Plastics 9 1.003 32.7 32.798

Glass 7 780 0.2 156

Metals 5 558 0.7 390

Clothing/ textiles 1 111 18.3 2031

Ashes., dust 19 2118 6.9 14614

Unclassified 2 223 - -

Total 100 11 150 91.759

Total lower heat value (Hu) = 91 759 GJ = 8.23 MJ/kg

The above example is MSW from a small Irish urban area. It includes only
domestic MSW and not commercial. The energy content of 8.2 MJ/kg is
below US or Danish averages of about 11 MJ/kg.
Chemical and Energy Properties
of MSW
This can be explained by the high food waste component. This example
was from a survey in early spring. If surveyed in mid-winter, the values of
ash would be higher as may households use coal fires for heating.
Example 4
Use Khan’s equation (Eq. 4) to compute the energy value of the waste in
Example 3.
E = 0.051[F+3.6(CP)]+0.352(PLR )
Given: F = 46 %, P=11%, PLR=9%
Therefore: E = 0.051[46+3.6(11)]+0.353(9)
= 7.53 MJ/kg
Example 5
Compute the lower heat value (Hu) of domestic MSW if the chemical
composition is:
Example 5

Component No. of atoms Atomic Weight of %

per mole weight each element

Carbon 450 12 5 400 23.6

Hydrogen 2050 1 2 050 9.0
Oxygen 950 16 15 200 66.4
Nitrogen 12 14 168 0.7
Sulphur 1 32 32 0.3
Total 22 850
Example 5
Compute the lower heat value (Hu) of domestic MSW if the chemical
composition is:
Component No. of Atomic Weight of
atoms per weight each %
mole element
Carbon 450 12 5400 23.6
Hydrogen 2050 1 2050 9.0
Oxygen 950 16 15200 66.4
Nitrogen 12 14 168 0.7
Sulphur 1 32 32 0.3
Total 22850
Hu = 337C+1419 (H2 – 0.125O2)+93S+23N
= 337 x 23.6 + 1419 (9.0 – 0.125 x 66.4)
+ 93 x 0.7 + 23 x 0.3
= 7950 + 993 + 65 + 6.9
= 9015 J/kg = 9.02 MJ/kg
Example 6
Compute the heat value (Hu) of MSW from Denmark if the total MSW
quantity is 2.4 x 106 tonnes
% by weight Component Hu Total energy
Component weight (MJ/kg) (GJ/1000t)
(per 1000 t)
Food waste 35 350 4.2 1470
Paper 30 300 15.2 4560
Cardboard 5 50 26.2 1310
Plastic 6 60 32.7 1962
Other 8 80 18.3 1464
Glass 8 80 0.2 16
Metal 4 40 0.7 28
Non- 4 40 0 -
Total 100 100 10810
Total energy = 10 810 GJ/1000 t
= 10.81 MJ/kg

Total energy Hu = 10.81 x 2.4 x 106 x103 MJ

= 25.9 x 10 GJ
Biological Properties of MSW

Biological properties are relevant because of the technology of

aerobic/anaerobic digestion to transform waste into energy and
beneficial end products.

Anaerobic digestion of the food fraction of MSW has been used at full
Biological Properties of MSW

Some organic MSW components are undesirable for biological

conversion, that is plastic, rubber, leather and wood.

The relevant fraction for biological transformation include fats, oils,

proteins, lignin, cellulose, hemacellulose, lignocellulose and water-soluble
Biological Properties of MSW

The biodegradability of the food fraction is given by:

BF = 0.83 – 0.028 LC
where BF = biodegradable fraction
expressed on a voltatile
solids (VS) basis
LC = lignin content of VS,
% dry weight
Biological Properties of MSW

Table 9: Biodegradability of MSW components

Component VS as % of LC as % of VS BF
Food waste 7-15 0.4 0.82
Newsprint 94 21.9 0.22
Office paper 96 0.4 0.82
Cardboard 94 12.9 0.47
Yard wastes 50-90 4.1 0.72

Can either be at:

 source (household and industry)
 transfer station
 final destination (where mechanical separation/ sorting is possible)
If MSW is separated at source, it eliminates the need for expensive and
difficult manual and/or mechanical sorting.
Overall MSW can be divided into:

 wastes that are desirably separated at source (for regular collection

by public/private hauler)
 all other household wastes
The wastes that are desirably separated at source are:
 Food wastes – household source separation
 Paper and cardboard – HH source separation
 Plastic – HH source separation
 Metals ferrous – HH source separation
 Metals non-ferrous – community recycling at drop-off centers
The wastes that are desirably separated at source are:
 Glass – community recycling at drop-off centers, HH source
All other waste that can be delivered to drop-off centers include:
 Bulky waste
 Yard waste
 Hazardous household waste (in some countries collected at source)
Requirements for Separation
Source separation provides the cleanest and most well-defined fractions
of waste suitable for subsequent recycling or reuse (but has the highest
collection cost.

Mechanical or manual sorting (at destination) tends to provide fractions

that may be comprised of more than one group.
Requirements for Separation
There are health hazards associated with manual sorting.

Mechanical sorting works best if there is a limited no. of fractions that

have well-defined physical properties (e.g. density).

Source separated wastes may be either collected at the doorstep or

kerbside or delivered to a drop-off center.
Requirements for Separation
In practice, it is a combination of collection/ delivery services that are

For separation to work, the following infrastructure is required:

1. Community drop-off centers for glass and non-ferrous metals.
2. Public drop-off centers, often called civic amenity centers, where
bulky, yard and household hazardous waste may be
Requirements for Separation

may be dropped off. In these centers, several different ‘skip’ containers

are clearly labeled for the reception of the individual wastes, as
shown in Figure 1.
3. Environmental advertising programs to firstly educate the public as to
the required degree of source separation.
Requirements for Separation
Figure 1: Schematic of public drop-off center
Requirements for Separation

This may mean separating

paper – newsprint
plastics – seven tyoes (PETE, HDPE,
PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, other
multilayer plastics)
Requirements for Separation
Figure 2: Source separation in the kitchen
Requirements for Separation
Figure 2 is the schematic of a domestic facility for a source separation.
The level and type of source separation will depend on people’s attitudes
and the end use.
Ideally, the paper, glass and non-ferrous metals could be recycled.
The remainder may only need to be separated into combustibles and non-
combustibles if treatment is incineration.
Requirements for Separation
If the food fraction is to be transformed to biogas and compost, then the
food fraction must be separated from the plastics and other non-
biodegradable fractions.
As commercial MSW is made up of similar components to household
MSW (but with much higher paper/cardboard content), separation at
source is also desirable.
Manual and Mechanical Sorting
If the waste is not sorted at source and it is intended to make use
different fractions, then sorting can be carried out manually or
mechanically at the final destination.
Manual sorting can only be recommended for clean, dry and more or less
pre-sorted waste.
It is more applicable in separating dry fractions of paper or plastics.
Manual and Mechanical Sorting
There are occupational risks with manual sorting on wet waste.
The methodology of manual sorting is ‘negative sorting’, i.e. the
unwanted materials are removed.
‘ Negative sorting’ generates a greater volume than ‘positive sorting’.
Manual and Mechanical Sorting
Mechanical sorting is more commonly used.
In theory, all fractions can be sorted.
In practice, there are many difficulties, particularly with ‘wet waste’.
Central sorting, whether it be mechanical or manual, produces fractions
that are not as clean as source separated.
Manual and Mechanical Sorting
Magnetic separators are used to separate the ferrous and non-ferrous
Vibrating screens or rotating screens are used to separate fractions by
particle size.
Air screening and ballistic screens are used to separate light from heavy
Manual and Mechanical Sorting
Volume reduction by compaction is carried out on different waste
fractions, particularly paper, cardboard cans and plastic.
Many refuse vehicles
compact the collected waste from densities of about
100 to 300 kg/m
3, or a volume reduction of three.
The baling of particular recyclable waste fractions is common, e.g. paper/
Storage and transport of MSW

The most commonly used for household waste (detached houses) tend
to be the smaller sized wheeled bins of 120 to 390 L capacity.

For apartment buildings, 600 to 1000 L sizes are used.

Storage and transport of MSW

The type of storage used depends on the collection facility, which may
• Doorstep collection
• Regular kerb collection
• Civic amenity drop-off
• Hauler for skip collection of bulky items
• Community recycle bins
• Vacuum trucks
Storage and transport of MSW

Figure 3 shows the traditional refuse sack (plastic/paper) in a steel sack


Fig. 3: Traditional refuse

sack in steel bin
Storage and Transport of MSW
Problems with handling occur with age and also with hygiene. Figure 6 is
the modern HDPE wheeled bin, now used all over the world.

Fig. 4: Single-household
wheeled bin,
capacity 120 to
390 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
It is automatically lifted on to the refuse truck.

The capacities vary from 120 to 390 L.

Empty, the 120 L bin weighs 7 kg amd full weighs 27 kg, by comparison
with 15 kg and 79 kg for the 390 L bin.
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 5 is an HDPE bin used in multi-household or apartment locations. It
is also automatically lifted on to the refuse truck. The capacity of these
units varies from 1100 to 2500 L. The dimensions of these units are
typically 12 m wide by 2 to 3 m in length.
Fig. 5: Multihousehold
wheeled bin,
capacity ~ 1500 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 6 is the typical community drop-off center recycle bin for items
such as glass, non-ferrous metals, clothes, paper, etc.
Fig. 6: Community
recycle bin for
~1500 L
Storage and Transport of MSW
Figure 7 is a compartmentalized bin for home wastes (source separation). Figure 8
shows a compartmentalized refuse truck.

Fig. 7

Fig. 8
Storage and Transport of MSW

Skips or open top containers are regularly used for builders’ and demolition rubble. They are also
used for garden waste and community clean-ups. The size range in capacity is from 1500 to 15 000 L.
These skips are loaded on to skip trucks as shown in Figure 10.

Fig. 9
Storage and Transport of MSW

Figure 10: Skip loading refuse truck

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