Presentation On: Travelling Wave Tube Course Code:EEE 3208 Course

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Presentation on: Travelling Wave Tube Presented By:

Course Code:EEE 3208 Sanjida Jahan Tanha

Course Title: Microwave, RADAR and BKH1717027F
Satellite Commmunication. Session:2016-17
Introduction 1

Classification 2
Characteristics 3

Construction 4
Working 5

Sanjida Jahan Tanha BKH1717027F Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Travelling Wave Tube (TWTs)
Introduction to TWT: Classification
• Helix
It is an TWT
amplifier which makes use ofCoupled
between an electron beam and a travelling wave.
• It’s a Linear Beam Tube.
• Particularly suitable for amplification of very high frequency
such as 3000Mc and higher.

Sanjida Jahan Tanha BKH1717027F Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Helix TWT : Construction
Electron Gun 1
Slow Wave Structure 2
Attenuator 3
Collector 4

Focusing Magnet 5

Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Helix TWT: Mechanism Of Working

The signal is applied at the

beginning of the helix. The
Applied Signal propagates
through the helix and produces
an electric field at the centre of
the helix.

Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Helix TWT: Mechanism Of Working

Energy that is delivered from

electron beam, helps the signal
to become larger . At the end of
the helix, amplified signal is

Sanjida Jahan Tanha BKH1717027F Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Helix TWT: Mechanism Of Working

Focusing magnets ensures that

the electron beam following the
waveguide without dispersion

At collector,
electrons are

BKH1717027F Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Energy Delivery From Electron Beam to Wave

Electron entering the

retarding field are
decelerated and those in
the accelerating are
accelerated. They begin
forming a bunch centered
about those electrons
that enter the helix
during zero field.

Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Energy Delivery From Electron Beam to Wave
Helix Attenuator
• In order to prevent oscillation in
the tube due to internal feedback
arising from output impedance The attenuator absorbs not only
mismatch, attenuator is used at the the feedback wave but also the
gun end of the tube. This desired forward wave, but the
attenuator may be a conducting is a trade name for a
bunching of the electrons is
coating of Aquadag painted on the based colloidal graphit
unaffected by the presence of the
glass wall of the tube. e coating.

Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Helix TWT :Characteristics
Frequency range: 3 GHz and higher 1

Bandwidth: about 0.8 GHz 2

Efficiency: 20 to 40% 3

Power output: up to 10 kW 4

Average Power gain: up to 60 dB 5

Sanjida Jahan Tanha Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication
Helix TWT : Application
Output tube in RADAR 1

Microwave amplifier 2

Microwave High Power Generator 3

Satellite Communication 4

Sanjida Jahan Tanha Microwave, RADAR and Satellite Communication

Thanks to all
for your patience

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