Intercultural Communication: Peking University May 6 2009
Intercultural Communication: Peking University May 6 2009
Intercultural Communication: Peking University May 6 2009
By Guan Shijie
Peking University
May 6 2009
Presentation titles and reading
Lecture 1: Introduction: Intercultural communication
Reading: Guo-ming Chen & William J. Starosta, Foundation of Intercultural
Communication, Allyn & Bacon, 1998, Chapter 1-2, pp. 1-30.
Lecture 2:
Languages and intercultural communication
Reading: Samovar, Larry and Poeter, Richard E. Communication between cultures,
Wadsworth Publishing company, California, 2004, Chapter 4-5, pp. 138-200.
A) Motivations
The transportation (airlines) and communication technology
The need of foreign military and politics of U.S.
The need of foreign economy and cultural communication
The fight for “freedom and civil rights movement” in1960s
B)Founding father of intercultural communication
A) Theoretical field
Theories in Intercultural Communication study concluded the
characteristics of the theoretical construction as follows:
a, The communication theories are used in intercultural
communication study.
b, The intercultural communication studies focus on the
interpersonal communication level
From the 1960s to 1980s, the Japanese scholars began to translate the
intercultural communication works from America, The Silent Language in 1966,
for example. In the early 1970s, the International Christian University first
offered courses in intercultural communication and in 1972 it hosted a big
seminar of intercultural communication.
The precedent of intercultural communication in Japan is 石井敏, whose
masterpiece was 异文化传播学(有斐阁). After that, 八代京子 edited 跨文化培
训 in 1998 and 西田司 edited 异文化间传播学入门。
According to a research of the 489 colleges and universities nationwide, there
are 102 schools offer courses related to intercultural communication.
In Japan, intercultural communication has a closer relationship with foreign
language teaching and the focus is on the intercultural communication between
Japan and the U.S. The study of Sino-Japanese intercultural communication
has just started. There are a lot of training courses designed for the employees
of transnational corporations.
6. Intercultural Communication Study in China
《对外大传播》,2006年第12期;尹韵公 明安香主编:《传播学研究:和谐与发
展》 ,新华出版社,2006年。
Call for Papers
Chinese 文化
AD(618-907) AD 20th c.
Carl Hovland thought that “communication is the process that the
sender sends information to the recipient through channels and
therefore cause effects, a process where the sender transfer a
stimulation to influence the recipient’s behavior.”
Weaver thought that “communication is a process by which one’s
minds influence another’s.”
Schramm: When we communicate with each other, we are trying to
share information with others
Chinese scholars: the transferring the
social information or the functioning of
social information system.(郭庆光:《传播学教程》,人民
Interpersonal communication
Intra-group communication
Inter-group communication
Intra-organizational communication
Inter-organizational communication
National communication
International communication
Daily communication
Foreign language teaching
Business management
Health and clinical care
Public service
News reporting
Literature and arts
Foreign affairs
F) Models of Communication
In With
Who Which To Whom What
channel effects
H) Characteristics of communication
Communication is an interactive activity between the sender and the
Communication is a dynamic process.
The sent information cannot be drawn back as long as the process is
Communication is social; each culture has its own norms of
Communication is systematic, and is influenced by many factors. (e.g.:
context, location, situation, time, number of participants, cultural factors)
Communication infers other’s feeling by symbolic systems.
Communication has consequences, which can be obvious, hidden,
unconscious or physical.
I) Functions of Communication
Scholars have different opinions towards the functions
of communication. Lasswell brought up three major
functions in his article “The Structure and Function of
Communication in Society”.
Surveillance of the environment
Correlation of society's response to events in the
Transmission of cultural heritage
International Communication Committee in the UNESCO concluded
that “communication’s function in any social institutions” are as
acquiring information
debate and discussion
developing culture
We can conclude all the above into four major functions:
The function of situation informing
The function of entertaining
The function of educating
The function of persuading
4. Intercultural Communication
For example:
Nocturnal mouselike flying animal with leathery wings
Bat in Chinese is “蝙蝠”.
Patterns of communication
5W pattern
Shannon’s Pattern
Schramm’s Pattern
服装 语言 建筑
音乐 饮食 节庆活动
时间观念 空间观念和利用
冰山 上下级关系模式 、 对个人的看法
对竞争和合作的偏爱 对规章制度的需要
谦虚的观念 家庭关系 对宇宙的看法
法律观念 工作积极性 对领导的看法
社会交往的频率 友谊的性质 控制感情的模式
以及相互关系和角色 对地位变化的看法