Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

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The key takeaways from the document are understanding leadership processes, developing positive attitudes, and acquiring skills to become effective leaders and supervisors.

The document discusses five types of people in leadership - those who make things happen, those who think they make things happen, those who watch those who make things happen, those who wonder what happened, and those who did not know that anything happened.

According to the document, some of the qualities of a good leader are having a good personality, being intelligent and knowledgeable, being confident and ambitious, being honest and fair, being inspiring and motivating, and being a good decision maker.

Friday, March 12, 2010, 8:00 am – 12:00 nn

Workshop Objectives
1. Understand the leadership process and how supervisors will be
able to equip themselves with the skills required to become
good and effective leaders.
2. Develop a positive attitude

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Word Puzzle 1

Clue: 2 words
Answer: Seven Seas
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Proud & Sorry Exercise
On the first page on the left side of your notebook, list the things of
which you are PROUD concerning your handling of your
professional responsibilities. Then, on the right side, list those
things of which you are SORRY . . . things you wish could be
handled better.

I am proud of: I am sorry for:

organizing events and not being able to motivate my
accomplishing them with staff
resounding success

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Efficient & effective use of RESOURCES to accomplish overall
goals and objectives.

1. Time
2. Space
3. Materials / Machines / Equipment / Tools
4. Money
5. People

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Being in charge of ACTIVITY or ENTITY, such as a program, a
project, a business, a school, or a unit.

Art of influencing PEOPLE toward accomplishment of specific goal
or objective.

Directive process by a LEADER to train & orient PEOPLE to
realities of workplace and help them remove barriers to optimum

Supportive process by a LEADER to help PEOPLE define and work
through personal problems that affect job performance.
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Five Types of People

1. Those who make things happen

2. Those who think they make things happen

3. Those who watch those who make things happen

4. Those who wonders what happened

5. Those who did not know that anything happened

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

The following are not the only qualities a successful

leader would need or possess. Instead, these are the
6 most important ones that we felt a successful
leader should have.

Some successful leaders may not have all the

qualities here present but might be intelligent enough
to use the qualities they have to successfully conceal
their negatives.

Note also that the following list does not assume

priority in the order of occurrence.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

1. Personality

Great leaders in this world, in real life, have had an exceptional

personality associated with them. The moment we look at them,
we tend to get an urge to follow what they say and do what they
ask us to do. Consider leaders like Moses, Jesus Christ, Barrack
Obama, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. All of them
have a positive attitude and charisma associated with them
that makes them stand tall than any other fellow being. They are
always humble and accessible to everyone (maintains open door
policy). Their personality helps connect followers on a emotional
basis before they even know what they are capable of.
Something similar to “Love at First Sight”.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

2. Vision and eye for change

He must be a visionary. If only the leader can see the future

and guide the followers in the right direction he would still be
considered a leader. This is a very important characteristic of
any successful leader. If the leader cannot see where he is
going, it is impossible to convince his followers that he knows the
right path. The vision of a good leader makes the team achieve
what he has foreseen. What the visionary actually foresee or
envision is. . . CHANGE. A person with an excellent personality
but without vision will end up just being a follower in the long

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

3. Good Listener / Observer

A real leader needs to be sharp. He/she should have toned all

his/her senses to perfection that he/she should be able to sense
even the slightest of changes in situation. One who is naturally
sensitive to issues, confronts problem and at times
acknowledges even own mistakes will definitely be a good
listener and observer. Only if the leader listens to the needs of
the followers and observes and understands them, he can
make wise decisions on whom to trust and whom not to trust.
Delegation is another very important aspect of a successful
leader. One cannot take up all things on his shoulder and be
successful. If only a leader is sharp enough to observe who to
delegate efficiently, he or she will have a higher chance to

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

4. Good Communicator

An effective leader is able to communicate one-on-one and in

writing effectively with superiors, peers, subordinates, and others
using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and word usage. Clarity,
organization of thorough processes, and expressiveness are all
part of this dimension, as in ability to “think quickly on one’s
foot”. In writing, he must have the ability to write memos, letters,
and reports in a clear, concise fashion with appropriate
vocabulary, grammar, and word usage.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

5. Self-belief and motivation

If listening is an important factor to be successful and so is self-

belief. If a leader doesn't believe in himself/herself then it is
impossible to instill confidence on his/her fellow mates. So
believing in oneself is the first step to becoming a successful
leader. Motivation on the other hand will come quite naturally
once there is self-belief. Motivation is also dependent on how
good a listener and observer a leader is. Some people need
more motivation than others and it is the duty of the leader to
discover and understand this just by observation and take
relevant measures.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Attributes of a Good Leader

6. Team Player

Team player means working within the team to achieve a

common goal that would satisfy the whole team. This also
means giving up personal priorities and preferences for a
bigger and a unified goal. As a team, they are decisive and
united. The leader gives credit where credit is due. Only when
the leader works within the team, the followers will agree to
follow his orders and would work as a team. The true success of
your already becoming a good leader is when you already sense
that your followers would want to be associated with you. You
will see that they would give more than what is required of them
just to remain in the team and to be associated with the leader.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Caricature of a Good Leader

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Word Puzzle 2



Clue: 2 words
Answer: Split Level
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Why employees don’t get the job done

Almost always, one of four reasons keeps employees from getting

their job done. Regardless of what they tell you, the answer is likely
any one of these four:
1. They don’t know what to do
2. They don’t know how to do it
3. Something or someone keeps them from doing it
4. They don’t want to do it

Actions to be taken:
1. Train and Orient
2. Coach
3. Counsel
4. Terminate and replace
Test on Attitude
On page 2 of your notebook, answer the questions below by writing the
numeric rating that best describe how you feel about the question :
High Low
1. I feel that my senior would rate my attitude as 5 4 3 2 1
2. Given the same choice, my peers would rate
my attitude 5 4 3 2 1
3. Given the same choice, my family would rate
my attitude 5 4 3 2 1
4. Given the same choice, my subordinates would
rate my attitude 5 4 3 2 1
5. Realistically, I would rate my attitude 5 4 3 2 1
6. My effectiveness level is 5 4 3 2 1
7. My creativity level is 5 4 3 2 1
8. My enthusiasm towards my profession is 5 4 3 2 1
9. My enthusiasm towards my life is 5 4 3 2 1
10. My recent disposition, the patience and
sensitivity I show to others, deserves a rating of 5 4 3 2 1

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

A mental position or state of mind
A feeling or emotion with regard to position or state
The way a person communicate his/her mood to others
The way a person look at things mentally

Consciously, few of us would ever choose the negative side.

But what actually happens quite often, is that . . .
we act as if we indeed had a negative attitude.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Negative Attitude Responses
The following are actual examples I have heard from people who suffer from challenged
attitudes and distorted thinking:

• It's not my job.

• But I have a college degree.
• The other department should have taken care of it.
• I have new responsibilities now so I can't do it.
• It won't work / it can't be done.
• They won't like it.
• You didn't consult with us first.
• My pay scale is less than the industry average.
• Those other employees make a huge amount of money / they make more money than I do.
• Because I don't make more, I'm going to punish my team by only giving 50%.
• I just want to receive my salary until something better comes along.
• My responsibilities keep changing.
• My perception is different than this company.
• I am considered a bottom feeder.
• I did the research so I should be making more money.
• There is too much change.
• Nothing stays the same.
• I have no incentives.
• I have no growth possibilities.
• I want higher pay.
• I can't advance because of a political environment.
• I don't get any respect.
• I hope to get fired so I can collect severance pay.
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Positive Attitude
Outward manifestation of mind that dwells primarily on positive
A mindset tipped in favor of creating inspiration rather than
boredom and of joy over sadness

Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:

• Positive thinking.
• Constructive thinking.
• Creative thinking.
• Expecting success.
• Optimism.
• Motivation to accomplish your goals.
• Being inspired.
• Choosing happiness.
• Not giving up.
• Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
• Believing in yourself and in your abilities.
• Displaying self-esteem and confidence.
• Looking for solutions.
• Seeing opportunities. Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Test on Attitude

Add up your TOTAL score: ________

A score of 40 or higher is a signal that your attitude is “in tune”

and no adjustments seem necessary.
A score between 20 and 39 suggests that minor adjustments may
A rating between 10 and 19 suggests a major adjustment may be
required especially in our low areas.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

The act, process, or result of altering, modifying, transferring
or transforming from one state, condition, conveyance or
phase to another.

Check your reactions to events:

1. When a new procedure is implemented at work
2. When required to work for a new boss
3. When assigned to a new job
4. When moved to a different location

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Word Puzzle 3


Clue: 3 words
Answer: Forgive and Forget
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Coping with CHANGE

The WORLD has changed . . .

The WORKFORCE has changed . . .

The WORK has changed . . .

Why does our mindset often remain unchanged? . . .

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work &
In Your Life
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Coping with CHANGE

Coping with change is likened to a CHAMELION. It keeps

adapting, no matter what you do to it.

We have proven that CHANGE is the only C O N S T A N T
thing in our lives.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Coping with CHANGE

Work Exercise:

On page 3 of your notebook:

1. List changes that have occurred in your family life in the past year.
2. List changes that have occurred in your physical life in the past year.

Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

Word Puzzle 4


Clue: 2 words
Answer: MissingYou
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development
Word Puzzle 5

Clue: 1 word
Answer: Downtown
Leadership & Supervisory Skills Development

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