Chapter 4 - : The Union in Crisis
Chapter 4 - : The Union in Crisis
Chapter 4 - : The Union in Crisis
Reading Focus
•Effects of Secession
•South Carolina fears a northern-
controlled government will act against
slavery and withdraws from the
•Several states follow, forming the
Confederate States of America.
The Confederacy is Born
• In February 1861,
representatives of the seven
seceded states met in
Montgomery, Alabama, to form
a new nation. They wrote a
constitution that allowed slavery
and guaranteed slave holder’s
• They chose Jefferson Davis, a
former U.S. Senator from
Mississippi, as president.
• They created an association of
the states called the
Confederate States of
America, or the Confederacy,
which, problematically, lacked
national currency and official
• The House and Senate sought
ways to avoid war, including
appointing special committees to
suggest possible solutions.
• One plan, the Crittenden
Compromise, proposed
new constitutional
amendments, including
allowing slavery in some
parts of America and
compensating slave
holders for escaped slaves.
• The negotiations failed, as
Lincoln’s presidency was a
main reason for secession.
Lincoln privately opposed
any extension of slavery,
though he promised in his
inaugural speech not to
interfere with slavery
where it already existed.
Ch4 Vocabulary
1 Compromise of 1850 Vocab.
2 Fugitive Slave Act Quiz ch4:
3 Dred Scott Decision
4 Lincoln-Douglass Debates Friday,
5 Fort Sumter
6 Battle of Bull Run
7 Battle of Gettysburg Test
8 Gettysburg Address Ch4
9 13th Amendment & quote:
10 15th Amendment
11 Reconstruction Tuesday,
12 Sharecropping 9/18/12
Ch4 Vocabulary
Dred Scott Decision: supreme
court decision that made it a
crime for northerners to help
escaped slaves (1858)
Reading Focus
• How did the Civil War begin, and what were some early battles?
• What was life like during the Civil War?
• How did continued fighting turn the tide of the war?
• What happened in the final phase of the war?
• Southerners suffered
property damage, food
shortages, and inflation.
• The Confederacy, started
the first U.S. draft and the
North followed, which
caused riots.
• Anti-war demonstrators
hurt the Union war effort,
They were called
Copperheads by critics and
were jailed without trial.
Conditions at War and at Home
Reading Focus
• How did the Civil War begin, and what were some early battles?
• What was life like during the Civil War?
• How did continued fighting turn the tide of the war?
• What happened in the final phase of the war?
Fighting Continues
• The Civil War tore America apart,
but it also had international
– Union naval blockades
stopped the South from
trading with the world.
– When blockades became hard
to cross southerners used
blockade runners, or low,
sleek ships that took cotton
to Caribbean ports for
transfer to Europe.
– Southerners made an
ironclad ship that
withstood cannon fire to
break through the
blockade, but when the
North built one also, the
first ironclad battle took
place and changed
naval warfare forever.
• Though most action was in the
East, forces also clashed west of
the Mississippi River over natural
resources, additional soldiers, and
– Congress admitted Kansas,
Dakota, Colorado, and Nevada
territories as free states, then
they created Idaho, Arizona,
and Montana territories.
– Lincoln appointed pro-Union
officials to head the territories.
– He did not enforce the draft in
the West, though many joined
• More than 10,000 Native
Americans fought, many for the
Three Major Battles
• Chancellorsville
• Hooker planned to take
Richmond by surprise.
• Lee marched his army west,
leaving some behind as a
• Lee ordered a surprise
attack and won the battle.
Three Major Battles
• Gettysburg
• Lee tried to invade the
North again.
• In this three day battle,
troops held positions for
two days, until 15,000
Confederate troops
charged the center lines
and in the battle lost most
of their troops. Lee
retreated to Virginia.
Three Major Battles
• Vicksburg
• Meanwhile, Grant took
Vicksburg, a Confederate
stronghold in Mississippi.
• He shelled the city for
weeks, trying to starve out
defenders, until they
The Final Phase
Campaigns of 1864
• After major victories, the
Confederacy won the Battle of
Chickamauga, but Grant
rescued the Union at
• Lincoln gave Grant control of all
the Union armies, and Grant
moved the Army of the
Potomac further and further
south, despite heavy losses in
the Battle of the Wilderness and
the Battle of Spotsylvania.
• After the Battle of Cold Harbor,
Grant began a siege of
Richmond to cut supplies to the
• Then Union general Sherman
invaded Georgia, laid siege to
Atlanta, closed railroad access
to the city, and forced
Confederate general Hood’s
troops to abandon the city
The Final Phase
The Election of 1864
• While Sherman took Atlanta,
the Democrats chose popular
General George McClellan as
their candidate.
• The Republicans chose Andrew
Johnson, a pro-Union
Democrat, as Lincoln’s vice
president to help Lincoln’s
wavering appeal.
• The Emancipation
Proclamation and high
casualties made the war
unpopular and even Lincoln
expected to lose the election.
• News of Sherman’s Atlanta
capture shifted public opinion,
and Lincoln defeated
McClellan, allowing Congress
to pass the Thirteenth
Amendment ending slavery.
The War Ends
• As Lincoln began his second
term in March 1865, the war
seemed nearly over. Lincoln
announced his intention to
be forgiving to the South in
order to build up the nation’s
• After the election, Sherman’s
troops marched across
Georgia in “Sherman’s March
to Sea,” and burned much of
• Sherman believed that
striking at economic
resources would help win the
war. His troops slaughtered
livestock, destroyed crops,
and looted homes and
• Eventually Confederate
leaders were forced out of
Richmond, and Lee
surrendered when he found
his troops surrounded.
• Lee and Grant met to
negotiate terms of the
Confederacy’s surrender,
which were very generous
for such a long and bitter
conflict: Lee’s troops were
to turn over their weapons
and leave.
• The North celebrated, but
Lincoln’s assassination in
1865, before the official end
of the war, changed the
course of American history.
Ch4 Vocabulary
1 Compromise of 1850 Vocab.
2 Fugitive Slave Act Quiz ch4:
3 Dred Scott Decision
4 Lincoln-Douglass Debates Friday,
5 Fort Sumter
6 Battle of Bull Run
7 Battle of Gettysburg Test
8 Gettysburg Address Ch4
9 13th Amendment & quote:
10 15th Amendment
11 Reconstruction Tuesday,
12 Sharecropping 9/18/12
• Reading Focus
• What were the differing plans
for presidential Reconstruction?
• What was congressional
• What happened when Radical
Republicans took charge of
• Why did Reconstruction end,
and what were its effects on
American history?
Presidential Reconstruction
• *Lincoln’s Plan
In late 1863 Lincoln issued a Proclamation of
Amnesty and Reconstruction, offering
forgiveness to all southerners who pledged
loyalty to the Union and supported
Lincoln’s Ten-Percent Plan stated that once
10 percent of a southern state’s voters took
the oath, they could organize a new state
government, which had to ban slavery.
Lincoln’s Plan=10% Plan; very
easy on the South
• Lincoln’s Plan Sparks
Debate in Congress
• Some Congress members
thought re-admitting states
to the Union was only a
power of Congress; some
thought the South never
officially left the union.
• Others thought southern
states should go through the
same admission process for
statehood as territories.
• Congress Responds,
Tragedy Strikes
• Congress’ own plan, the
Wade-Davis Bill, required a
majority of a state’s white
men to pledge the oath,
not just 10 percent. It was
vetoed by Lincoln.
• Lincoln was assassinated
by John Wilkes Booth in
1865, and didn’t live long
enough to carry out his
Reconstruction plans for
the South.
Johnson’s Plan
• Violence plagued the South during Reconstruction.
• The KKK and similar groups terrorized minorities.
• Terrorists targeted African American leaders and
people of both races with burnings and violence.
• They beat Freedmen’s Bureau teachers and murdered
public officials, many of whom resigned.
• When state governments couldn’t control violence,
Congress passed Enforcement Acts that set penalties
for trying to prevent a qualified citizen from voting.
• The Acts also gave the army and federal courts the
power to punish Klan members.
• Eventually, most people were unhappy with
• The army still had to keep the peace in the South,
and the Republican government seemed ineffective.
• African Americans were unhappy about their
poverty and lack of land reform and all were
discouraged by the South’s poor economy.
• Some said Reconstruction governments were
• These conditions strengthened the Liberal
Republicans, who broke party and helped Democrats
win back Congress in 1872.
The Impact of Reconstruction
• By the mid-1870s it was clear that
Reconstruction was ending.
• Its fiercest leaders, Thaddeus Stevens
and Charles Sumner, had died.
• Supreme Court decisions, such as the
Slaughterhouse Cases, in which the
Court said that most civil rights were
under state control and not protected by
the Fourteenth Amendment, weakened
its protections.
• As support for Reconstruction declined,
southern Democratic leaders and
supporters grew bolder.
• Lawlessness and violence against
Republican candidates increased, and
some were murdered.
• When Mississippi’s governor asked
Ulysses S. Grant for help in 1875, he
• In the 1876 presidential election,
Rutherford B. Hayes was given the
presidency when Republicans promised
to withdraw federal troops from the
South, causing the collapse of Republican
state governments. Rutherford B.
• Some called the post-Reconstruction
South “the New South.”
Chapter 4 –
2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12
Ch4 Vocab Quiz
Dred Scott
1 7
2 8
Fugitive Slave
3 9
4 13th Amendment 10
Compromise of
5 11
Battle of Bull
6 12
Ch4 Vocab Quiz
Dred Scott
1 7 Fort Sumter
2 8 Sharecropping
Fugitive Slave Battle of
3 9
Act Gettysburg
4 13th Amendment 10
Compromise of
5 11 Reconstruction
Battle of Bull
6 12 15th Amendment
Test Review:
Write this chart on a piece of notebook paper. Read the study guide. Using the chart below,
1. Create categories for the facts.
2. Write the number of the facts in the proper column.
3. There must be at least 2 facts in each category
4. Due at the end of the period.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
Venn Diagram Word Bank
13th Amendment Abraham Lincoln
(6) (10)
James Madison (8)
Washington (9)
Compromise of
Constitution (1)
1850 (3)
Thomas Three-Fifths
Jefferson (7) Compromise (4)
Declaration of Emancipation
Independence (2) Proclamation (5)
Venn Diagram Word Bank
1620: Pilgrims on
the Mayflower
1776: Dec. of
1861-65: Civil
1877: end of
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