Chapter 13 - The Union in Peril, 1848-1861
Chapter 13 - The Union in Peril, 1848-1861
Chapter 13 - The Union in Peril, 1848-1861
Free Soil Movement
■ When the Wilmot Proviso was rejected in the Senate people started to
think the South was leading a “Slave Power” conspiracy to dominate the
national life
■ The Free Soil Movement and later the Free Soil Party aimed to thwart
this conspiracy
– They depicted slavery as a threat to republicanism and to the Jeffersonian
ideal of a freeholder society
– They believed slavery threatened the equal distribution of land to white
family farmers
Slavery and Politics
■ Democrats split between:
a. Those who saw slaveholding as a constitutional right
that should expand without restriction
b. Those who supported popular sovereignty; the
decision about slavery left in the hands of the voters
in the specific territories
■ Whigs could not find a middle ground on slavery
and disappeared after the 1852 election
Compromise of 1850
■ 1849 – California bids for statehood
– South opposed the admission of another free state and feared the
exclusion of slavery from all of the Mexican Cession
■ Henry Clay proposed a compromise
1. California enters the union as a free state
2. End of slave trade in District of Columbia [Washington, D.C.]
3. Stronger fugitive slave law
4. Popular sovereignty for remaining territories of the Mexican
■ Stephen Douglas got the compromise through Congress
Fugitive Slave Act
■ This law was part of the compromise of 1850.
– It was a law that REQUIRED citizens to catch
runaway slaves.
– If a person did not comply, they could be fined up
to $1000 or put in jail for SIX months.
– Judges received $10 if they returned a slave and
$5 if they freed them.
– MANY blacks who were free were captured and
sent back into slavery.
■ Northerners HATED this law because it forced them
to become a part of the system of slavery.
Kansas-Nebraska Act [1854]
■ Introduced by Stephen Douglas
– Divided the Nebraska Territory into two territories [Kansas
and Nebraska]
– Called for a vote among the settlers to decide the future
slavery there [popular sovereignty]
– Repealed the Missouri Compromise [1820]
■ Created a firestorm of protest
– Republican Party forms to combat the growing influence of
the “slave power”
Republican Party
■ The Kansas-Nebraska Act ended the Whig Party
■ Ex-Whigs, northern Democrats, Free Soilers and abolitionists
will form the Republican Party in 1854
– They opposed slavery because it drove down the wages of free
workers and degraded the dignity of manual labor
– They envisioned a society of independent farmers, artisans, and
proprietors [business owners]
– Their values consisted of religious commitment, respectability
and capitalist enterprise
Bleeding Kansas
■ After Kansas opens for settlement in 1856,
antislavery and pro-slavery forces fought to gain
political control
– Violence culminated with the burning of Lawrence,
Kansas and John Brown’s murder of five pro-
slavery settlers @ Pottawatomie Creek
■ The Lecompton Constitution emerged out of the
■ Kansas sought to enter the union as a slave state
– President Buchanan supported the proposed state
constitution, but western Democrats, led by Stephen
Douglas, defeated it in Congress
■ Postposed Kansas statehood and caused further
damage to the Democrat party
Stowe and Helper:Literary Incendiaries
■ Harriet Beecher Stowe
– White woman, never lived in South
– Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 in response to
Fug. Slave Law
– Awakened the North to horrors of slavery;
(Simon Legree)
– “Little woman who wrote the
book that made this great war”
■ Hinton R. Helper
– Impending Crisis of the South 1857
Says non-slaveholding whites suffered most
from slavery
■ Both books were banned/burned in South
Election of 1856
■ The violence in Kansas dominated the election of 1856
■ America Know-Nothing Party: Millard Fillmore
– Platform: mobilize native-born Protestants against the Irish and
German Catholics, prohibit further immigration, and institute
literacy tests for voting
■ Democrat: James Buchanan
– Platform: popular sovereignty
■ Republican: John C. Freemont
– Platform: prohibited slavery in all of the territories and called for
federal subsidies for transcontinental railroads
Dred Scott v. Sanford
■ Scott had lived in the Wisconsin Territory and
Illinois, both free areas
– Appealed for his freedom upon moving to Missouri
■ The Supreme Court’s decision:
– effectively denied citizenship to all blacks
– protected slavery’s expansion into the territories
– voided the Missouri Compromise [1820]
■ Ruling inflamed the Republican Party which
had narrowly lost the presidency in 1856
– They were now unified and energized for future
political battles
Tempers Flare in the Capitol
■ On May 19, 1856, Sumner gave a speech
attacking slavery. In that speech he insulted
Brooks’ uncle Senator Andrew Butler (SC).
– In response, on May 22 Brooks entered the
Senate chamber and beat Sumner with his
walking stick until it broke.
Preston Brooks Charles Sumner
Representative from S.C. Senator from Massachusetts
Lincoln Douglas Debates
■ Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas
engaged in a series of debates throughout
Illinois, designed to let the voters know
where they stood on the issues of the day.
– “A house divided against itself cannot
– Did the Dred Scott decision deny the
people of a territory the right to ban
slavery through popular sovereignty?
■ Stephen Douglas ends up winning the
■ Exposed the nation Lincoln and his politics
■ John Brown again roiled the
nation with violence
– With 18 antislavery zealots, he
Raid at Harpers
planned to incite a slave rebellion Ferry [1859]
by seizing weapons at Harpers
Ferry, Virginia
■ The plan failed and Brown was
■ His association with prominent
abolitionists convinced the South it
could only remain safely in the
Union by controlling the White
Election of 1860
■ Northern and Western Democrats nominated: Stephen Douglas
■ Southern Democrats nominated: John C. Breckinridge
■ Republican: Abraham Lincoln
– The division in the Democrat Party helped Lincoln win the
■ He received less than 1% of the popular vote in the South and
only 40% of the popular vote, he won every northern and western
state except New Jersey
Election of 1860
■ Lincoln was not an abolitionist, but his stand on
slavery and its spread convinced the South that he
threatened its way of life