II M.Sc Maths
(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
0+a = a+0 = a
a+b = b+a
(ii) (S, ) is a monoid with identity element 1.
(a.b).c = a.(b.c)
1.a = a.1= a
(iii) Multiplication left and right distributes over
a.(b+c) = a.b+a.c
(a+b).c = (a.c)+(b.c)
(iv) Multiplication by 0 annihilates R.
0a = a0 = 0
( B={0,1},+, ) is a semiring whose + and . are
defined by,
+ 0 1 . 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1
Semiring with identity ab+a=a
The additive and multiplicative
properties of semiring satisfying the
identity ab + a = a .
A semigroup (S, +) is said to be a band if
a + a = a, for all ‘a’ in S.
A semigroup (S, •) is said to be a band if a2 =
a, for all ‘a’ in S.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a =
a, for all a, b in S. If S contains the multiplicative
identity 1, then (S, +) is a band.
Given: (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab +
a = a, for all a, b in S.
Assume that S contains the multiplicative identity 1.
To Prove: (S, +) is a band.
Consider ab + a =a, for all a, b in S.
Taking b = 1
=> a.1 + a = a
=>a + a = a, for all ‘a’ in S
(S, +) is a band.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a = a,
for all a, b in S. Let S containing the multiplicative identity
1and (S, +) be commutative. Then (S, •) is commutative, if (S,
+) is not a rectangular band.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a = a,
for all a, b in S. Then the following are true.
(i) If (S, •) is a band, then (S, +) is a band.
(ii) Converse is true if (S, +) is right cancellative.
Let (S, +, •) be a zerosumfree semiring with additive identity
0.Then ab + a = a, for all a, b in S if and only if ab=0.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a = a,
for all a, b in S. Let (S, +) be commutative and (S, •) is a
rectangular band. Then the following are true.
(i) ab = a and ba = b.
(ii) (S, +) is a band.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a = a,
for all a, b in S. Let S containing the multiplicative identity 1
and (S, •) is left singular, then (S, +) is a right singular
Let (S, +, •) be a zero square semiring, where 0 is the
additive identity. If S satisfies the identity ab + a = a, for
all a, b in S,then aba = 0 and bab= 0.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab + a = a, for
all a, b in S. If (S, +) is a right singular semigroup, then (S, +) is
a rectangular band.
Let (S, +, •) be a PRD semiring satisfying the identity ab + a =a,
for all a, b in S. Then 1 + a = a, for all ‘a’ in S.
Let (S, +, •) be a Positive Rational Domain semiring satisfying
the identity ab + a = a, for all a, b in S. Then the following
are true.
(i) a + ab = b + ab, for all a, b in S.
(ii) a + a2 = a2 and a2 + a = a, for all ‘a’ in S.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab
+ a = a, for all a, b in S. If (S, •) is a left regular
semigroup, then (S, +) is E – inverse semigroup.
Let (S, +, •) be a semiring satisfying the identity ab
+ a = a, for all a, b in S. If S contains a multiplicative
identity which is also an additive identity, then (S, •)
is quasi separative.
(,1) derivations on semirings
Let (S,+, ·) be a semiring. A derivation on S
is a map d : S → S satisfying the following
Let S b a Semiring and I be a Non zero ideal of S.Let d be a
Non-zero (, 1) derivation on S. If d(x + y − x − y) = 0 ∀ x, y ∈
I,then (x + y − x − y)d(z) = 0 ∀ x, y, z ∈ I.
Given:S is a semiring and I be a non-zero ideal of S.
Also, d is a non-zero (,1) derivation on S.
Assume that d(x + y − x − y) = 0 ∀ x, y ∈ I.
d(xz + yz − xz − yz) = 0.
=>(x + y − x − y)d(z) = 0 ∀ x, y ∈ I.
Hence Proved.
Let be an endomorphism on S.An additive map
d : SX is called a
An additive map d : S → X is called a two sided
derivation if d is an (, 1) derivation as well as (1, )
Let S be a prime semiring and I be a non zero ideal of S.
let be a non zero (,1) derivation on S. If x ∈ S and
d(I)x = 0 then x = 0.
Let S be a prime semiring and I be a semigroup ideal
Let S be an additively cancellative semiring and let I be a ideal of S which
contain zero. Let d be a twosided derivation on S such that (I) = I and if
d acts as a homomorphism on I then d(I) = 0.
Structures of some semirings
Multiplicatively subIdempotent
A semiring is said to be multiplicatively sub
idempotent semiring. If it satisfies the following
(1.) (S, +) is semigroup
(2.) (S, +) is semigroup
(3.) a(b + c) = ab + ac, (b + c) a = ba + ca and
(4.) a + a2= a for all a, b in S.
Let S be a multiplicatively sub idempotent semiring and
PRD. Then b + ab = b for all a, b in S.
Suppose that S be a multiplicatively sub idempotent
semiring and PRD.
To Prove: b + ab = b for all a, b in S.
Consider a + a2 = a => a (1 + a) = a.1
=> (1 + a) = 1
=> (1 + a) b = 1.b
=> b + ab = b
Therefore, b + ab = b for all a, b in S.
Let S be a multiplicatively sub idempotent semiring. If S contains the
multiplicative identity which is also additive identity, then (i) S is b-
lattice (ii) (S, +) is zeroid if (S, .) is left cancellative.
Let S be a semiring in which 1 is multiplicative identity. If (S,+) is
zeroid then an + ab = ab for all n ≥ 1.
Suppose S is multiplicatively subidempotent and mono semiring. Then
a2n = a2 for n > 1 and a2n+ 1 = a for all a in S and n ≥1.
If S is a multiplicatively subidempotent semiring and (S, •) is
right singular semigroup, then (S, +) is a band.
Assume that S is multiplicatively subidempotent and mono
semiring. Then
(a) (S, •) is a left regular semigroup, if (S, +) is commutative.
(b) axa = a + axa.
(c) (S, +) is periodic.
(d) Square of every element in S is additively idempotent.
If S is a multiplicatively subidempotent semiring and (S, +) is
lateral zero, then x + axn = x for all a, x in S.
A Semiring S is said to be a Boolean Semiring
provided a2 = a for every aS. (or) A semiring S is
said to be a Boolean Semiring provided every
element of S is an idempotent.
Let S be a boolean Semiring and a,bS and weak
commutative a b then ab = ba.
Let S be a boolean semiring and a,bS and weak
commutative a b
To Prove :ab=ba.
a b => a = ba
Now a = ba
Multiply b on both sides, we get,
ab = bab
Since S is weak commutative, ab = bba = ba
Therefore ab = ba.
If S is a weak commutative boolean Semiring then (S,) is a
partially ordered set.
A boolean Semiring S and ab = 0 then ba =0 and asb = 0 for all s
Let (S,+, . ) be a zeroid semiring with multiplicative identity 1
and cancellative then S is boolean Semiring and (a + b )n = (a
+ b).
Let (S,+, . ) be a zeroid semiring with
multiplicative identity 1 and cancellative then S
is boolean Semiring and (a + b )n = (a + b).
Let S be an ordering on boolean semiring
contains 1. Suppose S has the greatest element
then 1 is the multiplicative identity.
Semiring constitute a fairly natural generalization of
rings, with broad applications in the mathematical
foundation of computer science.
Also, semiring theory has many applications to other
For example, automata theory, optimization theory,
algebra of formal process, combinatorial
optimization, Baysian networks and belief
M.Amala, “On the additive and Multiplicative structures
of idempotent semirings”,International Journal of
S.P.Nirmala Devi and Mahadevan Chandramouleeswaran,
“(,1) derivations on semirings”(International journal of
pure and Applied Mathematics,2014.
Y.Monickarchana and N.Sulochana, “Some studies on
semirings”,International journal of mathematics trends
and technology,2013.
M. Amala, N. Sulochana, and T.Vasanthi, “ A study
on the Classes of Semirings and Ordered
Semirings,Research India publications.