Mushroom Boards
Mushroom Boards
Mushroom Boards
A mushroom, or toadstool,
is the fleshy, Spore Mushroom is the fruit body of the
bearing fruiting body of fungus and it Usually grow in
a fungus, typically produced monsoon it inspires me because
above ground on soil or on of its shape which is similar like
its food source. umbrella , texture and Also
Mushroom are the because of the earthy and coral
conspicuous umbrella shaped colour scheme
Fruiting body of certain fungi
typically of the order
agaricales in the phylum
basidiomycota but also of
some another group .
Aprophytism is another
important living method for
mushrooms, especially for
species which grow on lawns,
on rotting wood or on
excrement. Here the
mushroom's role is one of
decomposition. It feeds itself
by digesting the organic matter
and at the same time
returns nutrients to the soil. All
types of edible mushroom has
health benefits they also
contain vitamin b as well as as
a powerful antioxidant called It’s a trigger to all design .Its colour may inform our fashion
Selenium which helps to Its texture may inform our art work its shape may inspire our
support immune system and Interior and its flavor will always inform our table so here my
proper digestion inspiration from nature is a mushroom
The colours are taken from the nature
and the colour scheme is inspire by mushroom
The colours are earthy tones with the coral
105-320 Touch this colour can be created from Natural
ldye When it comes to colour nature represent
growth and is consequently used to sustainable
Organic natural sense of the world the
occurrence of colour in nature is timeless
541-950 and take place world wide
The product includes of water proof fabric which save us from rainfall. Elastic
is used for wear ability. Metallic flexible wire is used for functioning of the
umbrella rain coat. This helps the raincoat to open and close and keep in bag.
Drawstrings are used to loosen and tighten the cap of raincoat umbrella. Fabric
painting and ruffles are used to enhance the look of the umbrella raincoat
which is inspired by fabric painting.