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is a subject of geology specializing in the scientific

study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical
(including optical) properties of minerals and
mineralized artifacts.
is a subject of geology specializing in the scientific
study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical
(including optical) properties of minerals and
mineralized artifacts.

Engr. Donnavie L. De la Cruz , CE

When nutritional specialists talk about “minerals”, they
are generally referring to single elements – such as
magnesium, iron, calcium – that have certain dietary

For Geologists, the term “mineral” has a very specific


Mineral is a naturally occurring,

inorganic, crystalline solid that has
a specific chemical composition.
Naturally occurring tells us that a mineral
must form through natural geologic

Synthetic diamonds, while possessing all

of the other attribute cannot be
considered true minerals because they
are not naturally formed.
Inorganic means that they are
not composed of the complex
hydrocarbon molecules that are
basis of life-forms.
Specific chemical compositions are described
by chemical formula.
Chemical formulas tells us which elements are
in the mineral and in what proportion.

Halite (rock salt) has a chemical composition

of NaCl. (2 elements ; one sodium atom for
every atom of chlorine)

Potassium feldspar, a common mineral in the

Earth’s Crust, is made up of potassium,
aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. 𝐾𝐴𝑙𝑆𝑖3 𝑂8
All minerals have a crystalline structure where
atoms that make up the mineral are arranged
in an orderly repeating, three dimensional
Rocks are composed of minerals, minerals are
composed of atoms of elements bonded
together in a repeating crystalline structure.
Atoms can attain a full outer energy level by either
exchanging electrons or sharing electrons with neighboring

Ion – is an atom that has a surplus or deficit of electrons

relative to the number of protons in its nucleus and
therefore a positive or negative electrical charge.

Anion- is a negatively charged ion that has more electrons

that protons.
Atoms with different charges are
attracted to one another, and this
forms the basis for ionic bonding.

Covalent Bonding is a bonding in which
adjacent atoms share electrons.


A metallic bond is a type of chemical
bond formed between positively charged
atoms in which the free electrons are
shared among a lattice of cations.


Nesosilicates (Island Silicates)

If the corner oxygens are not shared

with other SiO4-4 tetrahedrons, each
tetrahedron will be isolated. Thus, this
group is often referred to as the island
silicate group. The basic structural unit
is then SiO4-4. In this group the oxygens
are shared with octahedral groups that
contain other cations like Mg+2, Fe+2, or
Ca+2. Olivine is a good example:
Sorosilicates (Double Island Silicates)

If one of the corner oxygens is shared with

another tetrahedron, this gives rise to the
sorosilicate group. It is often referred to as the
double island group because there are two linked
tetrahedrons isolated from all other tetrahedrons.
In this case, the basic structural unit is Si2O7-6. A
good example of a sorosilicate is the mineral
hemimorphite - Zn4Si2O7(OH).H2O. Some
sorosilicates are a combination of single and
double islands, like in epidote -
Cyclosilicates (Ring Silicates)

If two of the oxygens are shared and the structure

is arranged in a ring, such as that shown here, we
get the basic structural unit of the cyclosilcates or
ring silicates. Shown here is a six membered ring
forming the structural group Si6O18-12. Three
membered rings, Si3O9-6, four membered rings,
Si4O12-8, and five membered rings Si5O15-10 are
also possible. A good example of a cyclosilicate is
the mineral Beryl - Be3Al2Si6O18.
Inosilicates (Single Chain Silicates)

If two of the oxygens are shared in a

way to make long single chains of linked
SiO4 tetrahedra, we get the single chain
silicates or inosilicates. In this case the
basic structural unit is Si2O6-4 or SiO3-
2. This group is the basis for the
pyroxene group of minerals, like the
orthopyroxenes (Mg,Fe)SiO3 or the
clinopyroxenes Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6.
Inosilicates (Double Chain Silicates)

If two chains are linked together so that

each tetrahedral group shares 3 of its
oxygens, we can from double chains,
with the basic structural group being
Si4O11-6. The amphibole group of
minerals are double chain silicates, for
example the tremolite - ferroactinolite
series - Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2.
Phyllosilicates (Sheet Silicates)

If 3 of the oxygens from each tetrahedral group

are shared such that an infinite sheet of SiO4
tetrahedra are shared we get the basis for the
phyllosilicates or sheet silicates. In this case the
basic structural group is Si2O5-2. The micas,
clay minerals, chlorite, talc, and serpentine
minerals are all based on this structure. A good
example is biotite - K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2.
Note that in this structure, Al is substituting for
Si in one of the tetrahedral groups.
Tectosilicates (Framework Silicates)

If all of the corner oxygens are shared with another SiO4

tetrahedron, then a framework structure develops. The
basic structural group then becomes SiO2. The minerals
quartz, cristobalite, and tridymite all are based on this
structure. If some of the Si+4 ions are replaced by Al+3
then this produces a charge imbalance and allows for other
ions to be found coordinated in different arrangements
within the framework structure. Thus, the feldspar and
feldspathoid minerals are also based on the tectosilicate

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