Technical Paper Presentation

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International Conference on Waste Management.

April 1-2, 2016
IIT Guwahati

(in Microsoft PowerPoint)

Technical Paper/Poster Presentation Event
 Time-Limits:
 Oral Presentation (with PowerPoint): 8 minutes maximum
 Question & Answer session by Judges: 2 minutes
Maximum number of slides 12.
Use Times New Roman font completely.


extension can lead to deduction of marks.

 All the authors may choose to speak, but time-limit should

not be exceeded.

 Animations & Videos (if any) may be included, but they

should be played within the same allotted time limit of 7
 Presentation should be done on-stage.
 Format: Windows PowerPoint 2003 (.ppt)
 All audio-visual equipment will be provided: computer,
microphones, speaker system, digital projection system etc.
 All the authors may choose to speak, but time-limit should
not be exceeded.

29th March:
 Deadline to send soft copy of PRESENTATION
 E-mail subject: PRESENTATION
 This is to ensure that your presentation is within our specifications.
 Format: PowerPoint 2003 (.ppt) and/or PDF (.pdf)

• Keep the text as brief as possible.

• Data looks better organized & easier to comprehend

if given in POINTS.

• No more than 10 lines of text (or points) per slide.

• All letters on the slide should be big enough to make

it readable even at the back of the auditorium.
Slide Background & Readability
Choose an attractive picture (related to your topic, of course)
as the background for your TITLE slide.

For the other following slides, background and text should

be in contrasting colors.

A light background & dark print works well.

A dark background & light print also works well.

A dark background & dark print??? Not so much...

A light background & light print??? Not at all!

Graphs & Figures
 A well-documented graph or figure is
way more attractive and better than
lengthy text.

 Tables are difficult to read; represent

data graphically whenever possible.

 A photograph often is worth a

thousand words.
A Sample
Technical Paper Presentation
(8 minutes duration)
(12 slides)
1. Title Slide (1 slide)
{ Introduce yourself and the title of your paper. }
{ Use an attractive picture (related to your topic) as background). }

Institution and/or Address
2. Introduction (1 slide)

 Introduce your topic & paper title.

 Be as brief as possible.

 Use only relevant data.

 Use short but meaningful points.

 Explain every point briefly.

3-4. Problem & Theories (1-3 slides)
 State the problem you’re addressing & the
scientific theories associated with it briefly on
one or two slides.
 Use examples.
 A picture (on another slide, if necessary) will
be handy.
 Again, be as brief as possible, use only
relevant data.
 Use short but meaningful points.
 Explain every point briefly.
5. Methods {OPTIONAL} (1 slide)

Briefly summarize your method of literature

(or content) analysis on one slide.
6-12. Results & Discussion (5-7 slides)
 The rest of the slides are for Results (hypotheses),
Discussion & Conclusions.
 Start with a brief recap of descriptive statistics, if
 Give your hypotheses with scientific proof to
support them.
 Discuss the practicality of each hypothesis if
 Be sure to tell the significance of your research and
what should be done next regarding it.
13. References (1 slide)
 Mention the top five or six references for
your paper preference-wise in points.
 Do not explain anything, just mention the
 Include books & research papers, if any.
 Avoid commonly referred websites (like
Google or Wikipedia).
 Do not linger for more than 10 seconds on
this slide.
14. ‘Thank You’ Slide (1 slide)
Just mention ‘THANK YOU’ on this slide.
Include ‘QUESTIONS?’ If you want.


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