1 FrameDenture

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Frame Denture

(Removable Partial Denture)

Metal Frame
Acrylic Denture / Provisional D. Frame Denture

-Narrow & thiner

-Good thermal conductivity
-Tooth support
-Keep health Ginggival margin

Maxillary Metal Frame Maxillary Acrylic D.

Denture Supporting Tissue
1. Tooth Support
2. Mucosa Suport
3. Tooth-Mucosa Support
Tooth support advantages:
- Stretch periodontal fiber
- Periodontal fluid act as schock absorbent
- Neurve receptors: alarm system
- Periodontal tissue > wide than the mucosa
Micrograph of the attached
and free gingiva above the
field of the previous figure.
The oral surface of the
gingiva has depressions on
its surface. These
depressions are visible in
the oral cavity as a stippling
which gives healthy gingiva
an "orange peel"
H a rd P a la te appearance.

Higher magnification micrograph of the junction of

attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa. Bone is at
the left, the epithelium is at the right, and in
between is the lamina propria. The epithelium of
the attached gingiva is penetrated by large
connective tissue papillae, while the epithelium of
the alveolar mucosa is thinner and contains no
connective tissue papillae. The vessels visible
beneath the alveolar mucosa cause it to appear Micrograph of a region of the attached
bright red, whereas the thicker gingiva appears gingiva. The connective tissue
pink. papillae are longer and more
numerous than in the previous figure.
The surface of this epithelium is
- Attach ginggiva
covered by a relatively homogeneous
- Keratinized cells layer of keratinized cells
Hard palate
Woven bone sometimes persists in the hard palate into
adulthood. Can you see any. Great views of Sharpey's fibers
here. You can also review the type of glands in the hard
palate and the appearance of a mucoperiosteum
Human skin section
showing the epidermis
and dermis.

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