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Traditional Approach in

Disaster Management
 Characterized by top-down approach and are also
non participative and material need-oriented.
 The people are seldom asked or never asked about
their needs.
 They are not invited to participate or join
postdisaster planning and activities geared toward
capacity building.
Pratiyogita Darpan in its January 2008 publication issue presents
some of the views and characteristics of this approach which are
listed below:

1. Disasters are unforeseen events that cannot be

2. The stress is on offering emergency response and
3. People affected by disasters are helpless victims and
passive recipients of external aid.
4. Adults act on behalf of children in responding to
children’s needs.
5. Disaster management is the sole responsibility of the
disaster response agency and specialist such as
scientists, economists, social workers, the government
and NGOs.
6. The focus is on physical and material aid and
technical solutions.
7. Focus is given to individual households.
8. Donors/Outsiders decide on what the families
and communities need.
9. The aim of disaster management is to reduce
immediate suffering and meet emergency
10. The goal is to bring things back to normal.
The community observes that the government applies
traditional processes in disaster response such as the

1. The general response is reactive and emergency

2. The actions are, most often that not, relief-centered
and limited only to relief distribution and
3. Rehabilitation works are rarely done.
4. Most of its strategies and approaches are not
5. The strategies do not respond to the root causes of
people’s vulnerability.
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (CBDRRM)

 A process in which at-risk communities are actively

engaged in the identification, analysis, treatment,
monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order
to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their
capacities (ADPC 2003)
 The participation of the most vulnerable social
groups is significant, whereas the contribution of the
least vulnerable groups is essential for the effective
implementation of this approach (Abarquez and
Murshed, 2004)
Community-Based Disaster Management

 The Philippine culture of “Bayanihan” uplifts the

psychological and emotional resiliency of the Filipino
people especially the poor and marginalized.
 The local communities strive to cope and respond to
the impacts of disasters and somehow they have
established their local coping mechanisms and
systems to reduce some of their vulnerabilities.
The CBDRRM process includes:

a) Initiating the process and establishing rapport

b) Community risk assessment (hazard, vulnerability and
c) Participatory community disaster risk reduction and
management plan
d) Formation and strengthening of community organization
e) Community managed implementation of disaster risk
reduction plan
f) Participatory monitoring and evaluation
g) Progressing towards safer, adaptive and resilient
(Kafle and Murshed, 2006)
Characteristics and Elements of CBDRRM

1. Disasters can be prevented. We can prepare to

avoid and reduce damage and losses.
2. The stress is on prevention, mitigation and
3. People affected by disasters are active actors in
rebuilding their life and livelihood.
4. People’s existing capacities are used and
5. Children participate in conceptualizing,
implementing, monitoring, and evaluating disaster
risk reduction activities.
6. Community participation is very important in managing
7. Assistance covers material, social and motivational
aspects to reduce vulnerability.
8. Attention is spread among individual, family and
community preparedness.
9. The community participates on decision-making to
prioritize needs and risk-reduction solutions or
10. The aim of disaster management is to reduce people’s
vulnerabilities and increase capacities to better prepare
and cope with disasters.
Essentials Requisites of CBDRRM

 Capability building in disaster management- sustained

education and training activities, public awareness using local
language and culture
 Community Disaster Response Organization- teams,
committee, networks, etc
 Counter Disaster Plan- Emergency/Contingency Plan;
Prepared and Mitigation Plan; Community Development Plan
 Disaster Risk Reduction-Development Continuum-
linking vulnerability reduction and capacity building to
achieving sustainable people-centered development
 Partnerships in Disaster Risk Reduction- partnerships
of the community with local government

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