6 - Clarence Holbrook Carter Facial Prop Self Portrait

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The passage discusses Leonardo da Vinci's expertise in facial proportions and techniques for realistic portraiture.

Leonardo da Vinci is known as a Renaissance master who was skilled in various techniques including painting, sculpting, architecture, science, and engineering. He is especially famous for his painting of the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo studied human anatomy and developed a technique called 'face mapping' to determine the precise proportions of the human face which allowed him to create very lifelike portraits.

Leonardo da Vinci,

Facial Proportion, and the Self-Portrait

Learn about Leonardo daVinici
Facial Proportion
• This painting is probably
the most famous portrait
in the entire world!

• It was painted by an artist

named Leonardo da

• Leonardo was a master

at making his paintings
look like the person he
was trying to paint.
I hope you guessed…

The Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci
• Leonardo once wrote,
“Know the proportions
in human beings and
other animals and
learn the forms of all
things on the earth.
The more you know,
the better you will
Leo’s Notebook
• Leonardo was constantly
taking notes about the world
around him. He filled many
notebooks with sketches of
animals, people, and nature.

• He took many measurements

and was always trying to find
a perfect balance so that his
art had proportion.
Another Drawing from Leo’s Notebook:
What is Proportion?
• Simply…
– Proportion means that you make the parts fit well
with each other.
• More Specifically…
– Proportion in art is the relationship between two or
more elements.
– When we talk about proportion in art works we are
using comparing the size of one object in the
artwork to the size of another related object in the Good Proportion
artwork. You can also compare:
• height, width and depth of the objects
• size of one area to the size of another area
• amount of space between two or more elements
– Proportion is usually not even noticed until
something is out of proportion. For example, if a
person has a head larger than their entire body,
then we would say that they were out of proportion.
Out of Proportion
Other works with excellent
The Self-Portrait:

• Here’s a drawing
Leonardo drew of
himself as an old man.

• A picture that an artist

makes of him/herself is
called a self-portrait.
Face Mapping

• Face Mapping is a technique used to set

up the proportion of the features on a face.
• By drawing lines that act
as guides, you can figure
out where parts go and
how large they should be.

• This will help make your

face look more realistic.

• With some practice,

maybe you’ll be the next
Leonardo da Vinci!
Let’s Begin…by breaking the
face down into simple shapes.

(this is how you would start

drawing anything complex)
Olivia shows how easy it is!!!

Self-Portrait Instructions
Created By Mrs.O’Loughlin
Let’s do it together!

Drawing your
•Draw the largest
simple shape of the
HEAD…an oval in
the center of your
Drawing your
•Now using a ruler
we’re going to draw
some guidelines to
help us map out our
facial features.

•Make sure to draw

these lines lightly so
they can be easily
erased later on.
Drawing your
•Line of Symmetry
•Your face is symmetrical.
•This means if you
think of an invisible line
drawn down the middle
of your face the
features on the right
side are the same as
on the left side.
•Remember to draw lightly.
Drawing your
•Eye Line
•How many times has
this happened to you
when you have drawn a

•An eye line is a guide

that helps us to draw
the eyes at the same
height, size and
Drawing your
•Eye Line
•Contrary to popular
believe your eyes are
not on the top portion
of your face.
•Your eyes are located
half way up or in the
middle of your face .
Drawing your
•Eye Line
•Let’s see what this guy
would look like if his
eyes were located on
the top portion of his
Drawing your
•Eye Line

Drawing your
•Eye Line
•Using your ruler draw
your eye line half way
up or in the middle of
your face.

•Remember to draw lightly.

Drawing your
•What shape are eyes?
Drawing your
Self-Portrait: Pupil = Black part of your eye, located in
the center of your iris, allows light into your
eye so you can see
•Parts of the eye

Tear Duct =
Little pink bump
where your
tears come out

Eyeball = White part of your eye Iris = Colored part of your eye
Drawing your
•Did you know your face
is about five eyes wide?
•Let’s test that theory on
this guy again…
Drawing your
•Yep! Five eyes wide!

Eye’d win in a
starring contest!!!
Drawing your
•Look at your eyes in a
•Using the eye line as a
guide draw the outside
shape of your eye.
Drawing your
•Now carefully erase
your eye line.
Drawing your
• Looking at your eyes in a mirror
draw your iris, pupil, eyelid, and
any other lines or qualities that
make your eye unique.
• Iris
• Colored Part
• Circle
• Usually hidden on the top
or bottom by the eyelid

• Pupil
• Black
• Circle
• Center of Iris
Drawing your
•Eyes and

• Show emotion or
• Can you tell
what emotions
this person
might be feeling
by just looking at
her eyes and
Drawing your
Self-Portrait: Was your guess correct?

•Eyes and

Happy Tired

Angry Sad
Drawing your
•Eye Brows
•Look at your eyebrows in a mirror.
•What are unique about your eyebrows?
•Look at the direction the hairs are growing on
each of your eyebrows. Sometimes they grow
up and sometimes to the side.
Drawing your
•Draw your Eyebrows
•Look at your
eyebrows in a mirror.
•What are unique
about your eyebrows?
Drawing your
•A Couple of Nose No-No’s
Drawing your
•A Couple of Nose No-No’s

•This nose is for

pumpkins only!!!
Drawing your
•A Couple of Nose No-No’s

•This type of nose is

reserved for pigs!!!
Drawing your
•A couple of Nose No-No’s
•When drawing your nose
from a front view do not
draw your nose in profile or
from the side.
Drawing your
•Nose and Proportion
•The edges of your nose
fall under the inside
corners of your eyes.
Drawing your
•Parts of your Nose

•Look at your nose in the mirror.

•How are the parts of your nose shaped?
•What makes your nose unique?
Drawing your
•The Bridge of your Nose
•Some artists choose not to draw lines
for the bridge.
•Some draw implied lines for the bridge.
Drawing your
•Draw what you see in the
•Remember make your
nostrils oval or elliptical

•The Bridge of your Nose

•If you would like to draw the
bridge go ahead.Otherwise,
get ready for the next step.
Drawing your

• Very expressive
facial feature
• Look again at this
photo. The mouth
changes shape
with each emotion
or expression.
Drawing your
•Mouth No-No’s
Drawing your
•Mouth No-No’s
•Too Simple!!!
Drawing your
•Draw your top and bottom
lips to create your mouth.
•Draw what you see in the
Drawing your
•Line of Symmetry
•Now very carefully erase
your line of symmetry
Drawing your
•Line of Symmetry
•Now very carefully erase
your line of symmetry
Drawing your
•Neck and Shoulders
•Look at your neck,
shoulders, and clothing in
your mirror.
•Draw what you see.
Drawing your
•Look at ears in your mirror.
•Draw what you see. If your
hair is covering your eyes
and you can’t see them
don’t draw them.
Drawing your
• Look at hair in your mirror.
• Is your hair short or long?
• Straight or Curly?
• Does it cover your ears?
• Does it touch the top of your ears?
• Does it peek out underneath your
• What direction is the hair growing?
• Do you have bangs?
• Do your bangs touch your
Drawing your
• A closer view at Hair
• Look at hair in your mirror and draw what you see.
Your project
• Apply your knowledge of the facial feature
detail and facial proportions based on
what you learn from Ms. Strattan and
• Create surrealist self-portraits using a
similar compositional approach to Carter’
with the addition of famous quotes about
friendship or caring quotes
Clarence Holbrook

Carter studied at the Cleveland School of Art from 1923 to 1927..
Throughout the 1930s and 40s he was known for his paintings of
rural America and the burden brought on by the Great Depression.
By the end of World War II he had adopted a more surrealist
approach to painting.

We are going to look at his Surrealist Paintings….but what is

Clarence Holbrook Carter (1904-2000), Over and Above #14, 1964, oil on canvas
Over and Above #11
Objective: Create surrealist self-portraits using a similar
compositional approach to Carter’ with the addition of famous
quotes about friendship or caring quotes

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