Teaching Guide For Global Interstate System

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Contemporary Global

The United Nation Meets the Twenty –
first Century: Confronting the Challenges
of Global Governance
Thomas G. Weiss and Ramesh Thakur
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson the students are
expected to:
 Analyse and interpret the clarifications about
 Identify the roles and functions of the United
 Value the comparative advantages of united
nation in terms of identifying and diagnosing
 Practice the four essential roles in identifying and
diagnosing problems in their day-to-day living.
Subject Matter:

Contemporary Global
The United Nation Meets the Twenty –
first Century: Confronting the
Challenges of Global Governance
• This chapter draws on Weiss TG and Thakur
R., (2010). Global Governance and the UN:
An Unfinished Journey. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press 2010.

Manfred Stegger, Paul Battersby, and Joseph

M. Siracusa, eds. 2014. The SAGE Handbook
of Globalization.

 LCD Projector & White Screen

 Laptop
 Power Point Presentation
 Printed Materials / Hand-outs
Motivation (Group Activity)
The Facilitator / Instructor will
present / flash some of the
countries that includes in the
United Nation in a form of flags
and the students will guess to
whom that flag associates?
*The students will group into 4 with 10 members each.)
Pedagogy / Methodologies of
Teaching – Learning:
 Brainstorming (before the beginning of
the proper discussion of the topic, the
facilitator will distribute a copy of hand –
outs. In 5 minutes, the students will group
into 4 with 10 members each and they will
brainstorm about the topic.)
 Lecture – Discussion (student and
facilitator interaction.)
Presentation of Guide Questions:
 What is Global Governance?
 What is the stand of United Nation in terms
of Global Governance?
 Whatdoes the idea of global governance all
 What are the some clarification about
 What are the 4 important roles and
functions of United Nation?
Topic Outline:
 Defining the term Global
Governance, United Nations and
 The United Nations and the Global
 The idea of Global Governance
 The clarifications about Globalization
 The 4 important roles and functions
of United Nation
Discussion: (Group Activity)
 In order to give appreciation or value to the topic, the student will be
having a short presentation showing a situation in which the following
must be incorporated (the whole class will be divided into 4 groups
with ten members each.):
 Managing Knowledge
 Developing Norms
 Promulgating Recommendation
 Institutionalizing Ideas
 The distribution of assigned topic to each group will be in the form of
draw lots.
 The group will be given a 10 minutes practice and 5 minute
 The group will be graded using this rubric:
15 10 5
Quality of The content of the The content of the The content of the
topic is accurately topic is accurately topic is not accurately
Content portrayed portrayed. portrayed.

Complete coverage of Inadequate coverage Incomplete coverage

the topic. A student of the topic. A student of the topic. A student
could develop multiple would need to do more who wanted to
aspects of the skill practice to develop develop the skill would
with this resource the skills not find this
presentation to be

10 8 5
Quality of Scenario was realistic, Scenario was realistic Scenario was not
class appropriate, well and class appropriate. realistic. Inappropriate
Scenario developed for class, or poorly
Course concept could developed.
Scenario clearly be identified
incorporated course Scenario failed to
concepts incorporated course
5 3 1
Organization The presentation Presentation was Presentation was
was well – fairly well – not well –
organized. organized. organized.
10 8 5
Impact Presentation fully Presentation Presentation
engaged the engaged the failed to engaged
students student the student
audience. audience. audience

10 8 5
Presentation All presenters Most presenters None of the
Skills spoke with spoke with presenters spoke
appropriate eye appropriate eye with appropriate
contact, volume, contact, volume, eye contact,
tone, use of tone, use of volume, tone,
pauses, and pauses, and use of pauses,
gestures. gestures. and gestures.
Evaluation / Synthesis:
 Each student will be asked to write a short reflection
about the presentation they performed and the topic
being discussed. The short reflection must answer the
following questions:

1. What is/are my realization(s) before and after doing the

2. What is/are the leanings I got from the TOPIC?

 The student will be graded using this rubric:

Rubric for Reflection Essay Writing
Content / Message 10 Points

Construction 5 Points

Analysis 5 Points

Cleanliness 5 Points

Total 25 Points

The students will create their

own reaction about the topic
“human rights as an artificial
concept” under the Duterte

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