Teaching Guide For Global Interstate System
Teaching Guide For Global Interstate System
Teaching Guide For Global Interstate System
The United Nation Meets the Twenty –
first Century: Confronting the Challenges
of Global Governance
Thomas G. Weiss and Ramesh Thakur
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson the students are
expected to:
Analyse and interpret the clarifications about
Identify the roles and functions of the United
Value the comparative advantages of united
nation in terms of identifying and diagnosing
Practice the four essential roles in identifying and
diagnosing problems in their day-to-day living.
Subject Matter:
Contemporary Global
The United Nation Meets the Twenty –
first Century: Confronting the
Challenges of Global Governance
• This chapter draws on Weiss TG and Thakur
R., (2010). Global Governance and the UN:
An Unfinished Journey. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press 2010.
10 8 5
Quality of Scenario was realistic, Scenario was realistic Scenario was not
class appropriate, well and class appropriate. realistic. Inappropriate
Scenario developed for class, or poorly
Course concept could developed.
Scenario clearly be identified
incorporated course Scenario failed to
concepts incorporated course
5 3 1
Organization The presentation Presentation was Presentation was
was well – fairly well – not well –
organized. organized. organized.
10 8 5
Impact Presentation fully Presentation Presentation
engaged the engaged the failed to engaged
students student the student
audience. audience. audience
10 8 5
Presentation All presenters Most presenters None of the
Skills spoke with spoke with presenters spoke
appropriate eye appropriate eye with appropriate
contact, volume, contact, volume, eye contact,
tone, use of tone, use of volume, tone,
pauses, and pauses, and use of pauses,
gestures. gestures. and gestures.
Evaluation / Synthesis:
Each student will be asked to write a short reflection
about the presentation they performed and the topic
being discussed. The short reflection must answer the
following questions:
Construction 5 Points
Analysis 5 Points
Cleanliness 5 Points
Total 25 Points