Kindergarten Activities

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• Alternative toys for STEM learning, thinking
engineering and designing. Frugal and easy.
• Kid enjoy ‘real’ household items to play with.
PVC Hearts

PVC measurement
2 - 2.5 /3
2 - 3/5inch
2 - 7/10
6 - elbow

PVC House
5 -10″ bottom three pieces , top,
middle connected with 90 degree
elbow fittings.
8 – 5” sides pieces connected
with a three way pipe fitting and
4 - 6 inch pieces for roof
connected to the frame with 45
degree elbows. The very top of
the roof has a 10 inch piece
connected by two, 3-way, 90
degree elbows. That also doubles
as a carry handle!
PVC Sword

21 /14 inch sword, 4” handle,

2-3” -guard
Phonics phones amplify the student’s voice helping the
student to focus and pay attention to the sounds.
To make phonics phones
Purchase a 3/4″ PVC pipe and 3/4″ elbow joints (you will need
2 for each phone)
Cut PVC pipe into 3 1/2 inch sections
Put an elbow joint on each end of the pipe
Colorful duct tape can be wrapped around the center of the
pipe for fun.

Use phonics phones…

1. when teaching phonemic awareness skills.
2. when teaching letter sounds.
3. when teaching students to discriminate between similar sounding letter sounds. Take a look at
your students’ writing samples. Phonics phones can be very helpful with students who confuse
letters such as f/v, s/z , or sh/ch.
4. when working with students who omit letters in their writing. These students may not be paying
attention to each sound in the word.
5. during guided reading activities. Some teachers find that giving each student a phonics phone
while reading text a loud to themselves helpful.
• STEM is science, technology, engineering, and
• STEM makes creators, thinkers, problem
solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors.
• Exposing kids to simple STEM ideas at an early
age today sets a foundation for higher
learning tomorrow.
• The Daily 5™ is a framework for structuring literacy time so
students develop lifelong habits of reading, writing, and
working independently.
• enables teachers to choose individualized goals, assign
strategies, monitor progress, and provide just-in-time
instruction to meet the needs of every student.
• How does it work?
• Students select from five authentic reading and writing
choices, working independently toward personalized goals,
while the teacher meets individual needs through whole-
group and small-group instruction, as well as one-on-one
conferring. These choices include
– Read to Self, -Work on Writing, -Read to Someone, -Listen to
Reading, and -Word Work.
• Teachers tell us their Daily 5 classrooms produce
productive, highly engaged students who are developing a
true love of literacy.
• The benefits of The Daily 5 for teachers and schools include
the following:
– students develop independence, stamina, and accountability;
– less time consumed by classroom management leaves more for
– the framework adapts flawlessly to district-adopted curriculums
and state mandates;
– improves school wide literacy achievement; and
– behaviors of independence transfer to other content areas.
Phonemic awareness
• Phoneme : is the smallest unit of sound in
speech. 'hat' has 3 phonemes – 'h' 'a' and 't‘.
• Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify,
and manipulate individual sounds-phonemes--in
spoken words.
• Phonics involves the relationship between sounds and
written symbols, whereas phonemic awareness
involves sounds in spoken words
• WHY:
– It improves students' word reading and comprehension.
– It helps students learn to spell.
Phonemic awareness
• Can Be Developed Through Activities
– Identify and categorize sounds
– Blend sounds to form words
– Delete or add sounds to form new words
– Substitute sounds to make new words

• Phonemic Awareness Instruction Is Most Effective When--

– Students are taught to manipulate phonemes by using alphabet
– Instruction focuses on only one or two rather than several
types of phoneme manipulation.
– Phonemic instruction is taught in Kindergarten or First Grade.
Phonemic awareness
• Phonemic Awareness Instruction Basics
• If cannot hear and work with the phonemes of spoken words will
have difficult time learning how to relate these phonemes to
graphemes (A letter of an alphabet, or all of the letters and letter
combinations that represent a phoneme, as f, ph, and gh ) in written
words. Early readers can show they have phonemic awareness in
several ways:
– recognizing which words in a set of words start with the same sound
– isolating and saying the first or last sound in a word
– combining or blending the separate sounds in a word in order to say the
– breaking up or segmenting a word into its separate sounds.

• Examples of Phonemic Awareness Skills

– Blending: What word am I trying to say? Nnnnn-oooo--t.
– Segmentation (first sound isolation): What is the first sound in not?
– Segmentation (last sound isolation): What is the last sound in not?
– Segmentation (complete): What are all the sounds you hear in not?
Cutting & Gluing activities

Googlie eye.. Ajar cara

pegang gunting ngan betul

Glue shape yg digunting

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