Luxmi Malodia
Presented by: Navneet Kaur (17)
According to a paper by Markus Wanner:
“Change management is an organized,
systematic application of the knowledge, tools,
and resources of change that provides
organizations with a key process to achieve
their business strategy.”
This model was designed and created by Kurt
Lewin in the 1950s, and it still holds valid
today. Lewin was a physicist and social
scientist who explained the structured or
organizational change through the changing
states of a block of ice.
Skills Structure
Style Shared
• This model offers ways and methods • Since all the factors are
to understand an organization and interrelated and interdependent
get a deep insight into the way it on one another, the failing of
works. one part means failing of all and
• This model integrates both the this is the greatest disadvantage
emotional as well as the practical
components of change that is of this model.
something that is important to • This model is complex as
create ways to enable employees deal compared to the others and
with transition easily. differences are not focused upon
• This model considers all parts to be in it.
important and equally worth • Organizations that have used
addressing and thus does not leave this model have experienced
out some aspects that may be of
more cases of failure, and this
too can be considered as one
• This model also offers directional
factor to organizational change. negative associated with it.
•Easy to follow •Since it is a step-
and incorporate. by-step model,
•The main idea no step can be
behind it is to skipped to reach
accept the the one after
change and that.
prepare for it •Very time-
rather than consuming.
changing itself.
Developed in 1998 by Prosci, ADKAR is a goal
oriented change management model that allows change
management teams to focus their activities on specific
business results. The model initially used as a tool for
determining if change management activities like
communications and training were having the desired
results during organizational change.
• It incorporates the • Misses out on the
business role of leadership
dimensions of and principles of
change and the programme
individual management to
dimensions of create clarity and
change. provide direction
• Provides a clear to change.
checklist to
manage change.
The Transition Model was created by change
consultant, William Bridges, and was published in his
1991 book "Managing Transitions.“ The main strength
of the model is that it focuses on transition, not
change. The difference between these is subtle but
important. Change is something that happens to
people, even if they don't agree with it. Transition, on
the other hand, is internal: it's what happens in
people's minds as they go through change. Change can
happen very quickly, while transition usually occurs
more slowly.
Bridges says that people will go through each stage
at their own pace. For example, those who are
comfortable with the change will likely move ahead
to stage three quickly, while others will linger at
stages one or two.
This model was developed by Elisabeth
Kübler-Ross after she pursued her research on
the dying and death. This model is also thus
known as the Grief Model as it talks about the
various emotional states and stages a person
goes through when he/she discovers that
he/she may be nearing their end. The model
can also be applied to other life situations such
as loss of job, changes in work and other less
serious health conditions. The model helps to
understand and deal with personal trauma and
has been widely accepted worldwide.
Clearly define the change and
align it to business goals.