Neutron Diffraction Techniques
Neutron Diffraction Techniques
Neutron Diffraction Techniques
1.X-ray method cannot be used under reduced pressure, while electron diffraction method
can be applied even to gases and vapors. In other electron diffraction is of special
importance for studying vapors and liquids which boil under atmospheric pressure with
2.The exposure required in the x-ray method are quit long, but on account of the greater
intensity of electron beam, the time of exposure is reduced from a few hours (required for
the X-ray method) to a fraction of second.
What's the Neutron diffraction ?
Neutron diffraction is a method by which neutrons are used
to determine the atomic and/or magnetic structure of a
material. It can be equally well applied to study crystalline s o l i
d , g a s s e s , l i qu i d s or a m o r p h o u s m a t e r i a l s .
Discovery of neutron
• The neutron was discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick
Neutrons see..
Electric Charge • .
• Charge of a Neutron = 0
• Charge of Proton = 1.602 x 10-19 C
• Charge of Electron = -1.602 x 10-19 C
• The magnetic moment of the neutron is sufficiently large to give rise to an interaction with unpaired
electrons in magnetic atoms. The strength of the interaction is comparable to the interaction of
neutron with the nucleus.
• In compound containing elements of the first transition series in the periodic table (Iron, Cobalt and
Nickel) the 3d shell contains unpaired electrons. The magnetic field created by these unpaired electrons
in the sample interact with the neutron magnetic moment to give magnetic scattering.
• Elastic magnetic scattering or magnetic diffraction leads to the determination of the magnetic structure
of crystal (the arrangement of the magnetic moments of atoms on the crystalline lattice).
• Inelastic magnetic scattering yields information on the magnetic excitation in the sample. For example,
spin wave, in which there are oscillations in the orientation of successive spins on the crystal lattice.
The spin waves are quantized energy units called magnons
Properties of neutron
Zero charge: highly penetrating: measure bulk properties, can benefit from large samples,
extreme sample environment (high/low temperature, magnetic field, pressure...)
Magnetic dipole moment: Neutrons interact with unpaired electrons. Magnetic structure
and spin excitations can be studied
• Low brilliance of sources: low intensity or resolution, large samples, statistical noise.
• Penetrating: background hard to control, need large samples
• Some elements (B, Cd, Gd,..) strongly absorb
• Neutral: hard to manipulate, accelerate, detect, etc
Why neutron scattering is important?
Neutrons have No Charge! The Energies of neutrons are similar to the
• Highly penetrating energies of elementary excitations!
e.g. the 1.8 Å neutron has E = 25.3 meV and v = 2200 m/s = 4900
The wavelength if of the same order as the atomic separation so
interference occurs between waves scattered by neighboring atoms
Also, the energy is of same order as that of lattice vibrations (phonons) or
magnetic excitations (magnons) and thus creation of annihilation of a
lattice wave produces a measurable shift in neutron energy (inelastic
Neutrons are produced in two main ways
Research Reactors
Spallation Sources
Absorption Very large, true absorption much larger than Absorption usually very small (exceptions
coefficient scattering Gd, Cd, B …) and less than scattering abs
abs 102 - 103 10-1
increases with atomic number
Method of Detection Solid State Detector, Image Plate Proportional 3He counter
The electron diffraction method has got several technical advantages over
X-ray method. Some of the advantages are given
X-ray method cannot bebuesloewd :under reduced pressure, while electron diffraction
method can be applied even to gases and vapors under reduced pressure. In other
electron diffraction is of special importance for studying vapors and liquids which
boil under atmospheric pressure with decomposition.
The number of scattering particles are much less in gas and hence the exposure
required in the x-ray method are quit long, but on account of the greater intensity
of electron beam, the time of exposure is reduced from a few hours (required for
the X-ray method) to a fraction of second.
Schematic X-ray and neutron diffraction pattern for MnO
Extra peaks are only present in the neutron diffraction pattern at temperatures
where the unpaired spins are ordered (below Neel temperature)
MnO, NiO and FeO order antiferromagnetically After taking into account the
arrangement of unpaired spins the unit cell is twice as big as the atomic
arrangement would suggest. So you get extra peaks in the neutron diffraction