Joseph Estrada's Science and Technology Agenda

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“JEEP ni Erap: Ang Pasada
ng Pangulo” - Radio-TV
- to help the government
"feel the pulse" of the
people by providing a
direct line of
communications between
the President and
ordinary Filipinos
The Estrada administration's
programs to boost science and
technology in the country to
make these more responsive to
the challenges of globalization
and its thrust towards
agricultural modernization
The implementation of the
Gains Export Program or
Gainex to
strengthen the scientific
capabilities of small-and
The setting up of regional
food microbiology
laboratories to
ensure the quality and
safety of local food
products and exports.
The implementation of
the Climate Information
Monitoring and
Prediction Services to
make weather
forecasting more useful
in managing agriculture
and water resources.
The creation of the
Phil-Jobnet to improve
the job placement and
information network in
the country through IT.
The implementation of the
Project Rise or the Rescue
Initiative for Science
Education to upgrade
science and technology
learning. The project has,
so far, benefited 1,324
teachers and 10,787
science scholars.
The launching of the
Mobile Information
Technology Classroom
in Mindanao to provide
students hands-on
training in IT lessons.
The strengthening of
the National Computer
Center to fulfill its goal
of setting up a
infrastructure, which
will result in
eradicating red tape in
the bureaucracy.
Two major legislations that he
• Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
(Republic Act No. 8749) which
was designed to protect and
preserve the environment and
ensure the sustainable
development of its natural
• Electronic Commerce Act of
2000 (Republic Act No. 8792)
which outlaws computer
hacking and provides
opportunities for new
businesses emerging from the
Internet-driven New Economy.
Aside from these, in his first State
of the Nation Address, President
Estrada launched a full-scale program
based on cost-effective irrigation
technologies. He also announced that
Dole-outs are out, which meant basic
health care, basic nutrition, and useful
education for those who want, but
cannot afford it.
Lastly, he said that they would speed
up the program to establish one
science high school in every
province. It was in his second State of
the Nation Address that President
Estrada announced the passage of
the Clean Air Act, and the decision to
pursue the 15-year modernization
program of the Armed Forces of the
His last State of the Nation
Address pushed for the
advancement of industries and
schools into the Internet age,
as well as the announcement
of the passage of the e-
Commerce Act.

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