Intercompany Sales - Inventories Problems
Intercompany Sales - Inventories Problems
Intercompany Sales - Inventories Problems
of Inventories
PROBLEMS 16-16 to 16-24
• Pepsi Corporation purchased 70 percent of Sarsi Company’s voting stock
on May 18, 2013, at underlying book value. The companies reported the
following data with respect to intercompany sales in 2016 and 2017:
Inventory-Pepsi P 30,000
Less: unrealized profit in books of Sarsi:
(135,000 – 90,000) x (30,000/135,000) (10,000) 20,000
Inventory-Sarsi P110,000
Less: unrealized profit in books of Pepsi:
(280,000 – 140,000) x (110,000/280,000) (55,000) 55,000
Consolidated inventory 12/31/17 75,000
• 16-18 What is the amount of consolidated cost of goods sold for 2017?
Pepsi CI 220,000
Sarsi CI 85,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory - 2015 15,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory- Sarsi (10,000)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory- Pepsi (55,000)
Consolidated CI – 2017 255,000
• On December 31, 2016, P company purchased 70% of the outstanding
shares of S Company for P245,000. On the date, S company had P100,000
of capital stock and P250,000 of retained earnings.
• For 2017, P company had CI of P200,000 from its own operations and paid
dividends of P100,000. For 2017, S company reported CI of P30,000 and
paid dividends of P20,000. All assets and liabilities of S company have
book values approximately equal to their book values.
• The beginning inventory of P company includes P6,000 of merchandise
purchased from S company on December 31, 2016 at 150% of cost. The
ending inventory of P company includes P9,000 of merchandise purchased
from S company at the same mark-up. P company uses FIFO inventory
• 16-20 What is the amount of consolidated CI attributable to parent for the year 2017?
Consolidated CI 229,000
Sales P416,000
Consolidated cost of goods sold 256,000*
Gross profit P160,000
CI P49,400 P 18,000
(1) Sales:
Pablo Company P220,000
Sally Company 120,000
Intercompany sales (70,000)
Consolidated sales P270,000