Metal Casting: Weeks 1 - 2
Metal Casting: Weeks 1 - 2
Metal Casting: Weeks 1 - 2
Weeks 1 - 2
(a) Core held in place in the mold cavity by chaplets, (b) possible chaplet
design, (c) casting with internal cavity.
Shell Molding
Casting process in which the cavity (& gating system)
is a thin shell of sand held together by
thermosetting resin binder
Shell Molding
Steps in shell‑molding: (2) box is inverted so that sand and
resin fall onto the hot pattern, causing a layer of the
mixture to partially cure on the surface to form a hard
shell; (3) box is repositioned so that loose uncured
particles drop away;
Shell Molding
Steps in shell‑molding: (4) sand shell is heated in oven for
several minutes to complete curing; (5) shell mold is
stripped from the pattern;
Shell Molding
2. Feed them to the downstream casting
Investment Casting
Investment Casting
Steps in investment casting: (3) the pattern tree is coated with a thin
layer of refractory material, (4) the full mold is formed by covering
the coated tree with sufficient refractory material to make it rigid
Investment Casting
Investment Casting
Investment Casting
Steps in permanent mold casting: (2) cores (if used) are inserted and
mold is closed, (3) molten metal is poured into the mold, where it
Die Casting
A permanent mold casting process in which
molten metal is injected into mold cavity under
high pressure
Pressure is maintained during solidification,
then mold is opened and part is removed
Molds in this casting operation are called
dies; hence the name die casting
Use of high pressure (7-35MPa) to force metal
into die cavity is what distinguishes this from
other permanent mold processes
Shrinkage allowance is
not considerable factor
Same as for misrun