Lesson 2: Successful Group Work

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Lesson 2

Successful Group
How can we make group
work succeed?

Tools and Strategies to Ensure

Good Teamwork
Tasks and Responsibilities
within Group Projects

To determine the students’

appreciation of group work.
Think of questions you can
make out of those pictures?
What is a group work?
Group work is a form of
voluntary association of
members benefiting from
cooperative learning, that
enhances the total output of
the activity than when done
What is group work?
Group work involves students
working collaboratively on set
tasks, in or out of the
What is group work?
Group work includes:
 any learning and teaching tasks or
activities that require students to
work in groups
 any formal assessment tasks that
require students to work in groups.
Group work
It aims to cater for individual
differences, develop skills (e.g.
communication skills, collaborative
skills, critical thinking skills),
generic knowledge and socially
acceptable attitudes or to generate
conforming standards of behavior
and judgement, a "group mind".
Aims of group work
The aims of working in small groups include
the development of:

 intellectual understanding, abilities and skills

 communication, cooperative and teamwork
skills such as planning, management,
leadership and peer support
Aims of group work

personal growth (increased self

esteem and self confidence)
 professional growth
(development of professional
standards, values and ethics)
Aims of group work

independence and increased

responsibility for own learning
reflective practices (reviewing
and reflecting, planning for the
Benefits of group work
Benefits of group work

Good reasons to work in groups include:

 1. enhancement of student learning
through the collaborative process
Benefits of group work

 2. value placed on teamwork

skills by employers
3. development of generic
Graduate Attributes and skills
Benefits of group work

4.efficiency in time, cost and

energy for academics
5.reduction in workload
associated with assessment,
grading and feedback.
Why are some students
not enthusiastic about
group work?
Why are students not enthusiastic
about Group Work?
1. Inequitable Contribution-Team
members believe that others are
not putting as much effort as
Why are students not enthusiastic
about Group Work?
2. Lack of Recognition-
 With so many individuals,
contributing, some may feel that
their efforts are not needed or
will not be recognized.
Why are students not enthusiastic
about Group Work?
3. Social Loafing-
 Since students will be
graded as a group, some
members exert less
effort in achieving group
goals .
Social Loafing
Social loafing is the tendency for group
members to exert less effort toward
achieving a goal when engaged in group
work than they would if working
individually. The larger the size of the
group, the greater the tendency for social
loafing to occur since the kind and quality
of each person’s specific contributions
are more difficult to identify.
Social Loafing

Itmost often occurs because group

members think their contributions
will not be individually noticed or
graded, or because they don’t feel
appreciated by their team – so they
don’t feel motivated to perform.
Social Loafing
Consequences of social loafing include
dissatisfaction with the loafing group
member, resentment on the part of team
members who do most of the work, less
productivity, and failure of the group to
become a cohesive, bonded team.
Social Loafing

Free riding is another term for social loafing

and again it occurs when an individual in a
group does not do his/her share of the work,
forcing others to choose between working
harder or accepting a poor project and a lower
grade. As with social loafing, free riding has
negative implications for the success of the
team and the sense of well-being among
Why are students not enthusiastic
about Group Work?
4.Non-cohesive Group-
 if the group is not cohesive, the
members are more prone to social
loafing since they are not
concerned about letting down
their teammates.
Why group work is
Why is it a must to
collaborate, work,
contribute and participate
in a group work?
What benefits can we get
from group collaboration or
collaborating in a group?
Importance of Group Work
Work Skills Skills for Collaboration

o Break complex tasks  Tackle more complex

into parts and shape problems than you could
o Plan and manage on your own
 Delegate roles and
Importance of Group Work
Work Skills Skills for
o Refine Pool knowledge and
understanding skills
through Share diverse
discussion and perspective
Importance of Group Work
o Work Skills o Skills for
o Give and receive Hold one another
feedback on and (be held)
performance accountable
o Challenge  Receive social
support and
encouragement to
take risks
Importance of Group Work
o Work Skills o Skills for Collaboration
o Develop stronger  Develop new
communication approaches to
skills resolving differences
 Established a shared
identity with other
group members.
Strategies to Address Group
o Work Skills o Skills for
o Inequitable  Members must agree on
Contribution of Tasks the division of tasks at the
start of the project. Ask
for suggestions on possible
roles in the team
Strategies to Address Group Issues
o Work Skills o Skills for Collaboration
o Lack of recognition  List specific outputs/
contribution of each
group member. Make an
action plan /timeline for
the group
o Non- cohesive group  Assess the collaborative
skills of yourself and
your peer.
 CollaborationtoolCSAT(2).pdf
Journal Entry no. 1
Activity: My Pledge
Write a pledge of promise as HUMSS student.
State in the pledge the responsibilities and
obligations which will be the springboard to
the next level of the HUMSS Journey.
 Computerized
 Make your own format
 Short bond paper
Commitment Pledge
I,_________________________, recognizing the important responsibility I am
undertaking in serving as a member of the HUMSS 2 Class, hereby pledge to carry
out in a trustworthy and diligent manner the duties and obligations of my role as
a member.
My Commitment:
I will exercise the duties and responsibilities and obligations as a member of this
class with integrity, collegiality, and care.
I Pledge:
1.To establish a high priority with regards to my attendance at all meetings of the
class, committees, and task forces on which I serve.
2. To come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed at
scheduled meetings, having read the agenda and all background material relevant
to the topics at hand.
3. To work with and respect the opinions of my peers and to leave my personal
prejudices out of all class discussions.
4.To always act for the good of the class.
Interpersonal Vs Intrapersonal
Interpersonal Vs Intrapersonal

What is the difference between

interpersonal and intrapersonal?
What is the difference between interpersonal and

Intrapersonal communication is the

communication that occurs within an
individual. An individual uses type of
communication for various purposes such as
analyzing situations, clarifying concepts and
reflecting upon phenomena.
What is the difference between interpersonal and
 Intrapersonal communication
 Thereare 3 elements that govern intrapersonal
communication namely self-concept, perception and
expectation. An individual employs certain methods
to communicate within themselves and these are
internal discourse where thinking , concentration and
analyzing occur, solo vocal communication which
involves speaking out aloud to oneself, and solo
written communication that encompasses writing not
intended for others.
What is the difference between interpersonal and
Interpersonal communication
 is the type of communication that takes
place between people. People communicate
with each other for a number of reasons such
as to explain, to teach, to inquire and to
inform. The channel of interpersonal
communication consists of four basic
elements: sender, message , medium and
What is the difference between interpersonal and
Interpersonal communication
There are verbal and non verbal forms of
communication that are used to conduct
interpersonal communication and these
include letter signs, notes, text messages,
e- mails , memos as well as face to face
The difference is that
"interpersonal" refers to
relationships or actions that take
place between two or more people
while "intrapersonal" refers to things
that go on exclusively within one
Interpersonal Vs Intrapersonal
Interpersonal skills are the tools people use to
interact and communicate with individuals in an
organizational environment.
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
Listening skills
1.Verbal communication- is how and what words are
used to communicate with individuals. It is the ability
to communicate through words with the correct tone
and manner.
2.Non-verbal communication- which consists of
facial expressions, body language, and hand gestures.
3.Listening skills - are the ability to
hear attentively and process
information correctly.
4.Negotiation-having the ability to
discuss and reach an agreement in a
professional manner
5.Problem-solving- ability to find a solution to a
problem after considerable thought.

6.Decision-making - to be able to analyze situations

and develop a professional solution within an
organizational environment. Decision-making is a key
element of interpersonal skills.
7. Assertiveness-do not let other people step on your
Intrapersonal skills

1. Visualization is a
mental preparation
skills considered as
important as physical
skills in overall
Intrapersonal Skills
2. Recognizing Negativity-
It is quite natural to have
occasional negative thoughts, but an
excess of negative thinking can
reproduce negativity in your life. It
is important to be aware of your
intrapersonal negatives and to
correct patterns of negative thought
as they occur.
Intrapersonal skills
 3. Positive Affirmations
 Using positive affirmations is similar to using
visualization for changing intrapersonal
dialogue patterns occurring within. After
recognizing that some negative inner
dialogue is occurring, the best way to reverse
this is to include some positive affirmations,
which can automatically reverse the effect of
the negative thought. A positive affirmation
changes your inner dialogue and allows you to
see things differently.
Intrapersonal Skills
 4. Positive Decision Making
 - is a necessary intrapersonal skill required
for many professions as well as for a
healthy, happy personal life. Well-
developed intrapersonal decision-making
skills can be achieved with practice.


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