Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism: Sociology 111 Fall 2008
Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism: Sociology 111 Fall 2008
Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism: Sociology 111 Fall 2008
cultural relativism
Sociology 111
Fall 2008
Alfred Schutz
German philosopher
and sociologist
Heavily influenced
branch of symbolic
interactionist sociology
called phenomenology
Responsible for the core
concept of social
“The world taken for granted”
Assume that our culture is natural
Deeply penetrates our identity
Evaluate everything through the lens of our
Allows us to easily
function in daily life
Culture shock
Immersion in an
unfamiliar environment
causes disorientation
Radically different
cultures can challenge
or cause us to question
our basic assumptions
Viewing other cultures
through the lens of our
Taking our own culture
as the “norm”
Group solidarity & pride
in heritage
Devaluing groups other
than own
Cultural Relativism
Evaluating a culture
on its own terms
Learning to “see” from
the perspective of
another in order to
understand a culture
Refraining from
making judgments of
“right” and “wrong”
For consideration