03 AT Mega 16 Pin Diagram and Ports Microcontroller
03 AT Mega 16 Pin Diagram and Ports Microcontroller
03 AT Mega 16 Pin Diagram and Ports Microcontroller
The EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Read Only
Memory) is non-volatile memory used as a long time
storage. It has no involvement in executing the main
program. It is used for storing the configuration of the
system and device parameters which continues to work
in the reset of the application processor
EEPROM comes with a limited write cycle up to 100,000
while read cycles are unlimited. While using EEPROM,
write minimum instructions as per requirement, so you
can get benefit from this memory for a longer time.
5. Interrupt
The interrupt is used for an emergency which puts the
main function on hold and executes the necessary
instructions at that time. Once the interrupt is called and
executed the code switches back to the main program.
6. Analog and Digital I/O
Digital I/O modules are used to set a digital
communication between the controller and external
devices. While analog I/O modules are used for
transferring analog information. Analog comparators and
ADC fall under the category of analog I/O modules.
7. Timer/Counter
Timers are used for calculating the internal signal within
the controller. Atmega16 comes with two 8-bit timers and
one 16-bit timer. All these timers work as a counter when
they are optimized for external signals.
8. Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer is a remarkable addition
in this controller which is used to generate
the interrupt and reset the timer. It comes
with 128kHz distinct CLK source.
9. Serial Communication
Atmega16 comes with USART and SPI units
that are used for developing serial
communication with the external devices.
Atmega16 Pinout
PIN Description
Atmega16 is preferred over other
microcontrollers like Atmel 8051 because it
comes with much faster ability to execute
instructions and consist of modified RISC
It has a built-in flash which comes with
features of a bootloader. It has built-in 10-bit
Reset. Pin9 is an active low reset Pin. A low-level pulse for
longer than minimum pulse length will produce a reset. Short
pulses are unlikely to produce reset.
VCC. Pin10 is a power supply pin for this controller. The power
supply of 5 V is required to put this controller in a running
GND. Pin11 is a ground pin.
AREF. Pin32 is an analog reference pin mainly used for A/D
AVCC. Pin30 is an AVCC which is a supply voltage pin for
PORTA and ADC. It is connected to VCC through a low pass
filter in the presence of ADC. However, in the absence of ADC,
AVCC is externally connected to VCC.
Pin 12 & 13. A crystal oscillator is connected with these pins.
Atmega16 works at the internal frequency of 1MHZ; the oscillator
is added to generate high clock pulses and frequency.
AVR controllers come with a wide range of applications
where automation is required. Following are the main
applications of Atmega16.
Medical equipment
Home automation
Embedded systems
Arduino Projects
Used in automobiles and industrial automation
Home appliances and security systems
Temperature and pressure control devices