Unit3-Disc3 1

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Impact of Copyright and

Fair Use on Education

By: Esmeralda Aguilar
ETEC 424
What is Copyright?
Copyright is the legal rights a person has over their creative work.

“Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law
for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright
covers both published and unpublished works.” (Copyright in General. (n.d.).
What is Fair Use?
A small usage of another person’s created work without the original person permission is
under the category of fair use.

The usage of fair use applies when using in certain scenarios such as schoolwork
assignments, news reporting, criticizing or commenting, and comedy or parody purposes.
Important to Consider: Copyright
● Copyright protects originals work like literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. Although
copyright does not protect ideas, systems, and or methods of operation.
● Copyright material can be accessed for educational purposes that is provided from the educator.
● It is important to check for the owner of the work, grant their permission for usage, give proper
credit to the owner, and if necessary, purchase the work.
Important to Consider: Fair Use
There are four points to consider when using fair use.
1. You are able to use only a small portion of the created work.
2. There must be added meaning to the created work to make it original.
3. You must reword the words that you are wanting to fair use in a different manner.
4. When utilizing fair use, you must use the work for non-profitable reasons. You are not allowed to
make money from the new work you have created (Fair Use Animation) [VideoFlim].

It is always important to ensure you are considering the four points for fair use. When
using copyright material the user will need to ensure it is under the fair use category.
Copyright material can be used for great purposes such educational reasons.
Stim, R., & Stim, R. (2017, April 11). What Is Fair Use? Retrieved February 14, 2020, from

Copyright in General. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2020, from


(2014, September 14). Fair Use Animation [VideoFlim] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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