01w Esmeraldaaguilar Unit6 Eps Finalverison

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My Education Philosophy 1

Esmeralda Aguilar

My Educational Philosophy

Texas A&M University- Commerce

Robert Wolfe, Instructor

ETEC 424.01W

April 12, 2020

My Education Philosophy 2

Growing up in school I can remember to this day, teachers who impacted my life

tremendously! I will never forget my second-grade teacher, she was a positive role model for all

her students. She loved all of her students equally, cared for us, and created engaging lessons.

She inspired me in many ways to become a teacher just like her. She inspired me to reach my

goals even if it was simple or major. I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the second grade, my

teacher never let that obstacle define me as a person. She made me believe I am able to do

anything I set my mind to. From her pouring her dedication into her student, it has impacted my

life into becoming a teacher.

The roles and responsibilities of being a teacher involves great responsibility and

compassion towards their students. I want to impact students’ lives to believe they are more than

just a test score or reading level. Teachers are not only teaching academics to their students, but

also most importantly shaping the next generation to become quality learners in society.

Teachers are mentoring, encouraging, and supporting students to reach their full potential in

accomplishing goals inside and outside of the learning setting. As a teacher, it is important we

are advocating for students who feel they do not have a voice.

While in school I struggled primarily in math and reading content areas which resulted in

not being the strongest academic student. I can recall certain teachers who taught me that helped

me to become a successful learner. When a child is learning in a positive environment they are

able to be successful. Because my teachers made impacts in my life, and I want to do the same

for my students.

I am currently employed at a primary school, working with students who are in

kindergarten through third grade. By interacting with all grade levels throughout the school day I

have witnessed every child has a story that needs to be heard and understood. At times, children
My Education Philosophy 3

need guidance and skills in handling their social emotional awareness. When being a teacher it is

important to understand students by providing effective skills for their social emotional

awareness. Teachers need to provide a safe environment for students to feel understood and

supported to accommodate students’ learning.

Educational principles that will help guide me into being a teacher are to encourage

active learning, allow learners to feel comfortable when stating feedback during lectures, and to

establish expectations for students to fulfill. Students need to be encouraged to become active

learners, to be effective learners and listeners in all content areas. When children are active

learners, they have the ability to also be active listeners outside of the learning environment. At

times, during instruction students can feel frustrated and uncomfortable with certain tasks or

subjects. As teachers, it is our responsibility to ensure students feel comfortable to ask questions

for clarification. Teachers need to implement their expectations for students in the classroom.

When expectations are enforced, students take responsibility for their actions. Establishing

education principles allows the teacher to model an example for students.

My goal as an educator is for my students to understand how unique and gifted they are

in their own way. By impacting students’ lives, they will become aware of the goals they are

able to accomplish. I want my students to be avid learners and listeners, allowing them to

become successful outside of the classroom. I hope my future students find a love for learning

even through the difficult moments. It is my responsibility to contribute to the next generation,

by being the best educator I can be. I want to inspire all students to believe in themself no matter

their background because we are all equal.

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