Annc 121910 Scribd
Annc 121910 Scribd
Annc 121910 Scribd
“Love one another as
I have loved you.”
John 15:12
Today, December 19, 2010, is the
Fourth Sunday of Advent, the
beginning of the church year.
During Advent we prepare ourselves
for the coming of the Christ, both as
the Holy Child of Bethlehem and as
the Coming One who will one day
bring the Reign of God to its
ultimate fulfillment.
We are very pleased to have you
with us as together we worship the
Lord with expectancy.
Christmas Cantata
During worship this morning the choir will
present the Christmas cantata, Season of
Wonders, by Joseph M. Martin
There will be no children’s worship today;
we invite the children in grades one to five
to remain in the sanctuary to enjoy the music
Christmas Mini-market
Immediately after worship, until 1:00 p.m.
Fellowship Room
Donate to missions organizations in honor of
your friends and loved ones
This is the final mini-market of 2010
College / Young Adult Bible study
Monday, December 20
7:00 p.m.
Bob and Sarah Turner’s house
Contact Bob for directions
Tuesday Mornings
Tuesday, December 21
10:00 a.m.
Bible study topic: Hosea
Teacher: Bob Turner
Bible study followed by exercise and a
brown-bag lunch
Choir rehearsal
Tuesday, December 21
7:00 p.m.
Ravensworth 101
An introduction to our church for newcomers
February 6, 13, and 20, during the Sunday School
Outreach Focus Areas for 2011-12
Make the church more inviting and receptive to
families with children.
Enhance our identity messages, materials, and
methods to communicate better to those outside
our congregation what is special about
Ravensworth and how through us God can make
a difference in their lives and the lives of others.
Reach out “inside” to connect better with and
retain existing members and long-term visitors.
RBC 411
5100 Ravensworth Road
Annandale, VA 22003
Our Staff:
STEVE HYDE, Senior Pastor
BOB TURNER, Associate Pastor
YOUNG MI SON, Choirmaster/Organist
GAIL FEWELL, Ministry Assistant
RBC 411
RBC is affiliated with the following Baptist groups: