Joseph Kallinger Skill One Using Tech
Joseph Kallinger Skill One Using Tech
Joseph Kallinger Skill One Using Tech
Kallinger was born Joseph Lee Brenner III in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in December 1937
Kallinger was placed in foster care after his
father abandoned his mother in 1939
He was then adopted by Austrian immigrants
Early Life
Stephen and Anna Kallinger.
During his time with his adoptive parents, he
was abused
The abuse was so bad that at age six he
suffered a hernia
The punishments Kallinger endured
Early life
included kneeling on jagged rocks, being
locked inside closets, committing self
cont: injury, being burned with irons, being
whipped with belts, and being starved
When he was nine, he was sexually
assaulted by a group of neighborhood
As a child he was often very rebellious
He often dreamed of becoming a
Teenage years:
Throughout the next decade, Kallinger would spend time in and out of mental
institutions for amnesia, attempted suicide and committing arson.
Kallinger was first arrested and imprisoned in 1972 when his children went to the
While in jail, he had scored 82 on an IQ test and was diagnosed with paranoid
schizophrenia, and state psychiatrists recommended that he be supervised when
with his family.
Upon release he took too violent crimes punishing people the way he was punished
His first victim was known to be a young Puerto Rican boy named Jose who he and
his son lured to an abandoned factory and cut off his genitals
Two years later, one of his children, Joseph, Jr., was found dead in the rubble of an
old building two weeks after Kallinger took out a large life insurance policy on his
Criminal Career Cont:
Ultimately his crime spree spanned for one year
Beginning in July 1974, Kallinger and his 15-year-old son Michael went on a crime spree spanning Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New
Over the next six weeks, they robbed, assaulted, and sexually abused four families and murdered three people, gaining entrance
On January 8, 1975, they continued their spree in Leonia, New Jersey Using a pistol and a knife, they overpowered and tied up the
three residents.
As other family members entered the home, they were forced to strip and bound with cords from lamps and other appliances
This resulted in the killing of 21-year-old nurse Maria Fasching, the eighth person to arrive, when she reprimanded Kallinger and
. Because of his
Kallinger made He then was A book was then The book then was
suicidal and violent
several suicide transferred to a written after an apart of a lawsuit by
behavior, he was
attempts, including mental hospital in interview was one of the victims
transferred to
attempting to set Philadelphia on May conducts with families which they
a mental hospital in
himself on fire 18, 1979. Kallinger won
Trenton, New Jersey.